CHAPTER 2: Disturbance In Agustria

I should of mentioned this in chapter 1, but I forgot. Oh well I'll mention it now. Before you start a new chapter, always go to the town to fix weapons, buy weapons, and go to arena. GO TO THE ARENA NOW! If you beat all of your opponents Hollin will join you. He's the last one you fight in the arena. Ayra or Sigurd should be able to beat him. Ok once you've done all that stuff you may get out of the castle to fight. There's lots to keep track of here. The girl(her name's Lachesis) guarding the castle can join you. Have Sigurd talk to her. The 3 paladins will join as NPCs. If all 3 of them survive this chapter, you'll get the knight ring. I don't think it's worth it. It allows your foot units to move away after battle just like the mounted units. Since foot units can't move as far as mounted units, they usually don't have enough movement left to move away. The Bargin ring is in the village on the top of the map, which I circled in red. That village will be destoryed if you don't hurry. You must conquer Highline Castle(the castle in the west) within 11 turns. Edin should get it. The other village at the bottom that I circled has the Iron Cutter. It's very hard to get the Bargin Ring in time. If you're a beginner you shouldn't try this. You'll get another chance to get the bargin ring again later in the game. If you want to get it all I can tell you is rush all your horse units to Highline as fast as possible. There'll be some tough defence near Highline castle. See the blue rectangle on the map? That's where you should gather all your horse units, ONLY YOUR HORSE UNITS! There's no time to wait for your foot units. Once all your mounted units are gathered there, charge at those guys that's just sitting there. Beware of the ballista(those catapult like things except they shoot arrows). They can hit you from far away, but if you get close to them they can't attack you. Kill off these guys and head straight for the castle. After you've conqered Highline Levin and Sylvia will appear at the villages. Don't worry cause they automatically join you. If you conquered Highline in 10-11 turns then you can save the village with the Bargin ring with Levin and Sylvia. Move Levin towards the village. When he finished moving, move Sylvia next to him. The first command should be the dance command. This will allow Levin to move again. Move him towards the village with the Bargin Ring. Kill the guy that's destorying the village. Edin should be the one to get the Bargin Ring. Save the other villages as well, but do not take the money from the villages! Let Ethlin take the money and the Iron Cutter. She'll need the money to buy the Advancing Ring. Take Adan(the really ugly guy) to the lake where I circled red, and he'll get the Advancing Ring. Have him sell it, then let Ethlin buy it. The ring costs a lot, that's why I told you to let Ethlin go to the villages. Oh and Ethlin should sell the Iron Cutter too. Now with the ring, Ethlin can attack twice like Sigurd. The castle at the top left hand corner will send out troops to attack you. One of them will join you. He's Beowulf(if you're not sure then look at my character list), and he'll join if someone with 10,000G talks to him. Luring him to you isn't very hard. He'll also join for free if you kill off his leader(the guy with the weird hat), but I tried it and you still have to pay him. Here's a tip. If you kill off most of Woltz(the guy with the weird hat) troops he'll run back to the castle to get more soldiers. Let him get more soldiers. This way you can keep beating them to level up your people. Oh by the way Woltz has the Exp Ring. If you want Fin to fall in love with Lachesis you'll have to keep him next to her VERY SINGLE TURN! He won't be able to do that much fighting, so have him get the Exp Ring so he can gain levels easily. Just have Fin kill Woltz with the Hero Spear and you'll automatically get the ring. Once you've finished off Woltz and the rest of his troop go conquer the castle. The boss guarding the castle isn't hard. He has a Defence Ring. Azel should get it. Once you've killed the boss DO NOT conquer the castle yet. Warp Levin, Mideel, and Adan back to the main castle first. I'll tell you why later. Now move everyone except Sigurd back to Eltosian's castle. That's the one where his sister and the 3 paladin's were guarding. Now have Sigurd conquer the castle. Now the castle at the top right hand corner(Augusty castle) will send out troops to attack you. They'll also send out a couple of Pegasus Knights to attack your main castle too. One of the Pegasus Knights will join, and that's Fury. She's always the last one to move. Besides she's the only Pegasus Knight the has a face. Try to get Levin to talk to her and she'll join. It shouldn't be too hard. Now once you've taken care of the Pegasus Knights, and killed those guys that tried to attack Eltosian's castle, go attack Mackily castle. Watch out for more ballistas cause they can critical on Fury. The boss guarding Mackily has a sleep staff. He'll put you to sleep. There's nothing you can do about it. It'll wear off in a couple of turns. Try to lure the sword fighters and mages away from the castle, and into move opened space. That way you'll be out of the ballista's range. The mages guarding Mackily is a pain. Try to kill them off first. You can now use Diadora's silence staff to silence the boss, so he can't put you to sleep. Beware, if you do try to silence the boss, Diadora will have to get in range of the ballistas. Chance of her staying alive is extremely low. Actually you'll get Diadora back at the end of the chapter if she gets killed... er I mean captured. Oh you get his Sleep Staff if you kill the boss. Once you've conquer Mackily, Augusty castle will send out more troops. The leader has the Knight Killer. It'll critical on all horse units. Try to get as close to Augusty castle as you can without worrying about the ballistas. Kill off most of the soldiers without killing their leader so he'll bring more soldiers. Try to level up Ethlin as much as you can so she can class change(Lv 20). I'll explian why in the next chapter. When you've gained enough levels kill the guy with the Knight Killer. You should let your foot units attack him. Once you've weaken him enough, let Fin kill him with his Hero Spear, so he can get the Knight Killer. Once all that is taken care of, go up the hill to attack Augusty castle. Kill off those ballistas first. The boss shouldn't be too hard. He has the Libro Staff. He can heal from far away. If you beat him you'll get the staff. Edin should get it. Once you've killed the boss, conquer the castle and you've beaten another chapter. If all 3 of those NPC paladins survive this chapter they'll give Lachesis the Knight Ring.



*The conversation, and item info was from Ethlin's FE4 guide. Some of the names are also from her guide.*