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Pre-Reading Activities

Part I

1.  Describe a work experience-at a fast food restaurant or simply doing housework for an allowance-any experience that paid a wage or salary.

            Last summer of 1999, I participated in a paid internship at Hurricane Technology, a marketing/licensing company.  I was the marketing assistant of the director of marketing.  My duties included marketing research on the Internet, preparation of marketing kits for the sales staff, data input onto Excel, and general office duties such as filing, faxing, and telephone communication.  Invaluable skills and experience were learned at the job.

            My experience at the internship was incredible.  While most of my other friends were at the beach, summer school, or working in non-payed internships or at fast food restaurants, I had the privilege of working with professionals in the business field.  I was the only student and teenager at the company.  Everyone was at least 21 years old.  However, I did not feel uncomfortable because the environment was very friendly and I was actually learning the trade with challenging tasks rather than the usual filing and stapling that teenagers are assigned to do.

            My supervisor was the director of marketing and I worked very closely with her for about seven weeks.  I helped with the preparations focus group meetings as well as attended them.  I assisted in the creation process of a company portal.  I also attended meetings with Hurricane's advertising agency.  I met many different and interesting people.  This job sharpened my networking skills greatly.

2. After describing the actual work, reflect on what was learned from the experience--for example--the value of money, a sense of responsibility, an understanding of flexibility, an appreciation of the need for cooperation.  You should also consider what was learned about employer/employee relations, bosses, the value (or meaninglessness) of an education.  Be specific-support your assertions with examples.

        Reflecting on my job at Hurricane Technology, I see how much I matured as a person and employee as well as the invaluable skills I learned.  Prior to this job, I only had volunteer experience at a children's head-start program.  Meaning that my services were non paid.  My job at Hurricane was the first paid job I had.  I quickly learned the value of money.  Of course I should have budgeted and saved my salary but I did not.  I quickly went on shopping trips for myself and family.  However, I did spend money on the necessities - transportation and lunch as well as savings for my senior year expenses. For the next job that I attain, I will definitely budget my money as well as save!

        The responsibility I had was tremendous.  I was loyal to my company and always punctual to arrive and complete my assigned tasks.  I was a very efficient worker willing to learn and participate. I learned the business work etiquette.  While at work I observed the employer/employee relationship.  There was always someone above you with a higher position. The higher the position in the company, the greater amount of responsibility as well as work was.  I did notice that everyone worked collaboratively to create a good image for the company.

Part II

List anything you know about unions and how they changed the workplace.  What labor problems have been solved, what's left to do?   You should save this list for use in the post-reading assignments.

            A labor union is defined as an "association of workers for the purpose of improving their economic status and working conditions through collective bargaining."

         The two major types of labor unions include the craft and industrial union.  In the craft union all of the members are skilled in a certain craft.  The industrial union is made up of people in the same industry regardless of their particular skill.

        Collective bargaining is the key factor of labor unions.  A company employer meets with a employee representative to discuss and bargain working conditions.

        Union members represent a variety of people—women and men of all ages, races and ethnic groups. They work in a variety of fields ranging from hospitals and nursing homes, construction sites, trains, buses and airplanes. They are security guards, musicians, electricians, postal workers, janitors and more.  Union members are from all races and all career fields.

            The following statistics were recorded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Union  Bureau of Labor Statistics.  "Union membership helps raise workers' pay and narrow the income gap that disadvantages minorities and women. Union workers earn 30 percent more than nonunion workers.  The union wage benefit is even greater for minorities and women. Union women earn 35 percent more than nonunion women, African American union members earn 39 percent more than their nonunion counterparts and for Latino workers, the union advantage totals 55 percent."

            Labor unions provide employees with better wages and increased job security for workers.  Individual complaint by workers is  not very effective.  Employees lack the individual capacity to influence firms.  Labor unions offer a collective voice to ease difficulties of job situations.  The workforce is based on human resources and an unhappy worker affects output.   Individuals who contribute their working lives to the success of their employers deserve a collective say in how those firms operate.

         The role of labor unions in our society is a very controversial issue.  It benefits employees but does it do the same for employers?  Many think not.  Labor unions provide a voice for the people.  Labor unions work collectively to voice the opinions of employees and achieve better working conditions, hours, and wage.

         I am for labor unions.  Labor unions will definitely affect me because of my future career goals.  I plan to major in elementary education at Hunter College this fall.  As a teacher, we will need support to achieve the goals that we have.  If we voice our thoughts as a group rather than individually, it is more likely that we will be heard.

Part III

Do research online on "U.S. Proposes Stricter Ways to Test Meat" or information that explains the permitted process of meat testing.

In order for accurate testing of ground beef to occur, the fat content must be controlled.  Ground beef is normally tested  by taking a sample from the discharge doors, using a rapid method to adjust the fat and then discharging the entire blend to the final grind.

 Each step in the sampling process should be carefully recorded, using distinct identifiers for each type of sample, in order get good results from testing.  The recorded data can provide useful process descriptions for hazard analysis and control plan sampling.  The data must be recorded consistently or else an error will result at the lab.

Part IV
Read Susan Faludi's essay "The Wages of the Backlash:  The Toll on Working Women," and reply.


To Whom It May Concern:

        I am writing this letter in regard to reprimand Ms. Pat Lorance.  Apparently she has not followed
company policies and must now suffer the consequences of her actions.
        Due to recession in the economy, workers have been laid of work here at the company.  We did the
favor  of not laying off Ms. Lorance but rather placing her in her original position as bench hand.
Instead of being grateful that she still had a source of income coming, Ms. Lorance questioned authority.
For the above reasons, Ms. Pat Lorance is being reprimanded.  Please excuse us for any inconveniences.


John Smith


Dear Pat Lorance,

        I am writing this letter to excuse my self for the course of my actions against you.  You came to
me for help and i like the rest of the males, shunned you and gave you my back rather than a helping
hand.  For this reason, I apologize to you.
      You and I both know that the sexual discrimination which occurs in this work place is illegal.
Although I may lose my job for saying these things, we both know that it is the truth.  I advise you to
get a lawyer and immediately file suit.


John Smith


Dear Sir or Madam:

        I am writing in concern to the recent actions taken by the company to layoff certain workers.
Apparently women were the first to be laid off regardless of their seniority at the company.  Pat
Lorance, one of the four females who were laid off, was immediately reprimanded for questioning
authority.  Was that just?  I believe not.
        I recommend that the company give equal opportunities to women as they do to men.  Women, like
any man, can perform good human labor.  They are an asset and an aid to the success of a company.  Also,
the women have immediately filed suit against the company for sexual discrimination.  Due to the
probable outcome for this suit, which will hinder the company, I think that we should give the women
with the right skills, qualifications, and education background the opportunity to rise on the company
    I apologize for any inconveniences I have caused, but these are my true feelings.  I advise that you
follow my lead concerning the female workforce in the company before things turn for the worse.
Thank you.


John Smith