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I have a bunch of little paper stubs that I keep in a large KISS Animalize mug. These stubs have band's names, dates, cities, and sometimes dollar values on them. But, more importantly, these stubs contain some great memories. Here are my memories of many of the concerts I've been to. The list is complete but, obviously, the memories are not. I will complete them sometime. I have no idea when, but they'll get done eventually because I know at some point I'll have to make some room in my brain for new memories.

Elvis Presley - Syracuse, NY - 7/27/76 - I obviously don't remember this show very well, seeing as I was only 4 years old, but it is a pretty cool thing to brag about. How many other people born in the 1970's can say they've been to an Elvis Presley concert? I do know that it was at the War Memorial and I went with my Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, brother and (I think) 2 cousins. This is a picture from that show that I found on some photographer's website. Elvis still rules.
KISS w/Queensryche - Syracuse, NY - 11/20/84 - $11.50 - This is the first show I actually remember going to. It was very fitting that it should be my favorite band. I went with my brother, my cousin Tim (now "Mister Tim") and my friend Eric. Eric and I (well, mostly I) made a large banner to bring to the show. During the show, without us knowing, some hoodlums stole the banner from our seat. Someone else got it from them and returned it to us. I do not remember Queensryche at all, I just wanted them to hurry up so I could see KISS. I was a huge KISS fan before this show, but after seeing them I thought they were the coolest thing since Spaghettios. There was no stopping me now.
KISS w/King Kobra - Utica, NY - 4/2/86 - $14.50 - I told you there was no stopping me. This was KISS's colorful tour. It was also general admission, so my friend Jeff and I were determined to get up close. We waited in line out front, where I almost got my leg broken by the herds of cattle, and we did get very close to the stage. However, being 13 years old, we weren't tall so we couldn't see very well. But there was no missing the gigantic logo, the great song selection, and the rush you feel seeing your favorite band.
Alice Cooper w/Vinnie Vincent Invasion - Syracuse, NY - 12/15/86 - $14.50 - Around this time I was just getting into Alice Cooper. I had seen his comeback concert on Halloween night on MTV, and I thought his show was awesome. So, I think I went to this show by myself. I wanted to see VVI as well, because of the KISS connection. Between the blinding pink outfits, Mark Slaughter's screeching, and Vinnie's sloppy speed playing, it was a very odd show. I thought they were great back then for some reason.
Frehley's Comet - Lost Horizon, Syracuse, NY - 06/25/87 - Another ex-KISS member's show that I went to see by myself. Actually, I met Jeff and his brother Chris there. It was the first time I went to the Lost Horizon, and I tripped walking down to the stage area. Someone tried to rip a chain off of Ace's boot and we noticed that when, a few days later, he hosted Headbanger's Ball he wore the same boot with the chain partly ripped off. I got some good photos from this show too.
Alice Cooper w/Frehley's Comet & Faster Pussycat - Binghamton, NY - 11/8/87 - Same show as below, just alot closer and general admission. I also got "blood" from one of the huge balloons Alice throws out on my white Clockwork Orange shirt. I saved that shirt and I still have it...somewhere. This show started my hatred for Faster Pussycat, who I ended up seeing about 76 more times without wanting to. Alice was great. This was my favorite tour of his until the Brutal Planet tour. Can you believe these ticket prices? DAMN.
Alice Cooper w/Frehley's Comet & Faster Pussycat - Albany, NY - 11/13/87 - $14.50 - Alice must've loved taking ex-KISS members out on the road with him. My friend Ken and I sat way up on the right side, so we couldn't see very well.
KISS w/Ted Nugent - Utica, NY - 1/22/88 - $16.50 - Using my "connections" I got backstage passes to this show for Jeff and I. There was a bit of trouble getting them at the front window. The woman working there, apparantly missing a contact, could not see my name on the list when we could see it thru the window. We waited in the "meet & greet" room during Ted Nugent's set, not caring about him at all. KISS finally came in about 15 minutes before their show. I got my Crazy Nights LP signed by Paul, Gene, & Bruce (twice). Unfortunately, Eric had left for the stage before I had a chance to meet him. Also unfortunate was that Jeff, who had the camera, got separated from me somehow. So, Jeff got some swell pictures but neither of us are in them. The show, as always, did not disappoint in the least.
The Morton Downey Jr. Show - Syracuse, NY - 10/15/88 - $15.50 - I think my friend Matt and I went to this show because we thought it might be funny and because we thought it was going to be on TV. It was neither of those things. Being at the Landmark Theater, it was very hard to hear what was being said as well. There was just a couch set up, and Morton yelled at some people for about an hour.
Sam Kinison - Syracuse, NY - 2/28/89 - $17.50 - Speaking of not being able to hear very well, this Landmark Theater show was another example. What Ken and I could hear was very funny. The microphone would squeal with feedback whenever Sam screamed. I thought I was watching Mark Slaughter again. Also, there were some people protesting outside with picket signs chanting "Anti-Women, Anti-Gay, Sam Kinison go away". Sam, of course, made fun of them profusely during his set.
Metallica w/Queensryche - Syracuse, NY - 3/18/89 - $15.50 - This is the first rock show (excluding Elvis) that I went to that didn't include KISS or a former member of KISS. I went with John and Brian Kennedy (I think). I remember being more impressed with Queensryche this time then I was before. Metallica was also still Metallica. They hadn't yet changed to Alternica.
Ozzy Osborne w/White Lion & Vixen - Weedsport, NY - 7/4/89 - $15 - I was kind of dragged to this show by Ken. The only memory I have is that a massive fight broke out when White Lion played their "Greenpeace" song, When The Children Cry.
Metallica w/The Cult - Weedsport, NY - 7/16/89 - $18 - Another great Metallica show. Nothing memorable really happened. I can't even remember who I went with. It was either Chris or my brother. I was also very impressed with The Cult.
Bangles w/Christmas - Syracuse, NY - 7/30/89 - $16.50 - I went to this show at the Miller Court (not during State Fair time) with Chris. We got right next to the stage but kept being jammed in the leg by a wheelchair that was right next to us. During the opening band, much like a stressed-out shopping center Santa, I couldn't wait for Christmas to be over with. Bangles were great, little did I know of the Behind The Music-style troubles they were having. I also seemed a little out of place in the crowd, consisting mostly of dumb jocks and preppie (for lack of a better word) girls. So, with my long hair and jean jacket, I stuck out like, ummm, something that sticks out alot. I also was clearly a fan, singing along to all of their songs. So, when Debbi and Vicki came over at the end of the show and shook my hand and didn't shake anyone else's hand, I felt like they noticed that I was a real fan and appreciated it. They were probably sick of 99% of the people there who only came to hear "Walk Like An Eqyptian", and who acted bored when the band was playing some of my favorite songs.
Don Henley w/Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians - Syracuse, NY - 8/29/89 - $16 - I think Ken dragged me to this show. I don't remember much about it, except that earlier that day I ripped one of my contact lenses. So, I had to watch the whole show with one eye closed. For those keeping score, that's the second reference to a missing contact.
Rolling Stones w/Living Colour - Syracuse, NY - 9/21/89 - $29 - I went to this Carrier Dome show with my brother. I had to wait in line for 8 hours to get a wristband, then 3 days later, I had to wait in line for 83 hours to get tickets. Lucky for me, they added a second show when I was nearly up to the ticket window. So I got good floor seats for the second show. My brother and I were just about the only ones there who enjoyed Living Colour. The Stones were awesome, I found out at this show why they've been around so long. I had never known that there was a reverse vacuum effect when exiting the Carrier Dome. It feels like a huge gust of wind hits you from behind when you leave the building. Anyway, I bought a Living Colour shirt and 2 Stones shirts and I had them draped across my shoulder on the way out. When the "wind" hit me, it blew the shirts off of my shoulder and they landed on this woman's head and back who was walking in front of me. Feeling stupid, I made a joke about it and said accusingly, "Excuse me, these are mine", like she was trying to steal them by putting them on the back of her head. I thought that was kind of funny and clever of myself, but she was not amused.
Great White w/Tesla & Badlands - Syracuse, NY - 10/28/89 - $15.50 - This was a good guitar rock show that I went to with John, Brian M., and some other friends from school. It was a bit boring at times, and I probably could've stayed home and not felt sorry for missing the show.
Motley Crue w/Warrant - Rochester, NY - 12/18/89 - $18.50 - Motley Crue was great. Warrant was disappointing, which was the beginning of a trend for them. Between EVERY song Jani Lane tried to yell as many vulgar words in as short a space of time as possible. On the way home Chris drove in a ditch because we all fell asleep. We woke up looking at nothing but snow thru the windshield, but somehow he just drove out of it.
Aerosmith w/Skid Row - Syracuse, NY - 1/24/90 - $20.50 - I went to this show with John and Brian K. Both bands were incredible and full of energy. I also came to find out that my future girlfriend, Kelly, was at this show not too far away from me. It's amazing that someone so important in my life now was so close to me then and I didn't even realize it until we recently compared our concert memories.
KISS w/Slaughter & Little Caesar - Weedsport, NY - 6/16/90 - $15 - Another great KISS show, this time with Jeff at an outdoor arena. We heard the band doing a soundcheck while we were waiting outside and they played I Was Made For Lovin' You. We thought they were going to play that song at the show, which we had never seen them play, but they didn't. The stage show was completely different then anything they had before, with the large sphinx (they called Leon) that they came out of and shot lasers out of. Once again, I thought I heard a banshee screaming during the opening act, but it was just Slaughter.
Joe Satriani w/Stuart Hamm - Darien Lake, NY - 07/27/90 - $21.95 -
Iron Maiden w/Anthrax - Rochester, NY - 1/19/91 - $16.50 - This was a great metal show I saw with John and Brian K. I believe this was the last Anthrax tour with Joe Belladonna. Iron Maiden was simply perfect. We also went to the infamous House Of Guitars earlier that day.
ZZ Top w/The Black Crowes - Syracuse, NY - 2/9/91 - $21 - I went to this show because I liked the Black Crowes. ZZ Top was about as boring a band live as they were in their videos.
Bad Company w/Damn Yankees - Syracuse, NY - 3/26/91 - $12.50 - Another show where I went to see the opening band. Bad Company was boring as hell. It could have been them, Foghat, Lynyrd Skynyrd, or Led Zeppelin and I wouldn't have known the difference.
Stephen King - Syracuse, NY - 4/26/91 - $18 - This was a show I went to with Scott that was for some sort of charity. It was cool to hear his views on some things, but it was also pretty boring. We brought our "It" books with us, hoping we might get them autographed. We didn't.
Mr. Big – Lost Horizon, Syracuse, NY – 08/09/91
Red Hot Chili Peppers w/Smashing Pumpkins & Pearl Jam - Syracuse, NY - 11/7/91 - $19.50 - Finally, a good headlining band! I had no idea who the opening bands were, or how big they would become. RHCP were as good as I thought they would be. Completely by accident, Scott and I met Flea and Anthony outside the arena.
Howie Mandel - Syracuse, NY - 1/31/92 - $21 - Very funny show but, aside from making fun of several members of the audience, it was about the same as his HBO special.
KISS w/Faster Pussycat & Trixter - Binghamton, NY - 10/2/92 - $20.50 - This was a general admission show I chose to watch from the first row on the side of the arena so I could see over everyone. My brother and Frank chose to watch from the floor. It was great to hear them play some of the new songs from Revenge, which was quickly becoming my favorite KISS album. They also played alot of older songs that I had never seen them play live before. And, again, the stage was unlike anything they had ever done. It had the Statue Of Liberty in the back with the rest of the stage looking like a destroyed city. Toward the end of the show, the "skin" exploded off of Lady Liberty revealing a skeleton giving the middle finger. Of course, I had to sit thru Faster Pussycat again. This time fans were chanting "We Want KISS!" during their set. The singer, Taime Downeandkickmyass, told everyone, "Just shut the f*** up, you'll get your KISS!". Well, needless to say, the crowd just loved him after that. And, TRIXTER??!! If they spent as much time working on their songs as they did on poofing their hair they might have had a good show. I don't know what KISS what thinking bringing these two bands on the road with them.
Great White w/ The Lost – Lost Horizon, Syracuse, NY – 06/10/93 – Free (for me)
Spin Doctors w/Soul Asylum & Screaming Trees - Weedsport, NY - 6/29/93 - $22 - These bands are now in the "Where Are They Now And Who Really Cares?" file. I remember liking some of Spin Doctor's songs. I think Screaming Trees were a bunch of fat guys. Sorry, I'm stretching for interesting facts here, I just don't remember much about this show.
A Tribe Called Quest - Syracuse, NY - 5/94 - Free - Finally, I got to see a good rap show, and for free! I had always liked Tribe, ever since I saw their "I Left My Wallet In El Segundo" video on Yo! MTV Raps. Their albums kept getting better and better after that. I still think Q-Tip is the coolest name for a rapper. Once again, I stuck out like a sore thumb (THAT'S the played-out cliche I was looking for earlier!) in a crowd that was mostly black college students. I was also rapping along with every song, obviously being more familiar with their songs then most of the drunk students.
Metallica w/Danzig & Suicidal Tendencies - Syracuse, NY - 6/5/94 - $21 - Metallica was no longer the cool Metallica that I grew up with. All of their new material sucked and they turned into a completely different band. However, they were still incredible live, and they still played all of those cool old songs. The only bad thing (aside from the foul new songs) was that they played for about 8.2 hours. I don't remember much about the opening bands. Maybe it was because I got there late, I'm not sure.
W.O.M.A.D. Tour (Live, Arrested Development, others) - Saratoga, NY - 7/17/94 - $20 - What DOES WOMAD mean? I have no idea. Anyway, Arrested Development was dope. Before the show, their DJ had a little "Learn how to scratch" booth set up near where the t-shirts were sold. Live, just like nearly every other new band that came out at this time, were boring as hell. I'd like to make some joke about how Live were Dead, but I won't. That would be stupid.
Lollapalooza (Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie Boys, A Tribe Called Quest, L7, Green Day, George Clinton, etc.) - Saratoga, NY - 8/2/94 - $31 - I enjoyed most of the bands that played, surprisingly. George Clinton was funky (I know that's hard to believe). I think he played 2 songs that lasted his whole set. Green Day was cool, I enjoyed their Dookie stuff. That sounds gross. L7 had alot of energy but their songs were kind of dumb. A Tribe Called Quest was dope again. And, of course, the Beastie Boys ruled. I had wanted to see them live for awhile. I wish they hadn't done their ridiculous "jam session" though. They should definately stick with rapping. Also, as anyone that's been to an outdoor show knows, it had to rain. There were alot of stupid, hippie, drug-related booths set up too. I left before Smashing Pumpkins started because they're lame.
Village People - SUNY Geneseo, NY - 10/1/94 - $15 - You can't go wrong with the Village People. Just a stupid and fun show for the sake of being stupid and fun. I'll end up going to a couple more shows for this very reason. I think they played YMCA twice, the first song and then the encore.
Rolling Stones w/Spin Doctors - Syracuse, NY - 12/8/94 - $25 - Another great Stones show. This was much like their other show I saw, except I was much farther away from the stage this time.
Black Sheep - Syracuse, NY - 5/95 - Free - I wasn't that familiar with Black Sheep before I saw this show. I just knew their hit "The Choice Is Yours", much like alot of the crowd. I was so impressed by this show that I went out and bought their new album on my way home from the concert.
Queensryche w/Type O Negative - Weedsport, NY - 7/26/95 - $22 - This was not a very memorable show. This was the tour where they tried making it into some big movie instead of being a rock show. Although I like Queensryche, I thought that kind of a show was a mistake for them to do. Much like it was for Styx in their "Mr. Roboto" days. In the crowd, you felt like you were missing some important part of the show if you couldn't see all of the screens behind the band. And, often times in a general admission show, you can't see the screens very well. At least Geoff Tate's hair didn't look AS stupid as it used to.
Disco Fever Flashback - Syracuse, NY - 08/26/95 - $15 This show was a bunch of disco acts that played at the NYS Fair Grandstand. I couldn't remember exactly what bands played, so I looked for information on the internet. So, I think the lineup was Village People, Sister Sledge, Thelma Houston, and The Trammps. I'm not sure if the Village People were there or not. However, I'm certain that the one and only Deney Terrio was the host. He was obviously not in the proper state of mind to be hosting a show, if you know what I mean. His eyes were squinty (is that a word?), he was slurring his words, and he did the same introduction twice. Yes, he did the introduction for the band that just played (with the same exact jokes) for the next band. Nobody corrected him either. It was very odd. Update: I just found out the artists who performed this night were – Alicia Bridges (I Love The Nightlife), The Ritchie Family, Carol Douglas (Doctor’s Orders), The Hues Corporation (Rock The Boat), Evelyn “Champagne” King (Shame), and The Trammps (Disco Inferno).
Cheap Trick - Syracuse, NY - 8/30/95 - Free - This was the first time I really hung out with some of my UWA friends. I went by myself and met Derek, Bob, Bill, and some other people at Miller (or Cole Muffler, whatever) Court at the NY State Fair. Cheap Trick was great, playing all of the classic songs that I used to grow up listening to my brother play on the stereo. Unfortunately, that was overshadowed by a huge brawl at the end of the show involving my friends. I'm not really sure what happened. As always, whenever a fight breaks out, I stand as far away as possible. So, to me it looked like a fight in a Looney Toons cartoon where you see a big puff of smoke and every once in awhile an arm, leg, or head would pop out. I think it started because Bill saw someone that had previously hit (not hit-on, actually HIT) his girlfriend. The pretend-cops got involved and ended up throwing all of my friends out of the fair, leaving me standing there by myself. I then got to enjoy the fair with no friends, wondering just what kind of people I was hanging out with. I came to find out that, for the most part, they're actually nice guys.
Green Day - Rochester, NY - 11/4/95 - $16 - As I said earlier, I really enjoyed the Dookie album. Most of their stuff after that was crap. You know, when they started wishing everyone the time of their lives. This was a cool show though, except for the crowd. What a bunch of marks! They were the kind of 12 year old kids who painted their hair green for the day and thought they were punk. But, these same kids wouldn't know who Joey Ramone was if he kissed their forehead.
Alanis Morissette w/Radiohead - Darien Lake, NY - 8/12/96 - $27.50 - I honestly have no recollection of this show at all. I remember liking her first single "You Oughta Know" alot, so thats probably why I went. Most of her songs since then usually make me ill when I hear them.
The Commodores - Syracuse, NY - 8/25/96 - Free
KISS - Buffalo, NY - 10/13/96 - $40
Aerosmith w/Kenny Wayne Shepard Band - Saratoga, NY - 7/20/97 - $22.50
Def Comedy Jam w/ DJ Kid Capri - Syracuse, NY - 11/14/97 - $28.50
Aerosmith w/Kenny Wayne Shepard Band - Syracuse, NY - 01/21/98 - $35
Spice Girls - Darien Lake, NY - 7/4/98 - $27.50
Rock Never Stops(Quiet Riot, Warrant, Slaughter, Firehouse) - Scriba, NY - 8/8/98 - $25
Cinderella - Lost Horizon, Syracuse, NY - 8/13/98 - $17
Vanilla Ice - Scranton, PA - 10/27/98
Motley Crue - Syracuse, NY - 11/6/98 - $30.50
Run DMC - Scranton, PA - 11/12/98 - $12
KISS w/Econoline Crush - Albany, NY - 11/15/98 - $45
KISS w/Ozone Monday - East Rutheford, NJ - 11/22/98 - $85
KISS w/Econoline Crush - Rochester, NY - 11/28/98 - $46
KISS w/Econoline Crush - Buffalo, NY - 11/29/98 - $40
KISS w/Econoline Crush - Detroit, MI - 12/31/98 - $75
Korn w/Rob Zombie - Binghamton, NY - 3/18/99 - $30
Salt n Pepa w/Naughty By Nature - Cortland, NY - 5/1/99 - $3
The Dictators – Third Rail, Cortland, NY – 06/12/99
Vanilla Ice - Lost Horizon, Syracuse, NY - 6/18/99 - $15
IYDKYDG (Black Eyed Peas) - Lost Horizon, Syracuse, NY - 6/19/99 - Free
Britney Spears - Darien Lake, NY - 7/10/99 - $35
Rock Never Stops (Ted Nugent, Night Ranger, Quiet Riot, Slaughter) - Fort Lauderdale, FL - 8/7/99 - $35.75
Firehouse w/Voodoo Kitchen & Steel - Poughkeepsie, NY - 8/14/99 - $12
Dokken w/Firehouse & Zebra - Scranton, PA - 8/17/99 - $13
Alice Cooper w/Jesse Camp & The 8th Street Kids - Syracuse, NY - 10/6/99 - $30.50
Comedy All Stars Of Super Sitcom (Jimmie Walker, Marc Price, Sherman Helmsley) - Verona, NY - 11/20/99 - $20
Jamie Foxx - Syracuse, NY - 2/5/00 - $26
George Carlin - Schenectady, NY - 3/18/00 - $29.50
KISS w/Ted Nugent & Skid Row - Saratoga, NY - 6/20/00 - $75
KISS w/Ted Nugent & Skid Row - Buffalo, NY - 6/24/00 - $55
Iron Maiden w/Queensryche & Rob Halford - Scranton, PA - 8/13/00 - $40
Red Hot Chili Peppers w/ Stone Temple Pilots & Fishbone - Darien Lake, NY - 8/15/00 - $39
Alice Cooper w/Cinematic - Elmira, NY - 9/1/00 - $37.50
Loverboy - Syracuse, NY - 9/3/00 - Free
KISS w/Ted Nugent & Skid Row - Binghamton, NY - 9/15/00 - $75
KISS w/Ted Nugent & Skid Row - Syracuse, NY - 9/16/00 - $75
Alice Cooper - Verona, NY - 10/17/00 - $50
Bon Jovi w/ Less Than Jake - Wilkes-Barre, PA - 11/14/00 - $55
Run DMC - Syracuse, NY - 3/3/01 - $10
Godsmack w/ Staind Cold Systematic - Rochester, NY - 04/15/01 - $28.50
Prince w/ Fonky Bald Heads - Wilkes-Barre, PA - 04/19/01 - $66.25
Bon Jovi w/ SR-71 - Albany, NY - 05/20/01 - $55
*NSYNC w/ BBMak , Dream, Tonya Mitchell - Buffalo, NY - 06/10/01 - $29.50
Janet Jackson w/ 112 - Buffalo, NY - 08/10/01 - $77.75
Cheap Trick w/ Harmony Riley - North Tonawanda, NY - 08/11/01 - $40
Kenny Rogers - Erie County Fairgrounds, Buffalo, NY - 08/12/01 - $22
Journey w/ Night Ranger - NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY - 08/26/01 - $28
Skid Row - Poughkeepsie, NY - 09/28/01 - $12.50
Alice Cooper - Verona, NY - 10/28/01 - $60
Run DMC w/ Biz Markie - Cornell University, Ithaca, NY - 12/02/01 - $20
B.B. King w/ Kenneth "Tiny" Glover (comedian) - Syracuse, NY - 01/23/02 - $29.50
No Doubt w/ The Faint - Cornell University, Ithaca, NY - 04/14/02 - $28
Rob Zombie w/ Sinisstar - Utica, NY - 04/19/02 - Free (for us)
Rock Never Stops – Tesla, Vince Neil, Jackyl, Skid Row – Big Flats, NY – 06/15/02 - $34.50
The Who w/ Robert Plant – Hershey, PA – 07/29/02 - $89.75
Vanilla Ice – The Beach House – N. Wildwood, NJ – 07/30/02 - $20
Cheap Trick – NYS Fair – Syracuse, NY – 08/25/02 – Free
Aerosmith w/ Kid Rock & Run DMC – Montage Mountain, Scranton, PA – 09/10/02 - $55
Rolling Stones w/ The Pretenders – Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ – 09/28/02 - $92
Skid Row – Bridge Street Music Hall, Syracuse, NY – 10/03/02 - $12
Alice Cooper - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 10/27/02 - $65
Bon Jovi w/ Goo Goo Dolls – Pepsi Arena, Albany, NY – 03/03/03 - $76
Hall & Oates – Palace Theatre, Albany, NY – 03/04/03 - $41
Scorpions & Whitesnake w/ Dokken – War Memorial, Syracuse, NY – 03/12/03 – Free
B.B. King w/ Murali Coryell – Landmark Theatre, Syracuse, NY – 03/14/03 - $45.50
Cheap Trick – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 04/19/03 - $50
Jerry Seinfeld – Stanley Performing Arts Center – Utica, NY – 05/10/03 - $47
David Lee Roth – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 05/29/03 - $85
FireHouse – Watertown, NY – 06/21/03 - $19
Cher w/ Tommy Drake (comedian) - Wilkes-Barre, PA - 07/18/03 - $39.50
Bon Jovi w/ Goo Goo Dolls – Saratoga Springs, NY – 08/03/03 - $85
Iron Maiden w/ Dio & Motorhead – Cuyahoga Falls, OH – 08/05/03 - $59.50
KISS & Aerosmith w/ Saliva – Darien Lake, NY – 08/23/03 - $128.50
Billy Idol – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 09/03/03 - $50
Alice Cooper – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 10/26/03 - $75
Bill Cosby – Eastman Theatre, Rochester, NY – 11/09/03 - $35
Brides Of Destruction – Northern Lights, Clifton Park, NY – 04/30/04 - $15
Cheap Trick – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 06/23/04 - $45
FireHouse – Club 342, Watertown, NY – 07/10/04 – Free (for us)
KISS w/ Poison & ZO2 – Montage Moutain, Scranton, PA – 07/23/04 - $55
Alice Cooper – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 07/27/04 - $75
Sebastian Bach - Northern Lights, Clifton Park, NY - 07/30/04 - $15
Twisted Sister w/ Blazed – Penn’s Peak, Jim Thorpe, PA – 08/14/04 - $42.50
Rick Springfield – NYS Fair, Syracuse, NY – 08/28/04 – Free
Cyndi Lauper – NYS Fair, Syracuse, NY – 09/05/04 – Free
George Carlin w/ Dennis Blair – Landmark Theatre, Syracuse, NY – 12/11/04 - $41
Tesla – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 02/22/05 - $45
Duran Duran w/ Juliet Set – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 03/30/05 - $50
Duran Duran w/ Juliet Set – Wachovia Arena, Wilkes-Barre, PA – 04/09/05 - $57.50
Rick Springfield – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 04/16/05 - $50
Bo Diddley – NYS Blues Festival, Syracuse, NY – 07/17/05 – Free
Rolling Stones w/ Maroon 5 – East Hartford, CT – 08/26/05 - $162
Alice Cooper w/ Cheap Trick – NYS Fair, Syracuse, NY – 08/30/05 - $40
Motley Crue - NYS Fair, Syracuse, NY - 08/31/05 - $49
Bowzer’s Rock N Roll Party (The Comets, The Tokens, Dee Dee Sharp, Bobby Lewis, Bowzer & The Stingrays) – NYS Fair, Syracuse, NY – 09/03/05 – Free
Rolling Stones w/ Alanis Morissette – Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ – 09/15/05 - $162
Rolling Stones w/ Alanis Morissette – Pepsi Arena, Albany, NY – 09/17/05 - $351
Bon Jovi – Pepsi Arena, Albany, NY – 12/12/05 - $89.50
B.B. King w/ Midnite Mike & The Big Notes – 01/27/06 - $30
Madonna – Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, NJ – 06/16/06 - $150
Bon Jovi w/ Nickelback – Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ – 06/19/06 - $97
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts – NYS Fair, Syracuse, NY – 08/30/06 – Free
Rick Springfield – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 09/15/06 - $45
Alice Cooper – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 09/26/06 - $65
Red Hot Chili Peppers w/ The Mars Volta – Pepsi Arena, Albany, NY – 10/21/06 - $52.50
Paul Stanley w/ Slunt – Irving Plaza, New York, NY – 10/28/06 - $35
B.B. King w/ David Foster & The Mohegan Sun All-Stars – Landmark Theatre, Syracuse, NY – 03/03/07 - $59.50
Weird Al Yankovic - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 05/03/07 - $60
Jerry Lee Lewis - Eastman Theatre, Rochester, NY - 06/09/07 - $81
Poison w/ Ratt & Vains Of Jenna - NY State Fair Grandstand, Syracuse, NY - 08/24/07 - $48
Van Halen w/ Ky-Mani Marley - Izod Center, East Rutherford, NJ - 11/03/07 - $149.50
Chuck D (lecture) - Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY - 11/05/07 - Free
Ace Frehley - Bears Den, Seneca Niagara Casino, Niagara Falls, NY - 02/29/08 - $30
Cher - The Colosseum, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, NV - 05/20/08 - $140
Weird Al Yankovic - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 07/14/08 - $60
Neil Diamond - Times Union Center, Albany, NY - 08/20/08 - $55
Journey, Heart & Cheap Trick - NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY - 08/23/08 - $56
Extreme - NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY - 08/30/08 - Free
Bill Pinkney’s Original Drifters & Bill Haley’s Comets - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 09/20/08 - $30
Jimmy Fallon w/ Matt Kirshen - Gordon Field House, R.I.T., Rochester, NY - 10/11/08 - $40
Alice Cooper - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 10/28/08 - $65
New Kids On The Block w/ Jabbawockeez - War Memorial, Syracuse, NY - 03/26/09 - $55
Rick Springfield - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 03/27/09 - $60
B.B. King w/ The Campbell Brothers - Auditorium Theatre, Rochester, NY - 03/28/09 - $69.50
Tesla w/ The Leo Project & Damage - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 04/30/09 - $40
Ghost Hunt featuring Chip Coffey - Landmark Theatre, Syracuse, NY - 05/01/09 - $33
Bill Cosby - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 05/15/09 - $80
Little Richard - B.B. King’s - New York, NY - 06/07/09 - $64
No Doubt w/ Paramore & Janelle Monae - Darien Lake, NY - 06/19/09 - $80
Bob Dylan, John Mellencamp, & Willie Nelson w/ The Wiyos - 07/19/09 - $67.50
Buddy Guy - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 07/24/09 - $55
L.A. Guns - The Temple, Canandaigua, NY - 07/24/09 - Free (for us)
Skid Row - Inner Harbor, Syracuse, NY - 08/05/09 - Free
Pretty Boy Floyd - The Temple, Canandaigua, NY - 08/22/09 - $10
Kelly Clarkson w/ Gavin DeGraw - NY State Fair Grandstand, Syracuse, NY - 08/27/09 - $40
Chuck Berry w/ Imelda May - B.B. King’s - New York City, NY - 09/12/09 - $97
Alice Cooper - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 09/21/09 - $65
Stevie Wonder - Turning Stone Casino Event Center, Verona, NY - 10/23/09 - $85
David Cassidy - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 02/11/10 - $55
Cinderella - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 04/08/10 - $55
Bon Jovi - New Meadowlands Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ - 05/27/10 - $153
Adam Lambert w/ Allison Iraheta & Orianthi - F.M. Kirby Center, Wilkes-Barre, PA - 06/04/10 - $39.50
Bon Jovi w/ Saraia - Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY - 07/11/10 - $175
Adler’s Appetite w/ Anchored - Market Block Party, Syracuse, NY - 07/22/10 - $10
Public Enemy w/ Son Of Bazerk & Kendo The Almost Famous - Northern Lights, Clifton Park, NY - 08/10/10 - $22
KISS w/ The Academy Is - Darien Lake, NY - 08/13/10 - $125
KISS w/ The Academy Is - Scranton, PA - 08/15/10 - Free For Us (Refund given because of changed seats)
Aerosmith - NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY - 08/26/10 - $94
Dane Cook - War Memorial, Syracuse, NY - 10/26/10 - $47
Lady Gaga w/ Scissor Sisters - HSBC Arena, Buffalo, NY - 03/04/11 - $175
Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour - Stephanie Miller, John Fugelsang, Hal Sparks - Crouse Hinds Theater, Syracuse, NY - 05/14/11 - $77
Skid Row - Taste Of Utica, Hanna Park, Utica, NY - 06/18/11 - Free
Rick Springfield - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 07/08/11 - $55
Paul McCartney - Yankee Stadium, New York, NY - 07/16/11 - $125
KISS - Turning Stone Casino Event Center - Verona, NY - 07/28/11 - $150
Ace Frehley - Erie County Fair, Hamburg, NY - 08/17/11 - Free
Journey w/ Foreigner & Night Ranger - State Fair Grandstand, Syracuse, NY - 08/30/11 - $65
Chuck Berry w/ Don Cunningham & Associates - State Theatre, Easton, PA - 11/05/11 - $60
Van Halen w/ Kool & The Gang - Buffalo, NY - 03/09/12 - $47
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Buffalo, NY - 04/13/12 - $68
Rick Springfield - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 05/04/12 - $45
Mickey Dolenz - Epcot, Disney World, FL - 05/20/12 - Free
L.A. Guns - Suzy’s Tavern - Auburn, NY - 06/15/12 - $15
Iron Maiden w/ Alice Cooper - Darien Lake, NY - 07/16/12 - $79.50
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Vernon Downs Raceway, Vernon, NY - 08/29/12 - $98
Roxette w/ Hesta Prynn - Beacon Theatre, New York, NY - 09/02/12 - $129.50
One World Concert featuring The Dalai Lama - Carrier Dome, Syracuse, NY - 10/09/12 - $55.75
Paul Revere & The Raiders - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 10/11/12 - $25
The Monkees - Center For The Arts, Buffalo, NY - 11/18/12 - $92
The Rolling Stones - Barclay’s Center, Brooklyn, NY - 12/08/12 - $254.50
Bon Jovi - First Niagara Center, Buffalo, NY - 02/24/13 - $198
Jim Breuer w/Rich Aronovitch - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 03/28/13 - $20
The Rolling Stones - Air Canada Centre - Toronto, Canada - 05/25/13 - $266.50
Kings Of The Mic Tour - LL Cool J, Public Enemy, Ice Cube, De La Soul, DJ Chuck Chillout - CMAC, Canandaigua, NY - 06/22/13 - $65
Taylor Dayne - M&T Syracuse Jazz Fest, Jamesville, NY - 07/06/13 - Free
KISS w/ Leo Gun - Turning Stone Casino Event Center, Verona, NY - 08/09/13 - $146
Weird Al Yankovic - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 10/08/13 - $55
Alice Cooper - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 10/21/13 - $70
Ghost Hunt - Landmark Theatre, Syracuse, NY - 10/26/13 - $25
Jim Breuer - Funny Bone, Syracuse, NY - 11/11/13 - $28
Kathy Griffin - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 04/11/14 - $60
Cher w/ Cyndi Lauper - Buffalo, NY - 04/23/14 - $39.50
Jim Breuer w/Rich Aronovitch - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 06/07/14 - $25
Benny’s Lost 80s Bash w/ Christopher Anton, Animotion, Dramarama, Tommy Tutone, Naked Eyes, A Flock Of Seagulls (left before Benny Mardones) - SRC Arena, OCC, Syracuse, NY - 08/02/14 - Free
KISS w/ Def Leppard & Dead Daisies - Toyota Pavilion at Montage Mountain, Scranton, PA - 08/09/14 - $159.50
Legends Of Hip Hop w/ Kool DJ Red Alert, Whodini, MC Lyte, Black Sheep, Biz Markie, Big Daddy Kane, EPMD, Rakim (missed Dana Dane & Special Ed, left before Slick Rick & Doug E Fresh) - Sahlen’s Stadium, Rochester, NY - 08/16/14 - $39
Bell Biv Devoe - NYS Fair, Syracuse, NY - 08/30/14 - Free
Billy Joel - Carrier Dome, Syracuse, NY - 03/20/15 - $80
Rakim - Westcott Theater, Syracuse, NY - 05/22/15 - $30
Kathy Griffin - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 06/05/15 - $55
Rolling Stones - Heinz Field, Pittsburgh, PA - 06/20/15 - $167.75
Rolling Stones - Ralph Wilson Stadium, Buffalo, NY - 07/11/15 - $403
Weird Al Yankovic - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 07/14/15 - $55
Culture Club - Sands Steel Stage, Bethlehem, PA - 08/08/15 - $79
Rick Springfield - NYS Fair, Syracuse, NY - 08/27/15 - Free
Melissa Etheridge - NYS Fair, Syracuse, NY - 08/28/15 - Free
Ace Frehley w/ Klear - UB Center For The Arts, Buffalo, NY - 09/21/15 - $42.50
Paul McCartney - First Niagara Center, Buffalo, NY - 10/22/15 - $253.50
Bret Michaels - Event Center Theater, Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 01/02/16 - $34
Bryan Adams - Event Center, Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 02/14/16 - $24
I Love The 90s w/ Salt N Pepa, Coolio, Tone Loc & Rob Base - Stanley Theater, Utica, NY - 02/26/16 - $50
Hollywood Vampires - Event Center, Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 05/24/16 - $64
Cyndi Lauper & Boy George w/ Rosie O’Donnell - Beacon Theatre, New York, NY - 05/26/16 - $155
Guns N Roses w/ Lenny Kravitz - MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ - 07/23/16 - $285
Run DMC w/ DJ Charlie Chan Soprano - Musikfest, Bethlehem, PA - 08/06/16 - $83
KISS w/ The Dead Daisies - Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY - 08/29/16 - $125
Culture Club w/ The Groves - Chevy Court, NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY - 09/02/16 - Free
Ace Frehley w/ Simo - Magic City Music Hall, Binghamton, NY - 09/24/16 - $25
I Love The 90s Tour w/ Vanilla Ice, Naughty By Nature, All 4 One, Color Me Badd, Young MC, C&C Music Factory Featuring Freedom Williams, & Snap - Utica Memorial Auditorium, Utica, NY - 02/18/17 - $63.50
Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Landmark Theatre, Syracuse, NY - 04/25/17 - $69.50
Neil Diamond - Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY - 06/04/17 - $129.50
New Kids On The Block w/ Paula Abdul & Boyz 2 Men - KeyBank Center, Buffalo, NY - 06/23/17 - $96.45
LA Guns - Sharkey’s, Liverpool, NY - 07/03/17 - $40
Replay America – The Motels, Naked Eyes, Taylor Dayne, Starship, Billy Ocean – The Dome, Henrietta, NY – 07/29/17 - Free
Guns N Roses - New Era Field, Buffalo, NY - 08/16/17 - $254.50
Paul McCartney - Carrier Dome, Syracuse, NY - 09/23/17 - $167.50
Rick Springfield - Turning Stone Event Center, Verona, NY - 10/01/17 - $50
Warrant w/ Great White - Del Lago Casino, Waterloo, NY - 04/06/18 - $20
Cher - Park Theater, Monte Carlo Casino, Las Vegas, NV - 05/19/18 - $137.61
Grandmaster Flash – Del Lago Casino, Waterloo, NY – 06/15/18 - $12
Culture Club w/ B-52s – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 07/26/18 - $69
Blondie – NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY – 08/22/18 – Free
Gene Simmons Band - Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 09/21/18 - $109
Masters Of The Mic Volume 2 w/ Eric B. & Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, Doug E. Fresh, EPMD and Biz Markie - Foxwoods Casino, Mashantucket, CT - 03/15/19 - $119
KISS - Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - 03/27/19 - $155
Skid Row – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY – 05/18/19 - $34
New Kids On The Block w/ Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Naughty By Nature and Salt N Pepa – KeyBank Center, Buffalo, NY – 06/21/19 - $155.45
Ace Frehley w/ Like It – FM Kirby Center, Wilkes-Barre, PA 06/29/19 - $44.50
Rolling Stones w/ The Wombats – MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ – 08/01/19 - $149.50
Rolling Stones w/ Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real – MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ – 08/05/19 - $249.50
Alice Cooper w/ Halestorm & Motionless In White – CMAC, Canandaigua, NY – 08/07/19 - $250
Iron Maiden w/ The Raven Age – KeyBank Center, Buffalo, NY – 08/13/19 - $120.50
MC Hammer, Kid N Play, Sir Mix-A-Lot, Tone Loc, Sisqo – Seneca Niagara Casino, Niagara, NY – 08/16/19 - $125
KISS – Darien Lake, NY – 08/23/19 - $250
KISS – SPAC, Saratoga Springs, NY – 08/24/19 - $270
KISS – Lakeview Amphitheater, Syracuse, NY – 08/27/19 - $139.50
Ice Cube – Chevy Court, NYS Fair, Syracuse, NY – 08/28/19 – Free
Criss Angel – Crouse Hinds Theater at OnCenter, Syracuse, NY – 09/15/19 - $31.25
Ratt, Warrant, Firehouse, Kix – Tag’s, Big Flats, NY – 09/21/19 - $82
Ace Frehley w/ Like It – Center For The Arts, Homer, NY – 09/29/19 - $73.06
Ice T (lecture) – Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica, NY – 10/05/19 - $20
Mick Foley – Funny Bone, Syracuse, NY – 10/09/19 - $25
Stryper w/ Autograph – Turning Stone, Verona, NY – 10/19/19 - $49.50
Ghost w/ Nothing More – War Memorial, Syracuse, NY – 10/22/19 – Free
Michelle Wolf – Comedy At The Carlson, Rochester, NY – 10/26/19 - $25
KISS w/ David Lee Roth – KeyBank Center – Buffalo, NY – 02/05/20 - $245.50
Brent Terhune w/ Tony Foxworthy – The Boho Comedy Club – Binghamton, NY – 06/05/21 - $30
Great White, Slaughter, Steven Adler, Vixen – Tag's, Big Flats, NY – 07/09/21 - $86.20
Jimmie Walker - Comedy At The Carlson, Rochester, NY - 08/14/21 - $20
Ratt - NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY - 08/21/21 - Free
Bell Biv Devoe - NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY - 08/26/21 - Free
Mary Jane Girls – NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY – 09/04/21 - Free
Stone City Band – NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY – 09/04/21 - Free
Joan Jett – NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY – 09/06/21 - Free
Cheap Trick – NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY – 09/06/21 - Free
Vanilla Ice, Bobby Brown, Blackstreet, All 4 One, Kool Moe Dee - Niagara Falls, NY - 09/17/21 - $165
Alice Cooper w/ Ace Frehley - Utica, NY - 09/22/21 - $81
Alice Cooper w/ Buckcherry – Mohegan Sun Arena, Wilkes-Barre, PA - 03/23/22 - $146.25
Stephen Pearcy w/ Resist And Bite – Kegs Canalside, Jordan, NY – 04/30/22 - $35
Tesla – The Vine, Del Lago Casino, Waterloo, NY – 05/05/22 - $26.50
KISS – Hartford, CT – 05/14/22 - $99.50
Tom Keifer w/ LA Guns – Sharkey’s, Liverpool, NY – 06/03/22 - $80
Paul McCartney – Carrier Dome, Syracuse, NY – 06/04/22 - $289.50
New Kids On The Block w/ Rick Astley, Salt N Pepa & En Vogue – Buffalo, NY – 07/17/22 - $69.95
Trae Crowder – Funny Bone, Syracuse, NY – 07/28/22
Lady Gaga – MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ – 08/11/22 - $198.50
Ace Frehley w/ Kore Rozzik – Turning Stone Showroom, Verona, NY – 08/12/22 - $75
Ice T w/ Busy Bee – NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY – 08/25/22 – Free
Alice Cooper – Albany, NY – 09/16/22 - $89.50
Hip Hop Fever – Slick Rick, Sugarhill Gang, Grandmaster Melle Mel & Scorpio, Rob Base, Black Sheep, Nice N Smooth, Roxanne Shante – State Theatre, New Brunswick, NJ – 10/28/22 - $49
Daryl Hall w/ Todd Rundgren – Crouse Hinds Theater, Syracuse, NY – 11/19/22 - $50
Lita Ford – Del Lago Casino, Waterloo, NY – 12/17/22 - $25
Kid N Play – Sharkey’s, Liverpool, NY – 12/31/22 - $60
Howie Mandel – Del Lago Casino, Waterloo, NY – 01/14/23 - $65
Disco Ball w/ Deney Terrio, Maxine Nightingale, Thelma Houston and Martha Wash – Del Lago Casino, Waterloo, NY – 01/27/23 - $40
Legends Of Hip Hop w/ KRS One, Nice & Smooth, Kool Moe Dee, Roxanne Shante, DJ Cool V, Sweet Tee, Grandmaster Dee (Whodini), Grandmaster Caz – Ritz Theater, Elizabeth, NJ – 02/26/23 - $100
Tom Green w/ Marcus Monroe – Helium Club, Buffalo, NY – 03/31/23 - $40
Stryper w/ Vixen – Del Lago Casino, Waterloo, NY – 04/01/23 - $35
Red Hot Chili Peppers w/ The Strokes & King Princess – JMA Wireless Dome, Syracuse, NY – 04/14/23 - $159.50
Skid Row w/ Great White & Kip Winger – Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY - 04/15/23 - $55
A Tribute To 50 Years Of Hip Hop w/ Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, Slick Rick, EPMD and Roxanne Shante – Foxwoods Casino, Mashantucket, CT – 05/06/23 - $162
Janet Jackson w/ Lil Kim – Allentown, PA – 05/18/23 - $149.95
Faster Pussycat – Kegs Canalside, Jordan, NY – 06/14/23 - $35
Masters Of The Mic w/ Doug E Fresh, Slick Rick, KRS One, Rakim and EPMD – Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY – 07/22/23 - $228.50
Roy Wood Jr. w/ Ty Davis – Funny Bone, Syracuse, NY – 07/28/23
Trae Crowder – Funny Bone, Syracuse, NY – 08/03/23
Motley Crue w/ Alice Cooper (left before Def Leppard) – JMA Wireless Dome, Syracuse, NY – 08/05/23 - $173.50
Tom Green – Comedy At The Carlson, Rochester, NY – 09/09/23 - $40
KISS w/ Amber Wild – Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY – 12/02/23 - $433
Ace Frehley w/ Angel & Bad Marriage – Capitol Theater, Rome,NY – 04/12/24 - $75
The Rolling Stones w/ Jon Batiste – MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ – 05/23/24 - $396.50
Abducted By The 80s – Wang Chung, The Motels, Naked Eyes – Sharkey’s Event Center, Liverpool, NY – 06/14/24 - $39
Janet Jackson w/ Nelly – Darien Lake, NY – 07/05/24 - $25
Totally Tubular Festival – Thompson Twins’ Tom Bailey, Modern English, Wang Chung, Men Without Hats, Bow Wow Wow, Tommy Tutone and Eddie Munoz of The Plimsouls – Bushkill, PA – 07/20/24 - $34.99
Violent Femmes – Beak & Skiff, Lafayette, NY – 08/17/24 – Free
Gene Simmons Band – Riviera Theatre, North Tonawanda, NY – 08/19/24 - $150
Ace Frehley – NY State Fair, Syracuse, NY – 08/22/24 – Free
Alice Cooper w/ Filter & Ministry (left before Rob Zombie) – Lakeview Amphitheater, Syracuse, NY – 09/04/24 - $119.50
340 SHOWS!


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