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Dork zine

Biongiorno!! welcome to the officially unoffical Dork zine webpage. If you weren't sure Dork is a zine about , well, take a guess. It deals with self-alienation, self-esteem, the totalitarian society euphemistically called "high school", cancer and lots of other important stuff. but we're silly too! don't worry, i'm not representing another "oh whoa is me, "-kinda goth-y thing. No, i'm just expressing my thoughts if anyone cares and letting everyone know that IT"S OK TO BE YOURSELF!! UPDATE:It pains me to say his, but Dork is now on permanent hiatus. I no longer have the time or effort needed. I am too busy trying to get into college , extracurriculars etc. I really regret it which is whay i say hiatus and not cancelled. Maybe i will start it up someday. thank you to anyone who was there for the journey. I love you all! Please keep in touch! Mi corazon es su corazon, ~Jessika-Bessika Extraordinaire~ ***************************************************** " I was born with an enormous need for affection , and a terrible need to give it." -Audrey Hepburn "Well ,look me over . I didn't get dressed to go unoticed " -Liberace " Oh the thinks you can think !"- Dr.Seuss

Dork's manifesto

and now dah-lings,some links

sign the guestbook
view the guestbook
skip,skip to my lou to PAGE 2 (of this webpage)
home James, to PAGE 3
i'd reckon this takes you to PAGE 4 of this here webby page
Pagina Cinco a.ka. PAGE 5 (no jive)
Fashion Lounge zine
Sickgrrl zine
Giddy zine
some misplaced joan of arc (zine)
I Ro Ppo I zine
Bust zine
