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Scene 2 -- Scene 3 -- Scene 4 -- Journal -- Scene 5 -- Scene 6 -- Scene 7

JOURNAL:    Compare & contrast movie and book.

Aim: How does Shakespeare develop the setting, themes and supernatural mood in I, i of Macbeth?

•Setting- time and place - In a heath, a wild and lonely place in Medieval England

•Mood- Mysterious, suspenseful, dreadful

•Theme- Confusion of good and bad, beauty and ugliness

•What words in scene i indicate the mood of the play? Thunder, lightning, witches, fog, filthy air

•Which line reveals the theme? "Fair is foul, and foul is fair."

Scene 2

Aim: What is Macbeth's reputation?

Journal: What's your understanding of reputation and character?

            Reputation and character are two terms used to describe a human being.  A person's reputation is how other's see him or her and their feelings toward that person.  Character is all of the qualities such as feelings, thoughts, written, and verbal expressions a person portrays.  Basically, reputation is a certain image portrayed by others of a certain person, as character is the actual qualities and personality of a person.  Both reputation and character describe a person but from different perspectives.

 How is Macbeth described for his action in the battlefield?
            Macbeth is described as brave, valiant and a worthy gentleman.

•What expressions have other characters used to refer to Macbeth's reputation? Make a list of such words and phrases.
            -Captain says (line 18) "Brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name)...
            -Duncan (line 77) "What he hath lost noble Macbeth has won."

•In lines 39" As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion", what animals is Macbeth compared to? Why?
          Macbeth is compared to the hare the lion because of his bravery and victory during the war.

Scene 3

Aim: How do Macbeth and Banquo react to the witches' prophecies respectively?

Journal:  How does character influence one's reaction to a promise of power?

        Character influences one's reaction to a promise of power as presented in scene 2 of Macbeth.  Duncan and the Captain had decided to give Macbeth the title of ruler based on his reputation and his character quality.  Macbeth appears to be a humble man and we would think that he would receive the news with great nobleness.  Therefore one's character determines what ambitious thoughts, if any, you will have upon the matter.

•Make a list of words or expressions that describe the witches' appearance

The witches were described as withered, wearing wild attire, choppy fingers, skinny lips, beards, and they look like foreigners of earth.

•What are the three prophecies that the witches promise Macbeth? Banquo?

Macbeth's prophecies are that he will be Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King.

•Pick 2-4 lines from line 54-65 that explain Banquos's reaction to the prophecy.

"Good sir, why do you start and seem to fear
Things that do sound so fair?  I' the name of truth,
Are ye fantastical, or that indeed
Which outwardly ye show?

•In line 81, why does Banquo compare the witches to "bubbles"?

Banquo compares the witches to bubbles because they appear and disappear instantaneously as bubbles do.

•What news has Ross brought to Banquo immediately after the witches' prophecies? Why is the interlude important to the development of the play?

Macbeth has been named Thane of Cawdor by Duncan.  This is important to the development of the play because two of the witches prophecies have come true.  Will the third?

Scene 4

Aim: To continue the discussion of how the witches' prophecies affect Macbeth and Banquo.

1. Why is ironic about Duncan's comment on former Thane of Cawdor,"There's no art
   To find the mind's construction in the face:  He was a gentleman on whom I built
   An absolute trust."

If he could easily detect feelings on a facial expression, how could he have not seen that the former Thane of Cawdor was a traitor?

2. What did Duncan give to Macbeth as reward for his bravery? To Banquo?

Duncan gave to Macbeth a visit to Macbeth's castle from him and to Banquo deep gratitude.

3. What announcements did Duncan make in this scene? Why are they crucial to the development of the play?

Duncan announces that Malcolm is heir to the throne.  This is crucial to the devlopment of the play because Macbeth's chances of becoming king are reduced.

4. Use double entry journal to respond to Macbeth's aside (lines 55-60)
    The Prince of Cumberland! that is a step
    On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap,
    For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires;
    Let not light see my black and deep desires:
    The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be,
    Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.

He must either fail or succeed, nothing in between.  He wants to hide his murderous thoughts and hopes for the king's murder, although he does not want to witness it.

5. What images do you see in the aside?

Images of fear and darkness are seen aside.

JOURNAL:    Compare & contrast movie and book.

        A book that I read and later saw the movie was "The Old Man and the Sea".  While reading the book I admit that I grew bored because I could not visualize the old man's struggles.  I also found the plot to be very repetitive as the old man followed the same daily routine.  After reading the book, I saw the movie on television.  I could now visually see the characters and the series of events the old man went through to achieve his goal.  I no longer found the book boring as I saw the entire theme in an entirely different viewpoint.  Both the book and the movie were very similar.  The words and scenes were followed almost exactly, with very slight variations.

JOURNAL:    My understanding of Macbeth so far based on the text we read and the movie we saw:

       My understanding so far of Macbeth is that he is a man who lets the greed for power and ambition interfere with his good judgment.  It appears that Macbeth is a good man incapable of committing any malice to anyone, as his inner thoughts reveal.  I sense that the witches prophecies are all true and if Macbeth ignores them he will brutally cause destruction. It appears that Lady Macbeth is a very strong woman who will go to the extreme to give her husband happiness.

Scene 5

Aim: What kind of man is Macbeth based on Lady Macbeth's comments on her husband? What character is Lady Macbeth?

Journal Writing- In your view, what is the wife's role in helping her husband fulfill his ambition?

In my view, the wife is to help fulfill her husband's ambition as long as it does not cause any harm to others. In the case of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth was willing to go to the extreme to assure his happiness. I personally do not agree with her judgment to kill Duncan because although the wife should be supportive she should not be an accomplice or encouraging factor in an insane act.

1. What kind of relationship is there between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as indicated in the letter he wrote to Lady Macbeth?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth seem to have a very close relationship in which they can confide their inner thoughts and feelings.

2.Listen to the recording of Lady Macbeth's monologue expressing her opinions on Macbeth, and try to select expressions that depict Macbeth. Then break them down and put in your double entry journal to respond. For example;

1. It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness/To catch the nearest way.  Macbeth is too soft a person, pure and infirm, which will not help him make shortcut in fulfilling his dreams.

Macbeth is too good, not courageous enough to achieve his happiness.

2. thou wouldst be great;

    Art not without ambition, but without

    The illness should attend it:

Macbeth lacks the wickedness to combine with his ambition.

3.what thou wouldst highly,

 That wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false,

 And yet wouldst wrongly win

He wants the power but wants to gain it with respect. However, he knows that by killing the king power can be easily gained.

4.Thus thou must do, if thou have it;

    And that which rather thou dost fear to do

    Than wishest should be undone.

Macbeth wants to be king, even if becoming king requires murder.  What he fears most can only be overcome by fulfilling the deed.

3. What does Lady Macbeth decide to do based on the lines

"I may pour my spirits in thine ear;

    And chastise with the valour of my tongue

    All that impedes thee from the golden round,

    Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem

    To have thee crown'd withal."?

Lady Macbeth wants to give Macbeth her strength to drive out his fears and anything else that stands in the way of the crown.

4. What is the symbolic meaning of "raven"(line 45)?

The raven symbolizes evil and misfortune, indicating approaching death.

5.Use double-entry journal to respond-

1.Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts,

Calling the evil spirits to rid her conscience of guilt.

2. unsex me here

Asking to take away her feminism.

3.fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty

Completely take over her body with the courage of cruelty.

4. Make thick my blood

Lady Macbeth asks to make herself strong.

5. Stop up the access and passage to remorse,

Block out the guilt and conscience.

6. That no compunctious visitings of nature

    Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between

    The effect and it!

Let no guilt get in the way of her murderous plan.

7.Come to my woman's breasts, And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers,

Take away her most feminine possession, her breasts' milk.

6. What images do you see in the last few lines of Lady Macbeth's soliloquy? Do they resemble the one in Macbeth's lines," Stars, hide your fires;/Let not light see my black and deep desires"?

I see images of darkness - "Thick night, smoke of hell, and blanket of dark."  These images resemble the one in macbeth's lines because both try to hide the obscure thoughts they have of crime.

7. How did Lady Macbeth greet her husband? What solution is implied in this greeting?(lines61-65)

Lady Macbeth greets her husband as "worthy Cawdor" as he wrote in the letter and as the witches prophecized.

8. When Macbeth told Lady Macbeth that Duncan came to visit that same night, how did Lady Macbeth react tot he news?

Lady Macbeth said that Duncan will not live through the night.

9. What did she advise Macbeth to do?

She advised Macbeth to act as a good host to fool everyone of their evil plot.

10. Respond in your journal the lines-

" look like the innocent flower,/But be the serpent under't. " How do the lines reflect the theme?

Visually appear as the beautiful, innocent object but really be the ugly, evil creature beneath it.  These lines reflect the theme because the contrasting views of good and bad, beuty and ugliness are illustrated.

11. Conduct a brief group discussion on Lady Macbeth's character. What do you think of her? If such a woman existed in today's society, what would she be capable of doing and what would be your opinions on her? Report the result to the whole class.

Lady Macbeth appears to be a very courageous woman, but internally I think that she is very weak.  Her inner thoughts reveal her true feelings of worry as she tries to be brave and fulfill her husband's ambition.

Scene 6

Aim: What is the scene a good example of irony-dramatic and verbal?

1. What does Banquo reveal about his character in his observations about the nesting habits of birds?

Banquo always holds a leveled head with good judgement.  His observations reveal his goodness.

2. Do you consider it strange that Lady Macbeth greets the King along? Although it is not mentioned in the scene, but what do you think is the reason that Lady Macbeth gives Duncan to excuse his absence?

I do not cosider it strange that Lady Macbeth greets the King along because she is very good at presenting false, exterior images of her character.  She probably tells Duncan that Macbeth is preparing the great feast for him as the least they can do for his giving acts.

Scene 7

Aim: What is the conflict that Macbeth experiences before the murder of Duncan? How does Lady persuade Macbeth to do what he wishes?

Journal -When a wife argues with her husband, what kind of argument she may use to win if she is determined enough?

When a wife argues with her husband she can manipulate affection to her benefit.  By using words such as "if you loved me you would..." she can sumewhat make her husband vulnerable.  She can also question his manly characteristics, something that any man is very protective about.

1. Listen to the recording of the scene. What emotions are expressed, and what lines are emphasized. Do you agree with such a treatment of characters?

Confusion, anger, and frustration are expressed.  Lines emphasized are "Art thou aferad to be the same in thine own act and valor as thou art in desire."

3. What conclusion did he draw after the debate with himself?

He will no longer proceed with the plot to murder Duncan.

4. But how did Lady Macbeth "prick the sides of his intent"?

She uses sarcasm to describe Macbeth's ambition, calls him weak and a coward, compares him to a cat who wouldn't catch fish because he feared wet feet, and tells him that he talked bravely before and now that the time has come to act he is afraid.