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Year 2000

Emergency Operating Center

The Onondaga County Auxiliary Police Unit was activated at 1200 hours on December 31st., 1999. Our Mission during this activation was to provide security and access control for the Emergency Operations Center located at the John H. Mulroy Civic Center.

Officer Melissa O’Donnell Providing Security at exit from the elevator, Civic Center sub-basement.

Cpl. John Kapton Providing Perimeter control at EOC facility entrance.

During the duration of the Y2K activation, Auxiliary Police Officers performed all assigned duties as "Agents" of Onondaga County. As "Agents" of the County of Onondaga Executive Department Division of Emergency Management, Auxiliary Police Officers operated under "color-of-law" and had a duty to "act" in accordance with all appropriately assigned duties and directives of supervisory personnel.

General view of the EOC.

County Health and Rural Metro Command desk within the EOC.

County and Syracuse Fire Command desk within the EOC.

Red Cross Command desk within the EOC.

The Weather Channel big screen!!!!.

911 Call Board.

Traffic Signal Response maps.

Jim Kenyon in the EOC.

Television channel 5 was here taking video and interviewing EOC supervisory personnell for the evening news at 11:00 PM..

County Executive Nick Pirro being interviewed by Jim Kenyon of television channel 3.

Auxiliary Police Commander Chuck Goldthwait and Lt. Marty Muench with Jim Kenyon from television channel 3 in Syracuse discussing the Auxiliary Police Mission.

Auxiliary Police Leadership with Nick Pirro, Onondaga County Executive discussing Y2K strategy within the EOC.

This was a high profile activation and one of enormous importance for the people of Onondaga County. The Auxiliary Police Officers were proud to serve and be a part of this important event.

Pete Alberti Director, Onondaga County Emergency Management, discussing Y2K activities with members of the EOC.

Radio operator volunteer.

More radio operator volunteers.

EOC Roster.

Some of the many TV sets in the EOC that provided television coverage from all the major networks.

This is just some of the great food that was provided for all attendees of the EOC. Officer John Crump enjoying the spread.

Lt. Marty Muench and Officer Ed Riskosky in the Auxiliary Police Unit office within the EOC providing computer support.

Sgt. Ed Babcock provided EOC security during the late hours of the event and ensured the proper stand-down when the event was over.

Axiliary Police Unit Commander Chuck Goldthwait, Director Emergency Management Pete Alberti and Lt. Marty Muench Provided the planning and conduct of operations for this very successful event. Congratulations to this trio team for ensuring that the people of Onondaga County would be safe in the event of a Y2K related emergency!!!!!.