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Update 12/02:
This is my Pontiac Fiero page. And this is my Honda Prelude page.
Update 5/30:
It took me forever, but I finally colored a picture of Rei Ayanami from Evangelion HERE.
Update 3/8:
We now have our own domain name.
Update 3/8:
Warning: Black Zero comics section updated. New preview of page 5. Go look. Now.
Update 2/12:
Fucking basterds never gave me the free tshirt. fucking pieces of shit.

Won a T-Shirt design contest for video game team's website called TGL(Team Gwai Lo) .

"And The Winner Is.... After several days of deliberation we've finally agreed upon a winner. And the winner is .... Francis Urmaza! We couldn't decide between the two designs .. so both of you have won. You can check out the t-shirt designs here and here. We'd like to say thank you to everyone who sent in designs!"