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This is going to be the begining of a very long and im sure it will turn out to be time consuming process. I inteed to fight the situation that i am faced with... America online has decided to force me to relinquish my screen name "heyismokebongs" ....for what reason you ask?? i have no clue. it all started when someone (probally bored or just "tring to help") decided to notify aol....Then i recieve an email that says "we are aware of the folowing screen name(s) on your account which violate these terms. A warning has been noted on your account history. Future violations could result in termanation of this account""...screen names that contain vulgar of sexually explicit language, impersonate or harass other people"......well yoU get the point....sO i decIded to tRy to dIg deePer into this.....ameRica online obviousaly Has a proBlem wiTh the word BONG......but why..iS bonG expliCit??...i dont think so....dOes bonG hArass or impersonate any1??.....HOW??? bonG vulGar...?

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