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Vote for stuff

Your favorite stuffHere is our voting page so we know what YOU like! Just vote for stuff you are in to and I promise--Every vote counts Big time. So here we go.

Your favorite punk or ska band!

Tell us your favorite punk or ska band and tell us why you picked it! Click here to voteok thanks. You can probably expect a reply from cool! Now for more things to vote for!

Favorite Dropkick Murphys song

You gotta tell us your favorite DK murphys song, If a couple people vote for it- we'll probably put it on the lyrics page. Click here to vote for a song

Favorite lead singer in a band

Who's your favorite lead singer? Tim Armstrong? Al Barr? You must tell us! We're going to make a dedication page to who gets the most votes. Click here to vote for best lead singer DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! YOUR VOTE COUNTS! NOW CHECK OUT THE OTHER PAGES. ROCK ON.
Thank you.
A KT and Erin site

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