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A letter from one character in the United States assessing the situation and trying  to decided if the family would be better off returning to the "old country."

Dear Jonas,

         I know that we planned to bring the entire family here to America since Ona's father has passed away and left you with little money.  However, I think that there should be a change of plans.  Coming to America is not the wisest decision at the moment.  I will explain to you why the change of mind.
        To everyone who hears the word America, a vision of freedom, independence, and wealth is immediately seen.  America is envisioned to be the land of wonder and opportunity.  In reality, the United States is a place to prosper but only for those with the right skills, education, and connections.  Right now, the economic situation is bad.  The job opportunities are very competitive.  The wages are incredibly low and the working conditions are  terrible.
        Jonas, you may not understand my reasons for not recommending that you come to America.  But please listen to me as I only mean well.  I am trying to prevent future suffering and hardship for the entire family.  I have seen many families with the same dreams, ambitions and goals as you all only to come to the United Sates and be exploited like animals in a jungle.  Once gain I apologize for the change in plans.  I advise that you continue in Lithuania.


Jokubas Szedvilas