Mex's website

Hi everyone. I'm Joe (a.k.a. Mex). I decided to give this site a little bit of a make-over. I am working at the G Spot (Garden Factory)right now. I am also going to college. Other than that I really don't do anything. Enjoy what I have here for you.

Universal Mind

Guess who makes me sick?

These people


Here's my tribute to the women I have been with and what they are.

Tom Brady, oh yes!

Oh, Tom Brady is the man of my dreams! Here's how I really feel about Tom Brady.


I was privelaged to have an interview with the former Miami Dolphin. It's all here.

Like Comic book movies?

Do me a favor and drop dead if you like this shit immdediately.

Help Me!

Annihilate this guy immediately!

It was inevitable

Inspired in part by the Mike Vitale Away Message Program, here is a list of funny things said during conversation.

The Basics of Making a Shitty Punk Band

Here's how to make a band that will allow me to take aim with a sniper rifle at you.

Hate Pop Culture?

I got your pop culture right here


Yes, I updated the website, but mainly cuz I was pissed. Click here

Are you anti-war?

Well, I am anti-hippy. Click here to find out why.

I have jumped on the bandwagon

Yup. I wrote something about the President and the War. Click here.

I'm Sorry

That's right. I'm saying that I'm sorry. This is regarding my last post stereotyping all women. So, I have something for you women. It's right here.

Are you a golddigging bitch?


To see a review of the sickest show ever, click here

Happy Valentine's Day

If you want to know how much I love Valentine's Day, click here

Hate Old People?

I do. Share my pain. Click here.

The Truth

Here are some facts of life.

The following link discusses
  1. Cher
  2. Dave Matthews
  3. and subway

Find out more here

More People I Hate

Are YOU one of the people I hate? Click here to find out.

I have met the world's biggest tool

Click here to learn about him.


Next time you go to the hospital try some of these things out

I hate MCC

I hate MCC so much. Here is why.

Ok, there's a lot of shit bothering me right now:
  1. I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I didn't wander forty years in the desert after getting chased out of Egypt, I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you, so shut the fuck up already.
  2. I think the cops have every fucking right to shoot your sorry ass if you're running from them. I also think they have the right to pull your ass over if you are breaking the law, regardless of what color you are.
  3. I don't think being a minority makes you noble or victimized.
  4. If you are too fucking stupid to know how a ballot works, I don't want you deciding who should be running the greatest and most powerful nation of the world for the next four years.
  5. Tattoos and piercing are fine if you want them, but please don't give me that "they are a political statement" bullshit.
  6. Global warming is a big lie. Where are all those "experts" now, when I am freezing my ass through a long winter?
  7. Everyone has a right to pray to his or her God or gods, just leave the rest of us the fuck out of it. This also applies to sexuality.
  8. Oh, um, it's called the Boy Scouts for a reason.
  9. And lastly, I would like to say Dr. Seuss was a fucking genius.


Do you need a lubricant for self maintenance? I have provided a list of household items and other weird things that work in a pinch. Click here, it's confidential and no one will know you were here.

Just in!

The torturous deaths from Joe Martinez. Click Here

To all my friends...

Brand new ways to say masturbating. Click here

To any woman in need...

Aside from my other obvious talents, I am also a male dancer/escort/gigolo. Click Here

To anybody who hates Chris Fink

There is a club for you to join. It is called the "Chris Fink Haters Club". It was started by me and Adam Kessler in 1999. for an application to join, click here

Here's how bored I am right now...

The movie Poltergeist is cursed, check it out here


Sweet concert. Absolutely unforgettable.


Dream Theater was probably one of the best concerts ever. Purely amazing.

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