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Whom the Gods Distroy

Chapter One
In Need Of Repairs

The incongruous shape of a Metropolitan London Police Box sat amid the lush foliage on an unnamed planet. It had been in its present location for only a short time yet the surrounding vegetation had already started to overtake it, creeping up its sides and across the top.
The box, in reality, was not a police box at all, but a space/time vehicle known as a TARDIS. The interior of the craft was even more incongruous than its exterior owing to the fact that it was dimensionally transcendental, meaning simply that it was bigger on the inside than on the outside. Inside the impossibly large control room was the Doctor, who preferred to think of himself as the ship's custodian rather than its owner, since his means of gaining possession were, to say the least, questionable. He was a tall man with large staring eyes and a seemingly perpetual smile on his face. His clothing had a slightly Bohemian air, which was evident by the fact that he customarily wore a long, frock coat and even longer scarf.
At the present time, the Doctor was peering into the open side panel of his robot dog, K9. What had begun as a minor adjustment had turned into a major repair. He had pulled several wires out of the little automation, each seeming to go in a completely different direction. He had also removed several circuit boards and other miscellaneous electronic objects, which were strewn about on the table beside him.
The sound of thunder came through the open exterior doors. It was followed several minutes later by the sound of a torrential downpour. The Doctor watched the rain with detached interest a moment before returning his attention to his work. He had only just finished wiring K9 to some testing equipment when his two companions came dashing through the double doors. They had been exploring the forest outside and were now very wet.
The first to enter was Leela; a dark-haired warrior clad in a brief costume of animal skins. She was tanned and lithe, her movements almost cat-like and her hand never far from the knife at her belt. She was flushed and out of breath from running and leaned against the control console to catch her breath. She then laughed as her fellow explorer fell through the doors a few seconds behind her.
Jason was also laughing and out of breath, but unlike Leela, he was completely drenched to the skin. He stretched out on the floor where he, too, tried to catch his breath.
At first glance, the two were completely opposite from one another. Jason was slight in build, very young in appearance, and dressed in a more conventional style than did Leela. Upon closer scrutiny, their differences became even more pronounced. Unlike Leela, who was human, Jason was Alterran; a non-humanoid, silicon-based lifeform possessing the ability to change form (or transmute) at will, which was why he currently appeared human. He was also of Royal Blood, a physician by trade, and happened to be one hundred and two years old. And, if this weren't enough, he also had the ability to scan anything he touched much in the same manner as electronic sensing equipment.
"Well, I'm glad to see you two finally had the sense to come in out of the rain," the Doctor remarked aridly without looking up from his work.
"We were...down by...the river," Jason gasped out between breaths. "And then this...crazy savage...pushed me in...and had the challenge me to...a race."
"What does audacity mean?" Leela wanted to know.
The Doctor shot the young man on the floor a devilish grin before replying, "It means you were very clever to get Jason off his guard before he had the chance to transmute."
Leela was aglow with pride and smiled down at her companion in amusement. Jason, in turn, stuck his tongue out at her.
"Why do you stay inside so much, Doctor?" Leela then asked innocently. "It's so beautiful here." She moved to stand at the open doorway and looked out at the rain, feeling the cool breeze on her face.
The Doctor was peering into K9 again. "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm rather busy repairing K9. Once he's put right, then I'll go out."
"So there," Jason thought as he picked himself up off of the floor. He stood dripping for a moment and then transmuted, his body shimmering a second. Suddenly he was completely dry, which seemed to surprise even him. "I did it!" he cried delightedly, receiving a sour look from the still wet Leela. Ignoring her, he went over to the Doctor, glancing casually at the tangled mass of wires on the table.
"You seem to be dismantling rather than repairing, Doctor," he observed mildly.
The Time Lord grunted his reply as he took a small spray can and aimed it in to the open panel. The cloud of mist hit the unsuspecting Jason in the face and he reeled back, coughing and choking from the fumes.
"Are you trying to kill me?" the youth asked indignantly once he was finally able to talk.
"A little more silicon won't kill you, will it?" the Doctor chirped brightly as he quickly returned the offending spray can to the work bench.
His companion gave him a savage scowl. "Very funny."
The Doctor cleared his throat and turned away, reaching for the button that would switch on the equipment wired into K9. "Well, here goes," he announced. "Audentes fortuna juvat."
Leela was baffled. "Audentes what?"
"It's Latin," Jason explained. "It means, fortune favors--the bold." As he was speaking, the Doctor stabbed the button and there was a loud pop followed by an impressive shower of sparks.
Jason and Leela exchanged an amused look.
"Not very favorable, was it?" the Alterran remarked.
The Doctor ignored them both, attacking the circuitry once again.

* * *

The Doctor wasn't the only one determined to complete the task at hand. On a planet light-years from where the TARDIS stood a solitary figure worked with steadfast determination. It was already well past midnight, yet the lone scientist was still making notations in his journal, double checking each reading as he recorded it.
One's first impression of the room might be that it looked like a mad scientist's laboratory out of an old horror film. The room was illuminated by a single light that hung over the workbench were he sat. There were beakers bubbling into tubes that dripped into other beakers until they finally ended by dripping into a drinking glass.
With a satisfied grunt, the man at the bench put down his pencil and picked up the glass at the end of the long line of tubes. He studied its contents carefully, swirling the dark liquid and holding it up to the light. Stimulated by the movement, the strange fluid changed color several times.
"Perfection," the scientist said triumphantly. "Perfection at last." So saying, he promptly drank the contents of the glass.
Then, just as true to the old films from which his lab seemed to have come, he started to choke. Violent spasms shook his body and he fell to the floor, unconscious.

Chapter Two
The Alexandria Foundation

After several fruitless hours of work on K9's circuitry, the Doctor gave up the struggle and set course for the planet Aegis, or more specifically, for the Alexandria Foundation; a privately funded facility located on the expansive estate of Emil Sorenson, a wealthy eccentric now deceased. The Foundation was comprised of a large, semi-circular building that wrapped around a central plaza complete with shade trees and fountain. Atop a small rise not far away from the main building were a cluster of buildings that comprised the residence park where most of the staff lived.
The founder, the late Emil Sorenson, had risen from relative obscurity to become one of the richest and most powerful men of his time. His reputation for shrewd, sometimes ruthless business dealings was legendary, so when he founded the Alexandria Foundation, it was widely rumored that he was dying of some incurable disease and attempting to find the cure by utilizing his vast fortune. Whether or not these rumors were true was never known for certain. Ten years after the Foundation was brought into being, the news of Emil Sorenson's death was announced by his daughter, Constance, who took over the running of the sizable estate, as well as the Foundation itself.
The TARDIS materialized just off the main drive leading to the Foundation's main building. The Doctor was the first to emerge and he looked around a moment to get his bearings before strolling casually towards the building, his companions at his heels.
"Have you been here before, Doctor?" Jason asked conversationally.
"Not to the Foundation itself," the Doctor replied airily. "Although I have been meaning to come for some time."
"Then how do you know this friend of yours can help fix K9?" Leela wanted to know.
"Of course he can help!" the Time Lord retorted sharply, only to scowl. "I think he can help...I'm reasonably sure..." He threw her a dark look and quickened his pace, leaving his amused companions behind.
"That means he does not know," Leela grinned.

* * *

Upon arriving at the Foundation's main entrance, the Doctor sent a message to Marshal Dunn, the head of the Robotics section. Five minutes later, Marshal himself appeared in the lobby. "Good Lord, it is you!" he exclaimed, shaking the Time Lord's hand vigorously. "When I read your message, I was sure someone was playing a joke on me."
The Doctor broke into a broad smile and returned the warm greeting. He introduced his companions and then proceeded to explain the reason for his visit.
Marshal was immediately crestfallen, saying that he'd dearly love to assist in any way he could, but, unfortunately, he was going away for two weeks. Not only could the trip not be canceled, but he also happened to be leaving the very next day.
"I'm sure my staff can provide you with all the technical assistance you'll need, Doctor, but you'll need the proper clearances." Marshal glanced at his watch. "Director Black should be in his office at this time of day. If we're lucky, we can get you set up straight away."
"Splendid," the Doctor enthused. He had his companions wait in the lobby while he went with Mr. Dunn, having no sooner left when a woman came over and started talking to them. She had been attracted by Leela's garment of skins and mistaken them for members of the staff.
"My goodness, you are getting into the spirit of things, aren't you?" the woman observed as she sat down. "Where did you get your outfit? It's wonderful! It's just primitive."
Leela and Jason exchanged a mystified look.
"I'm sorry," the young man said politely, "but I think you have us confused with someone else."
"You're not part of Mr. Dunn's nature trip?"
"I'm afraid not." Jason introduced Leela and himself to the woman who identified herself as Marcie. Just then, three other staff members came through the lobby, each reacting in the same way to Leela's clothing.
The sudden attention made the warrior distinctly uncomfortable and she shifted uneasily in her seat. Jason immediately recognized the signs that Leela was beginning to feel cornered and reversed the tide of the conversation, inquiring about the nature trip everyone spoke of.
It turned out that Marshal Dunn was a bit of a pioneer at heart. Every year he would take a group to the far side of the estate to "get back to nature." For two weeks, they would try to live off the land, catch their own game and survive without any modern conveniences. All strictly supervised, of course.
Upon hearing this, Leela quickly understood the confusion concerning her clothes. She also wanted to join them, having no desire to remain cooped up inside the Foundation while the Doctor and Jason worked on K9.

* * *

The Doctor and Marshal returned to find the group still chatting excitedly in the lobby. Upon seeing Marshall, the staff members quickly dispersed.
"The Director's tied up in a meeting just now," the Doctor informed as he dropped into a chair. "We've filled out all the necessary forms and left them with his secretary. Hopefully we'll be able to see him within a half hour."
Jason nodded approvingly and then turned to Marshal. "We've been having a very interesting conversation with some of your staff, Mr. Dunn. They've been telling us about your trip back to nature."
"Oh, yes? And what do you think?"
Leela boldly replied, "I think I would like to come."
Marshal gave her an astonished look and she meekly added, "If...that is alright?"
The Doctor laughed at his friend's stunned expression. "She's perfect for you, Marshal. And I can practically guarantee a memorable experience. Leela's survival skills are...well honed."
Dunn was immediately intrigued. He'd never had anyone accompany him on one of these trips with more than a rudimentary knowledge of survival techniques. "Well..." he said thoughtfully, "I suppose it'll give the others a little inspiration. Something to strive for..."
"Then...I many come?" Leela asked apprehensively, reacting with unrestrained delight when the answer was, "Yes."

* * *

When the Doctor returned to the Director's office he had his companions accompany him. They were shown into an office that would have been considered massive on any scale. One wall was dominated by a plate glass window through which the rolling hills behind the building could be seen. Another wall was covered from floor to ceiling with bookshelves. Dark wood paneling covered the remaining walls, as did carefully selected works of art, which were displayed about the room. Set off to one side was an alcove containing a fireplace that served as a small conference or sitting area.
In front of the wall of books, and seated behind an ocean of mahogany, was the Director, Tobias Black. He was quite literally tall, dark and handsome; a large muscular individual with piercing black eyes and only the slightest hint of gray in his jet black hair.
The Director did not rise as the group entered, glancing up absently as he shuffled through the forms in front of him. "I realize you're going to be leaving tomorrow, Marshal, but...the level of these clearances..." Looking up, he said, "This is such short notice."
"I am aware of that, sir, but I can personally vouch for the Doctor's integrity," Marshal replied hastily. "And, as you can see, his scientific qualifications are quite extensive."
Director Black grunted, scowling down at the forms and back up at Dunn. "And this young man and the, uh...lady?"
"Leela's accompanying me with the others tomorrow," Marshal said quickly. "As for this young man..." His voice trailed off as he looked over to Jason, who was examining the decor and seemingly oblivious to what was going on. He turned when Marshal started to flounder, flashing an engaging smile at the Director.
"You can vouch for my integrity, Mr. Tobias Black," Jason chirped brightly. "I have lots of titles you'll recognize, I'm sure."
The Doctor shot him a reproving look. "Jason, this is no time for frivolity!"
"Perhaps," his companion responded blandly. He then gave a courtly bow. "Healer Jason of Tel-Shye at your service, Mr. Director. Marquis of Krystovan; Earl of Altrose, Baron of Tara, and heir to the dukedom of Starbridge--not to mention a very old friend."
"Good Lord!" Black gasped.
"Not exactly," Jason grinned. "How are you Toby? Very well, if this office is any indication."
The man behind the desk was thunderstruck, trying to take in the amazing appearance of this ghost from the past. "I...I don't know what to say," he managed finally, adding quickly, "And don't you dare tell anyone I said that, Marshal."
Marshal cleared his throat nervously and ventured, "About the clearances, sir?"
"What? Oh, yes. Never mind that." The Director waved a hand in the air. "There'll be no problems."
Heaving a sigh of relief, Mr. Dunn departed, taking Leela along to introduce her to the rest of the group.
Tobias took the Doctor and Jason over to the sitting area so as to talk more informally. The chairs were arranged around a circular table inlaid with the seal of the Alexandria Foundation. Jason ran a hand over the surface of the table as he studied the seal. "Aequam servare mentem," he read. "An odd motto."
"Really? I always thought, 'With clear thoughts' was rather appropriate," Tobias replied.
"Oh, Toby!" Jason laughed. "Your Latin is still atrocious! It means, to preserve a calm mind."
"You're right, of course," Tobias replied self-consciously. He then laughed. "Y'know, I haven't been called Toby in years."
"Just how long have you two known each other?" the intrigued Doctor inquired.
Director Black hedged but Jason answered without hesitation. "Ages! We were in medical school together on Tel-Shye. We even did a residency stint together. That was before Toby--Or should I call you Tobias?--got bit by the research bug. We seemed to've lost touch with one another, oh, I suppose it was back when I went to Gallifrey the first time. That's been...what? At least sixty years, wouldn't you say, Toby?"
By this time Tobias Black was staring at Jason in horror, causing his old friend to laugh. "It's alright. The Doctor's a Time Lord. He knows all about Alterrans."
"A Time Lord!" Director Black gasped. "This is indeed an honor."
The awestruck reaction to his background made the Doctor uncomfortable and he immediately changed the subject. "Whose portrait is that over your fireplace, Mr. Black?" he inquired. "It seems a more recent work than any of the others."
"You have a good eye, Doctor. That is Miss Constance Sorenson, the daughter of our late, great founder."
The Time Lord raised an eyebrow at how the Director spoke the name as if it were a title, which he later would learn was how those at the Foundation referred to her.
The woman in the painting was standing with one arm resting atop a high-backed chair and Jason guessed she was probably quite tall, close to six feet. She had a clear, peaches and cream complexion, long, honey-colored hair and a slender, athletic build. Her only imperfection, in Jason's view, was the fact that she didn't have pale colored eyes. The coal black eyes of the woman in the painting were slightly unnerving.
"She's very beautiful," he remarked. "One might almost say exquisite."
"Still got an eye for the ladies, I see," chided his old friend. "I wouldn't waste my time on Miss Constance Sorenson, if I were you, Jaycie. She's as cold as ice and just as ruthless as her father was supposed to be. Always business, never pleasure."
"Such a waste," Jason sighed in feigned disappointment.
"You'll see what I mean when you meet her. She's away just now but due back the beginning of next week. Whenever she's on the estate, she spends half her time in the Foundation."
Tobias then excused himself and returned to his desk where he made a few phone calls. Within fifteen minutes he'd issued a priority command that would alleviate any problems concerning the Doctor and Jason's security clearances. He made arrangements for them to stay in the Foundation's guest house, and if this weren't enough, he had also arranged for them to dine with him that evening.

Chapter Three
Work In Progress

After a refreshing night's sleep, the Doctor and his companions were served a generous breakfast out on a small patio overlooking the Foundation's main building. The Doctor remarked that it was obvious no expense had been spared in the construction of the Foundation or the residence park. The guest house was lavish without being gaudy, and even had a small staff to look after its occupants, since it was in constant use.
Leela was the first to finish, saying a quick good-bye and setting off to rendezvous with Marshal's group near the fountain in the central plaza. The Doctor told her to enjoy herself, asking that she try to avoid killing anyone while she was away. A few minutes later a messenger arrived bearing the Doctor and Jason's security passes. They then finished their own breakfasts before going to retrieve the gutted K9.
The rest of the week passed relatively without incident. As K9's repairs became more and more intricate, Jason's presence seemed to become less and less necessary. The Doctor had succeeded in awing Marshal's entire staff and was, as usual, running the whole show. Eventually, his Alterran companion felt like an unwelcome spectator and stopped going to the Robotics lab altogether. There wasn't much going on in his own fields to hold his attention, which did not help in raising his gloomy spirits.
Jason had only just joined the Doctor as a traveling companion and his departure from home had been less than smooth. The Doctor had even warned him that he might regret the decision, and in his present, depressed state, he was doing just that. Jason tried to convince himself that as soon as he felt better, the regrets and homesickness would vanish. Or at least, he hoped they would.
On a brighter note, Jason had been able to catch up on old times with Tobias. His friend told him how he came to be at the Foundation in the first place, and on a planet well out of the Alterran sphere of influence. He had been part of a research team that had been given a grant by the Sorenson estate. When the grant ran out, Toby stayed on. He worked on another grant, and then another, eventually working his way up to Director of the Foundation itself.
Jason was very pleased his old friend had done so well, recalling how difficult things had been for him in the past. The Healer was also glad that at least one person in the building knew he was still alive.
Unbeknownst to Jason, his absence from the Robotics lab had not gone unnoticed. The Doctor was not only aware of it, but was becoming increasingly more annoyed with the young man's behavior. For reasons known only to himself, Tobias had introduced Jason to all as Lord Krystovan, a title the Alterran rarely used. The Doctor was puzzled when Jason didn't correct this, his suddenly seeming to develop a very superior, if not condescending attitude. Or so it appeared to the Doctor. Finally, the Time Lord could take it no longer and resolved to have it out with his companion as soon as K9 was up and running.

* * *

On the eve of the final checks on K9's circuitry, the Doctor was unexpectedly summoned to the Director's office. He arrived to find Jason waiting in the outer office, having received a similar summons and being none the wiser as to the reasons behind it. All became clear when they were shown inside. Seated beside the desk was Miss Constance Sorenson who had returned to the estate the previous evening.
Director Black made the introductions and then moved aside. Miss Sorenson was exactly as he described; cold, impersonal, businesslike. She was also even more striking than her portrait. She remained polite yet formal throughout the entire interview.
"If I'm to believe what I'm hearing," Constance said to the Doctor, "Mr. Dunn's report on your scientific qualifications falls woefully short of your actual knowledge and expertise."
"You flatter me, Miss Sorenson," the Doctor replied in a rare show of modesty.
Turning to Jason, she said, "Director Black informs me that you, too, have a scientific background, Lord Krystovan. Is it as extensive as the Doctor's?"
"Alas, no," Jason said urbanely. "My knowledge of Robotics is virtually nil in comparison to the Doctor's. My fields are medicine, chemistry, and botany. But I'm afraid I'm not as proficient in them as I'd like."
"Don't let him kid you, Miss Sorenson," Tobias injected. "Lord Krystovan knows a little bit about everything. And, he's one of the most gifted Healers Tel-Shye has ever produced."
Constance raised an eyebrow. "How very interesting, especially in one so young--Oh, but of course, you're not as young as you appear, are you, your Lordship? Director Black told me about the longevity of your people."
"How very kind of him," Jason remarked, throwing his friend a reproachful look.
Miss Sorenson glanced at her watch. "I'm terribly sorry, I must be going. I've a meeting in a few minutes on the other side of the building. It was very nice to've met you both."
In an apparent display of courtly manners, Jason took her by the hand and kissed it, bowing slightly. "The pleasure has been all mine, Miss Sorenson."
The entire flamboyant display had merely been a device so the Healer could touch, and thereby scan, Constance. He had been ill at ease ever since he'd seen her portrait and was determined to scan her at the first opportunity. What he discovered was so startling he failed to noticed her practically snatch her hand away before leaving. It was Director Black who finally brought him back to reality.
"You're wasting your time, Jaycie," Black intoned. "That lady's only interested in the operations of the Sorenson empire."
The youth smiled briefly only to frown again. The Doctor was puzzled by the boy's behavior, having already deduced that he had scanned Constance. Leaning close to Jason's ear, he asked, "What was that all about?" His companion shot a quick glance in Black's direction and quietly replied, "Later."
This wasn't the first time since their arrival that Jason had brushed the Doctor off and he was becoming increasingly more irritated with each occurrence. It was only because the Director was present that he controlled his annoyance, resolving to have a talk with his companion as soon as possible.
Now the Director was apologizing, stating that he, too, had a meeting in another part of the building and had no sooner left when Jason turned to the Doctor with a somber expression on his face. "There's more going on here than meets the eye, Doctor," he said mysteriously.
This remark took the Doctor completely off guard. "What?"
"Miss Constance Sorenson is not what she claims to be. She's Alterran, not human. And she's...she's..." The Healer cut himself off and shuddered.
"Jason, what the devil--?"
The Doctor was interrupted when the Director's secretary entered with the message that the repaired circuitry for K9 had been installed and his presence was required for its testing.
"You go ahead, Doctor. I've got to think this through." So saying, Jason turned his back on the irritated Time Lord and stared out the window.
There it was again! the Doctor thought angrily. Dismissed by his Lordship yet again. He ground his teeth and left.

* * *

After their separate meetings had ended, Tobias met Miss Sorenson in the hallway where she immediately collared him and practically dragged him into an empty conference room. Once inside, she began voicing her disapproval.
"An Alterran Healer from the House of Krystovan! Are you out of your mind! Have you no conception how dangerous he can be?"
Tobias remained unruffled. "Oh, come off it, Constance. He's only been here about a week--"
"With unrestricted access to the entire facility!" she countered fiercely. "He's already been seen in the access tunnels. What happens if this gifted friend of yours stumbles across your private laboratory? Or your current research? What will he think of you then, Mr. Director?"
Black glared back but said nothing. She was right and he knew it. Jason was scrupulous to a fault and had a nasty streak of idealism to go with it. "I'll restrict his movements, then," he said at last. "Tell him its was the Board's decision or something."
"I don't care what you tell him. Or the Doctor for that matter. Just keep Krystovan away from me!"

* * *

The Doctor returned to the guest house to find Jason out on the patio apparently lounging in the light of the setting sun. "And how is Lord Krystovan tonight?" he asked with a distinct edge of sarcasm in his voice.
Jason opened one eye to look up at him and then closed it again, sighing heavily. There was so much jangling around inside his head he didn't know where to begin. Surely the Doctor could help him sort it all out...
The Alterran was jolted out of his thoughts when the Doctor said softly, "Jason, we need to talk."
The startled youth sat bolt upright, convinced the Time Lord had just read his mind. "What?"
"I said we need to talk." The Doctor took a seat opposite his companion, adding pointedly, "About you."
"Me? What about me?" Jason was completely baffled.
The Doctor took a deep breath. Confrontations of this sort were not one of his favorite things. They invariably caused hard feelings and emotional displays. And, unfortunately, this time would be no different.
"I realize it's been difficult for you since you left Tel-Shye," the Time Lord began slowly. "You've been brooding a great deal, which is understandable..."
"But...?" Jason injected sharply. "There's a but coming soon, isn't there?" He could feel himself becoming very angry. The Doctor was about to touch a raw nerve he'd been trying very hard to ignore.
The Doctor sighed heavily. This was already going badly, and he'd scarcely started. "The but is, I think you've been questioning your--"
"Why don't you just say it?" Jason exploded. "You're sorry you ever let me come with you. You wish you'd never agreed to it in the first place, don't you? Well? Don't you?"
"I'm beginning to..." the Time Lord said between clenched teeth.
"Well, get on with it then!"
The Doctor lost his temper. "And that's another thing. This past week you've either been sulking off in a corner somewhere, or acting like a spoiled popinjay brushing aside we the insignificant commoners. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression you didn't like all the accolades that accompanied your title." His voice hardened further as he added, "Or was I wrong, my Lord Krystovan?"
"Well, I'm sorry if I offended you, Time Lord!" Jason spat back. "I wouldn't want to undermine your authority as resident expert on all subjects great and small. After all, I'm only an Alterran. What do I know?"
"Apparently very little! And you're not going to learn anything by shouting at me."
"Me? Learn from you? Don't make me laugh. I don't know how I could've been stupid enough to think you could teach me anything."
By this time they were both on their feet and Jason turned to leave. The Doctor took hold of his arm, telling him to stop acting like a child and calm down. His companion glared murderously back at him and pulled his arm away. Then he lashed out, striking the unsuspecting Time Lord with such force that he was knocked off his feet and sent sprawling.
"I could teach you a lesson or two, Time Lord," the Alterran snarled, slamming a fist on a table and turning it to splinters. "And I can guarantee you wouldn't like any of them!" With that, he stormed off into the fast growing darkness.
Stunned, the Doctor watched him go, having never seen this violent side of his companion's personality before. When he finally picked himself up off of the ground he discovered he had an audience, the fight having attracted the attention of everyone within earshot.
Throwing a quick glance in the direction the boy had taken, the Doctor withdrew into the privacy of the guest house.
One member of the audience had been enthralled by the altercation, absorbing every detail. When the Doctor finally went inside, the interested observer withdrew into the shadows.
Now was the time to act.

Chapter Four

After pacing several minutes to get control of himself, the Doctor dropped into a chair just inside the patio door. It did not take a genius to realize the boy would come back as soon as he'd cooled down. Then, hopefully, they could have a reasonable discussion and not another shouting match.
Behind where the Doctor sat waiting, a panel silently slid open. He caught some movement out of the corner of his eye and looked up in time to see the most extraordinary creature he had ever seen looming over him. It was almost eight feet in height, and his initial impression was that of a gigantic jellyfish. There was a large, white, bulbous main body and what looked like ebony crystals evenly spaced around its circumference. Just below the body numerous, long tendrils flowed down, some of which lashed out, winding around the astonished Time Lord. An alarmed cry escaped him before one of the coils wound around his face, silencing him as effectively as any hand.
Within seconds the Doctor was out of his chair and through the panel. He struggled against his captor but the coils were like bands of iron. He then received a second shock when the creature suddenly spoke to him. The voice was deep, malevolent ...and somehow familiar.
"Resistance is useless, Time Lord. I have more than twenty times your strength. It's quite impossible for you to escape."
The Doctor had already come to this conclusion, having been unable to prevent himself from being dragged deeper into the passageway. He was also thinking feverishly--and had come to several disquieting conclusions. His captor was obviously intelligent, articulate and very probably dangerous in the extreme. And possibly something else.
The captive Time Lord's train of thought was broken when he was unceremoniously hauled in to a corner and slammed forcefully against the wall. The reason for this became apparent when he heard the sound of voices approaching. The creature's voice suddenly hissed threateningly in his ear, "Make just one sound, Time Lord, and I'll kill all of them." So saying, it entwined him further and shimmered, becoming a solid block around him--and verifying his suspicions that his abductor was an Alterran.
It seemed an eternity for the unseen group to pass by. The Doctor listened helplessly inside his living prison as the voices moved within a few feet of him and then faded into the distance.
Then, as suddenly as it appeared, the box was gone and the creature was back, as were the iron coils that pulled him ever deeper into the tunnels. This time it was moving very fast, and with his mouth still covered, the Doctor found it difficult to breathe and had to struggle to keep up.
Their progress was impeded a second time by the sound of a shuttle car approaching. The Doctor was hauled into an accessway that he reasoned must led to the surface. The coil over his mouth abruptly dropped around his neck, allowing him to catch his breath. As the shuttle drew nearer, the band at his throat tightened slightly in an obvious threat.
The reason for the sudden haste became apparent as the staff members drove by. Several of them were wet and discussing the sudden rain shower that had started a few minutes earlier.
As he was led on, the Doctor noticed his captor's grip had slackened considerably and decided to try and make his escape. As they passed another accessway he tried to break free, but only managed to enrage his abductor, who lifted him several feet into the air and tightened the grip around his neck, almost cutting off his air completely.
"That was a very stupid thing to do, Doctor!" the Alterran growled angrily.
His captive was beginning to agree with him as he held onto the coil at his throat and struggled desperately to breathe.
"I can just as easily carry your unconscious body, Doctor. Remember that!" the creature hissed, shaking his prisoner like a rag doll before finally returning him to solid ground. "Don't even think of trying that again!"
Gasping for breath, the Doctor was unable to do more than nod his understanding. He was then taken into a painfully strong grip and dragged on. "Where...are you taking me?" he ventured breathlessly.
"You'll find out soon enough," came the cryptic reply.
The long and arduous journey finally ended after a climb up a flight of stairs. The Doctor found himself in a large darkened storeroom that had a clear, square enclosure in the far corner. It was into this that he was roughly thrust.
"This box is soundproof, Doctor," his captor informed as the door was closed and sealed, the threatening voice suddenly coming through the speaker in the ceiling. "No one can hear you unless this switch is on."
The Doctor was less than impressed. He was also getting tired of being pushed around. "Alright. Now that you've got me here, what do you want?" he demanded.
He received a sinister chuckle in reply. "Are you asking for a lesson, Doctor?" the Alterran asked in mock surprise, causing the Time Lord to stiffen visibly. "The lessons begin now. The first is a lesson in respect for your betters."
The creature shimmered and the Doctor suddenly found himself face to face with his companion, Jason Krystovan. He opened his mouth to say something but the switch was immediately turned off.
"You've said enough for one night, Doctor. I suggest you think about what your mistakes have cost you." So saying, the young man departed, leaving the stunned and betrayed Time Lord alone in his prison.

* * *

The Doctor had no way of knowing that Jason (the real Jason) was still roaming the grounds of the estate. He was considerably calmer by this time, his volatile temper having cooled. The sudden downpour had forced him to take refuge in a gazebo near the pond located behind the main building. He waited out the rain and reflected on the incident at the guest house, feeling very ashamed of his childish outburst. As the rain let up, he knew he would have to go back, but had no idea what he was going to say to the Doctor, or even how to face him.
Realizing he had no alternative, Jason slowly walked in the direction of the guest house--running straight into the Doctor. Or so he thought; the impostor had now taken on the Time Lord's appearance.
Unprepared for this sudden encounter, Jason gasped, "Doctor! What're you doing...? Eh, I mean..."
"Jason, I've been giving our little...conversation, a lot of thought," the bogus Doctor said mildly.
The youth lowered his eyes, shifting on his feet. "So've I. I shouldn't've--"
"No, no, you were quite right. It's obvious this was a mistake from the start."
Jason's mouth dropped open. "Wh...what're you saying?"
"I think we should end it now," the impostor said regretfully. "You can return to Tel-Shye from here. That'll make it easier on both of us."
"Doctor, you can't be serious!"
The pretender held up a hand. "I'm sorry, Jason, there's no other way. In fact, I think it's best if we say good-bye now."
The thunderstruck Alterran stared wide-eyed at the man before him. He opened his mouth, but words failed him. Suddenly the impostor was vigorously shaking his hand, giving a quick farewell, and then vanishing into the night, never knowing that, with one touch, he had given himself away.

* * *

Jason wasted no time returning to the guest house. He ran frantically from room to room calling out to the Doctor as he went. He came across one of the household staff, who told him that the Doctor had been gone almost as long as the boy himself.
"I've got to find him," Jason said in desperation, running a hand through his hair. A thought struck him and he turned back to the lone servant, asking, "Would he be able to get into the Robotics lab at this time of night?"
"No, my Lord. Not without the Director's authorization," came the disappointing reply.
Jason cursed under his breath, thanking the servant before leaving the house. There was only one place he could go for help now, and he wasn't looking forward to it.

* * *

The Doctor had rapped, tapped and pounded on the sides and floor of his prison without success. The booth had obviously been built to withstand a much greater force than the Time Lord was capable of producing. He eventually gave up and sat down on the floor, thinking that if he started to dwell on his current situation, he'd run a gamut of emotions and still be no closer to a solution than he was now.
Looking around, the Doctor tried to make out the storeroom outside the cell. Even in this he was thwarted, as the room was obscured in darkness, the only light coming from directly over his head.
The Doctor was in the process of measuring the interior of his prison with his scarf for the third time, knowing the answer would still be the same, when the door on the far side of the storeroom suddenly opened. A woman stood silhouetted in the doorway, transfixed at the sight of the imprisoned Time Lord. The movement caught the Doctor's attention and he looked up from his place on the floor.
The voice of his captor suddenly came through the open doorway behind her, "What're you doing in there?"
"Browsing!" snapped the person at the door, whom the Doctor eventually realized to be Constance Sorenson. "What do you think you're doing, you fool? What're you playing at this time?"
"That's not important now," the unseen voice said evasively. "Wait till I tell you what I've discovered--"
"I'm not interested in your insane research, Black!" Miss Sorenson interrupted coldly.
The Doctor stiffened as his captor's identity was revealed. He then wanted to kick himself for not having realized sooner that it could never have been his companion.
Pointing in the Doctor's direction, Constance demanded, "I want to know what he's doing in the booth?"
On the other side of the doorway, Director Black sounded amused by his employer's displeasure. "I'm only following your instructions, Madam Chairman. I've restricted his movements."
"That's not funny, Black. You know how I feel about that thing."
"Why don't you remind me? Tell me how it was used. A little Presti-digitation and bye-bye Changeling," Tobias taunted, his remark obviously having a double meaning for the woman at the door.
"That's not funny, either," she said coldly.
Black's voice became harsh and threatening as he said, "Don't interfere with me, Constance. I can still turn you in. Remember that."
Even though he could not see her face, the Doctor could tell by her movements that Miss Sorenson was stung by the remark. She squared her shoulders and drew herself to her full height before leaving, venting her anger as she went.
The Doctor drew a deep breath and sat down, leaning back against the wall. "My dear Jason, I owe you my deepest and sincerest of apologies," he muttered. Looking around, he put a hand on the side of the enclosure, adding darkly, "If I ever manage to get out of here, that is."

Chapter Five

Constance was in her study pouring herself a stiff drink when she heard loud, angry voices out in the hall. Thinking Tobias Black had had the audacity to follow her to the mansion, she cursed under her breath. To her astonishment, the door was thrown open and Jason appeared on the threshold, a man to be reckoned with. There was a vexed servant at his heels who was making no progress at slowing him down. "I tell you, sir, you can't go in there!"
"Oh, can't I?" the Alterran thundered. After his fruitless search for both the Doctor and Tobias, he'd taken the only option left to him and gone directly to Constance.
Miss Sorenson stared at him in amazement before dismissing the servant with a wave of her hand. She then half-smiled at the glowering youth. "This is rather unexpected, Lord Krystovan. Would you care for a drink? You look like you could use one."
Constance reached for a second glass, stopping when Jason snapped, "I don't have time for social pleasantries. I'm cold. I'm wet. And I'm tired. So you can drop all the Lord Krystovan nonsense and call me Jason like everyone else."
Miss Sorenson turned to face him, her head high. "Very well. Then I assume you have a good reason for forcing your way into my home--Jason."
"I need straight answers, and I need them now."
"My dear young man, I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about."
"Then I'll tell you some things you do know. First off, you're Alterran, not human. Your name is not Constance, and you are not the daughter of Emil Sorenson. You couldn't be. Because he never existed! Shall I go on?"
Miss Sorenson's expression was fixed, and for what seemed an eternity, she remained silent. Suddenly she moved towards the door. "I think you should leave now, Krystovan."
Jason was momentarily thrown by the venom with which his surname was spoken. Recovering quickly, he said forcefully, "Not until I find out what I came for. Toby's playing with fire. He's been dabbling in forbidden research that's completely beyond his capabilities."
Constance turned to face him as he continued, "I'm talking about the Changeling Project. The idiot's gone and dosed himself with the stuff--"
"What does all that have to do with me?" Miss Sorenson cut in sharply.
"Everything. I know you're a Changeling. I also know that you've been cured of the condition."
"How dare you!" The woman's cool reserve fell away like a mask. "How dare you come in here and accuse me of--"
"Being in the wrong place at the wrong time?" Jason suggested helpfully. "Look, I'm not here to judge you, I haven't the right. It's Toby I'm worried about. He's getting unstable fast. I'm certain he's already entered the first stage of the Changeling mania. The idiot probably ingested the stuff, so there isn't much time."
"How can you possibly know all that?"
"I'm a Healer. It's my job," came the sardonic reply. "And because he's assumed the Doctor's identity," Jason went on. "He tried the impersonation on me and vanished before I realized it wasn't really the Doctor. I came to you on the off-chance he might've come to seek out the cure."
Constance shook her head. "He already knows it. He also knows its unattainable."
"If you obtained it, he can."
"No, Jason, you don't understand. The cure is lindos."
The Healer's eyes grew wide in horror. "What!" he gasped.
"Lindos. It's the hormone that initiates regeneration--"
"I know what it is!"
"Then what are you getting so excited about?" Constance asked mildly. "It's unattainable."
"Unattainable!" Jason exploded. "Constance, the Doctor is a Time Lord! A nice, convenient, walking supply." He turned and headed for the door. "I've got to find him before Toby does."
"You're too late."
Jason stopped dead in his tracks and spun around. "What?"
"I said you're too late. Black already has the Doctor a prisoner in the lab behind his office."
"How do you know that?"
Miss Sorenson met the young man's accusing gaze steadily. "Because I saw him there less than half an hour ago."
"He was when I saw him."
"Where exactly is this lab?" Jason demanded.
"You don't understand--"
"Oh, I understand alright! More than you realize," the Healer snapped. "If he tries to extract that hormone, the Doctor will die. And you know it too, don't you? You just don't care."
Constance eyes flickered but her expression did not change. "I can't afford to care," she said frostily. "I can, however, afford almost everything else."
Jason's eyes narrowed. "So can I," he said, his voice cold and hard. "I was born to it. Money, power, position. I already have them. So if you want to buy my silence, the price is the Doctor's life. Tell me where he is, and I give you my word I won't reveal your whereabouts to anyone."
"How do I know you'll keep your word?" she asked reasonably.
"You don't. But I can guarantee I'll call the Lord Emperor personally, if you don't help me now."
Realizing she really had no choice, Constance grudgingly accepted Jason's terms, telling him where he could find a door concealed in the bookcase behind the Director's desk. This led into a private surgery from which he could gain entry to the storeroom turned laboratory where the Doctor was being held.
Even after telling him all this, Constance still tried to dissuade him from going. "Jason, Black won't be your friend Toby anymore. Under the influence of the mania, he'll kill anyone regardless. He'll kill you both, if he gets the chance."
Jason was already at the door and gave her a wry smile. "Then your worries about my keeping my word will be over, won't they?" So saying, he disappeared through the door.

* * *

Toby returned to the storeroom, having transmuted back to Jason's likeness. He walked over to the cell and turned on the speaker. "Well, Doctor? Are you ready to apologize for your insulting behavior?"
"No, actually," the Doctor replied airily, "I've been rather busy reviewing my accommodations, and I'm afraid I could never recommend them to any of my friends. The atmosphere is overdone. The rooms are too small. And the furnishings are nonexistent."
"Your pitiful attempt at humor--"
"Oh, yes, and the staff is extremely surly," the Time Lord interrupted. "Y'know, if I were you, I'd have a little talk with the person in charge. You do talk to yourself, don't you, Mr. Black?"
The face of his captor darkened considerably as the arrow found it's mark.
"Yes, I know who you are," the Doctor said sternly. "So perhaps you'll be so kind as to stop this silly impersonation of Jason and let me out of here."
"Perhaps you'd like the real me again, Doctor," the Alterran snarled. His body shimmered and the Doctor found himself looking up at the creature that had dragged him through the tunnels. "Well, Time Lord? What do you think of the real me?"
All the Doctor could think of at the time was he was trapped in a confined space by a lunatic who could kill him effortlessly.
The door to the enclosure was flung open and the Alterran bore down on its defenseless occupant, dragging him to his feet. The Doctor chose the path of least resistance in order to humor his obviously unstable captor. Black pressed a button near the enclosure controls and the walls parted to reveal the private surgery Constance had described on the other side.
Suddenly the Doctor's scarf was removed and flung to the floor. Then his coat was roughly stripped off and tossed aside.
"I could've done that for you, you know?" the Doctor said in as even a tone as possible. "You only had to ask."
"I need ask for nothing any longer," Black stated categorically, sweeping the Time Lord off of his feet and onto the table in the center of the room.
Even while it was happening the Doctor could not help but marvel at the dexterity of the tendrils that held him immobile. Almost simultaneously, straps were fastened around his wrists and ankles while others were tightened across his chest and legs. When the coils finally released him, he was securely bound and barely able to move.
Tobias changed form yet again, taking on Jason's likeness while keeping his own voice. This caused the Doctor to wonder if the Alterran was losing his identity as well as his mind.
Rubbing his hands together, Black could scarcely contain his delight. "The gods have smiled on me, Doctor. It was divine providence that brought you to me. Divine providence. When I join with the gods that be, I shall thank them for this blessing."
Now the Doctor was certain he was dealing with a lunatic. "Excuse me," he said politely, "I don't mean to interrupt, but... don't you think they'll be looking for you the other way?"
"No, Doctor, I need this form. These hands." Tobias held up his hands. "These delicate surgeon's hands." Suddenly he was enthralled by the hands that were a duplicate of Jason's and began stroking them in loving fascination.
The Doctor was liking the sound of this less and less, and he positively hated it when he saw Black setting out a number of very unfriendly looking surgical instruments. While his captor's back was turned, he tugged at his bonds in the hope of loosening them.
When the unstable Alterran set out the last tray, he passed a trembling hand over its contents. "Soon. Very soon," he said softly and then turned back to face his prisoner.
"If I may make so bold, your Divinity," the Time Lord began evenly, "just how, exactly, do I figure in to this magnificent transfiguration?" The face that looked back at him may have been Jason's, but the eyes were the eyes of a madman. Black laughed evilly. "It's a sur-pri-ise," he sing-songed.
The Doctor groaned inwardly. He had been hoping to delay the inevitable by getting his captor talking, but it was becoming painfully evident that he was jumping from one extreme to the other with almost no rest in-between. As if to verify this, Black suddenly started turning on every piece of equipment in the room. An enormous light came on overhead and practically blinded the Doctor, who was forced to close his eyes and turn away. When he opened his eyes again, he saw his captor's attention had been caught by something somewhere above his head but was unable to move enough to see what it was.
Black abruptly came to his senses and shot a glance over to his puzzled captive. He then started rummaging around in one of the cupboards, returning to the table and smiling down at the helpless Time Lord. Changing back to his own likeness as the Director, he said happily, "Duty calls," and then jammed a large piece of adhesive tape over the Doctor's mouth.
The startled Time Lord blinked up in bewilderment.
"Don't go away now," Tobias chirped brightly. He took a step away, hesitated and then stepped back, scowling down at the Doctor and putting his fingers on his exposed throat. "I'll have to take care of those vocal cords when I get back," the maniac muttered thoughtfully. "One quick incision should do the trick, I think." With that, he strode into the next room.
The Doctor had heard quite enough and struggled frantically to free himself. All he needed to do was free one hand, he thought desperately. Just concentrate on one hand...
The straps on his wrists gave slightly, tearing into his flesh as he tried to wrench his hand free. The Doctor tried to ignore the pain from the gashes he was inflicting on himself, being perfectly willing to lose some skin if it meant saving his life. From somewhere just above his head, he thought he heard a low, grinding sound that was followed by the sound of someone, or something, moving. He wondered if he were starting to imagine things and listened a moment, only to freeze when a figure suddenly loomed over him.

Chapter Six
The Mania Takes Hold

It was Jason who had so suddenly appeared over the Doctor. After leaving the Sorenson mansion, he went straight to the Director's office, gaining entry to the locked room with ease. He crossed to the bookcase and started searching for the concealed door. A security camera had detected his presence and displayed his image on a monitor in the surgery, alerting Tobias.
While Director Black was going the long way around to his office, Jason was struggling with the door trigger. When at last he got it to work, he passed through the door, not sure what he would find on the other side. He was relieved and horrified to see the Doctor strapped to an operating table with an appalling assortment of surgical instruments ready and waiting on the nearby counter top. Without a word, the Healer snatched up a scalpel and bore down on the helpless Time Lord.
In light of his experiences over the last few hours, the Doctor had no way of knowing the person standing over him was really his companion. As far as he knew, his insane captor had returned to sever his vocal cords.
Jason was baffled by his friend's reaction, which seemed more like fear than relief. Was the Doctor actually flinching away from him? He followed the Time Lord's eyes to the blade in his hand and was appalled. "Good heavens, I'm not that mad at you, Doctor!" he exclaimed, carefully pulling the tape from his friend's mouth.
"Jason, you've no idea how delighted I am to hear that," the Doctor sighed relievedly. "You've got an evil twin running around here somewhere. And I can assure you, he's quite mad."
"I know," the youth said despairingly. "Toby's probably entering the second phase of the Changeling mania--the idiot!" As he spoke, the hand of the true surgeon moved quickly to cut the Doctor's bindings.
The Doctor threw the Alterran a puzzled look. "Changeling mania?" He was vaguely familiar with the Alterran horror stories concerning a group known as Changelings and their connection with the Time Lords of old. Suddenly Tobias Black's remark about them returned to his mind, as did Constance's reaction to it.
When the last of the bindings was cut, Jason tossed the scalpel onto the counter and then helped the Doctor down from the table. "I hope you won't be offended if I don't explain," he said in an urgent tone, "because right now--you especially--need to get the hell out of here!"
"No argument there."
Jason flashed a smile and vanished into the passage through the bookcase. The Doctor made to follow only to stop short when he heard a howl of rage from out in the Director's office. Jason suddenly came flying backwards though the door, having been stuck savagely by Tobias Black on the other side.
The Doctor caught the stunned youth and backed up as the enraged Director entered. The Time Lord was almost relieved to see he hadn't changed his appearance again. Laying the semiconscious Jason on top of his coat, which was still on the floor where his captor had thrown it, the Doctor braced himself. He knew the Alterran lunatic would take another run at him.
He did not have to wait long. Tobias returned to his true Alterran form and lunged at him, but this time the Doctor was ready and easily eluded the long, coiling tendrils.
"Don't make this hard on yourself, Doctor," Black snarled. "I will not be denied my glory."
"Still striving for god hood, Tobias?" the Doctor taunted as he continued to circle the table to stay out of reach. "Think you've got the right stuff?"
"I've already told you, Doctor, the gods have smiled on me."
The Doctor's voice hardened. "Are you sure of that? You know what they say, don't you? Those whom the gods destroy they first drive mad." So saying, he bolted through the connecting door hoping to lead the raving lunatic away from his stunned companion. He only succeeded in leading him to the other side of the door before he was caught from behind.
"I am not mad! Do you hear me, Time Lord?" Tobias Black raged fiercely. "I am not mad!" His actions spoke otherwise. He took the Time Lord by the throat and proceeded to throttle the life out of him.
The Doctor knew he didn't stand chance as the coils constricted around his neck, but he was determined not to give up without a fight and struggled in vain against the powerful being.
The Alterran laughed scornfully at his efforts, twisting his arms painfully behind him and then lifting him off of his feet. "You dare pit your puny strength against mine?" Tobias hissed, rather enjoying taunting his choking captive. "You'll beg my forgiveness as you die in agony, Time Lord."
The Doctor could feel himself weakening as consciousness started to slip away. One way or another, he knew death would follow. To his great relief, he heard Jason's voice suddenly cry out, "Toby, stop it! For pity sake, you're killing him!"
As the coils at the Doctor's throat were pried away, the tendrils pinioning him tightened. Then they, too, were pulled away by his unseen rescuer. He dropped gratefully to the floor, drinking great gulps of air into his oxygen starved lungs. Leaning back against the bookcase, the Doctor dazedly looked up and was astounded by the sight of the two Alterrans locked in battle. They were both in their true forms now, the only noticeable difference between them being the color of the crystals encircling their bodies; Jason's being blue, and Tobias' being black. They grappled in an apparent deadlock for several seconds before Jason was finally flung aside. Tobias ran blindly into the surgery where he took on Jason's likeness once again. The real Jason followed his lead, returning to his human form and stopping just inside the doorway.
"Toby...Toby, listen to me. You must listen to me," Jason said urgently. "You're not thinking rationally. Do you understand? It's the mania. It's controlling you."
"No, I control! I control all!" Jason's own voice thundered back at him.
Black tried to make a dash through the door but Jason barred his way, grabbing hold of his wild man double to keep him away from the Doctor. Tobias struggled to push past the determined youth without success, screaming at him to get out of his way. He fell back against the counter, coming up with a laser pistol.
Jason stiffened and held up his hands. "Now, Toby..." He never got the chance to complete his sentence. Tobias fired the weapon pointblank.
The force of the shot slammed Jason back against the wall where, to his astonishment and horror, he felt a searing pain in his side. A scream of agony was torn from his throat and he stood against the wall in shock, staring wide-eyed at his homicidal twin a few seconds before his legs started to give way.
This had all occurred out of the Doctor's line of vision and he appeared at the door just as his companion slid to the floor.
"He pulled a gun on me, Doctor," the impostor lied. "It...went off during the struggle."
The Doctor made no reply, not seeming to have heard. His hand suddenly flashed onto the counter and he snatched up a spray can, aiming it straight into the face of the pretender, who cried out as the mist burned his eyes. A karate chop sent the pistol flying, and before Black could react, the Doctor had recovered the weapon and came up with it in both hands.
"Back off!" he commanded. "Or I swear I'll empty this thing into you!"
The disguised Tobias gasped in mock surprise. "Doctor, what're you doing? He's the Changeling, not me."
"Maybe he is, and maybe he isn't."
From his place on the floor Jason dazedly took in the situation and prayed the Doctor remembered his remarks about Toby's atrocious Latin. Summoning all his remaining strength, he said, "Doctor, fronti nulla fides," and then slumped back to the floor, exhausted by the effort.
This was all the Doctor needed to hear. Roughly translated, his companion had just told him that looks can be deceiving. He ordered Tobias Black into the cell, making certain to call him by name.
Tobias altered his form again, returning to his own, larger human likeness. "Or else what, Time Lord?" he hissed contemptuously. "You haven't got the guts."
"Try me! Now, get in there!" the Doctor growled, his rage written clearly all over his face.
Tobias Black's eyes locked with those of the enraged Time Lord. Slowly, very slowly, he backed up until he was finally inside the booth, which was promptly closed and sealed shut.
Setting the gun down beside the controls, the Doctor made certain the speaker was switched off before going to his gravely injured companion.
A large white stain resembling cracked ice had spread from the wound in Jason's side across his body. The Doctor knelt down just as the cracking spread a bit more, causing the boy to catch his breath and wince in pain.
The Time Lord touched him gently, and he looked fuzzily up at him, taking hold of his hand.
"I'd...worked out...dozen apologies..." Jason said faintly.
The Doctor hushed him. "I accept them all. Now, please, you mustn't talk."
Jason groaned as the strange fracturing continued to spread and hung on to his friend's hand with such force that it made him wince. His breathing was already very labored and he was finding it difficult to focus his thoughts. "Crystalline lattice... shattering," the Healer informed weakly.
The Doctor looked on helplessly. He knew if he didn't do something, and fast, his companion would die. "Jason, I don't know what to do to help you."
From out of nowhere, a voice said calmly, "I do, Doctor."

Chapter Seven
"Your Secret Is Safe..."

Startled, the Doctor looked up to see Constance standing just inside the connecting door to the storeroom. She had entered through the far door and watched in silence as Tobias was sealed into the enclosure. She came over to examine Jason's wound; the cracking had spread across his abdomen, all the way down one leg and part of the other, up and across his shoulder and down one arm.
"Don't say...told you so..." Jason whispered as she got down beside him. Constance looked into his eyes, but said nothing.
"Don't worry..." he said almost inaudibly, "your secret safe ...with me. Heaven help me...your secret...sssafe..." Jason's voice trailed off as he slipped into unconsciousness.
Constance turned to the Doctor. "Quickly, get him on the bed over there," she said, indicating a bed with a domed cover set against the wall on the far side of the room.
The Doctor looked at it and scowled. It looked to him like a very large roll-top desk with a padded interior. He gingerly lifted the limp youth into his arms, carrying him to the cabinet as Miss Sorenson hurriedly prepared the equipment. He carefully placed his companion inside the unfamiliar device and reluctantly lowered the cover watching as the medical monitors came on-line, displaying the young man's unstable vital signs.
Constance took a seat at the nearby computer console, her fingers clattering at the keyboard as she entered a steady stream of information. At the same time, the Doctor noticed the dome beginning to glow from within, Jason's form just discernible through the opaque cover.
"That's all I can do," Constance sighed, leaning back in her chair. "It's up to him, now."
"How long before you know anything definite?" the Time Lord asked worriedly.
"Not for half an hour, at least."
The Doctor nodded and pulled up a stool so as to keep watch on the readings. Within a few minutes his companion's vital signs, although weak, started to stabilize and he breathed a sigh of relief, leaning back against the wall. It was only then that he became aware of his own injuries and rubbed the gashes he had inflicted on his wrists.
Seeing this, Constance inquired, "Doctor, are you hurt?"
"I'll live," he replied tersely. He then asked her to explain the treatment Jason was undergoing and the function of the cabinet.
Miss Sorenson obliged, explaining that because an Alterran's basic molecular structure was crystalline, they were able to absorb and convert large amounts of energy without being harmed. A colossal energy burst, however, overloads this ability, shattering the crystalline lattice. The length of the energy concentration was a determinant factor on the extent and speed of the lattice damage, which produced the cracking that had appeared on Jason's body.
The energy bed was designed to produce a low intensity energy emission halting the shattering of the lattice and allowing the occupant's vital signs to stabilize. Once this was accomplished, the unit supplied the necessary radiation for the occupant to absorb and convert in order for their body to repair itself.
"Photoconductivity," the Doctor injected blandly. "Yes... I am familiar with the principle, Miss Sorenson."
"That's only part of the process, Doctor," she informed, adding, "And since we're going to be stuck here for a while, you might as well call me Constance." Motioning to the energy bed, she then said, "As for all this...well, I'm not really familiar with the conversion process myself. It's very complicated. Black installed the unit and taught me how to use it."
The Doctor gave her a wry smile. "It's ironic. The most qualified person to operate it is probably Jason himself." He was about to ask another question when a sudden thought struck him and he got to his feet, taking a step away from the bed. "Just how much radiation does this thing produce, anyway?"
"Oh, we're quite safe, Doctor. Even when the dome is raised the radiation level is negligible. The frequency is set to the amount the occupant can absorb. If the demand changes, an alarm sounds." Constance scanned the readings and leaned back in her chair. "And, now that it's stopped the destruction of the lattice, his body should be able to repair itself. Providing, of course," she added offhandedly, "the damage to his system isn't too extensive."
"And if it is, he'll die?" the Doctor said gravely.
Constance nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid so." She looked up sharply when the Time Lord said accusingly, "Are you? I wonder. If he dies, then whatever it is you're hiding dies with him, doesn't it?"
The woman at the computer returned the verbal slap in the face with an icy, contemptuous stare. "I'm sure I don't know what your talking about," she replied frostily.
"And I'm sure you do. Our friendly little maniac under glass over there has been blackmailing you and somehow, Jason discovered what it was." The Doctor moved casually toward the storeroom where the enraged Tobias was currently pounding on the sides of his prison. Looking at his seemingly disinterested audience, he said mildly, "I know you're Alterran, by the way."
Still receiving no response, the Time Lord asked, "Tell me? Do you think Director Black can tell me what Changeling mania is?"
Constance remained motionless until the Doctor's hand was inches from the speaker switch. Then she was out of her seat like a shot. "No!" She stopped dead when the Doctor spun around with the laser pistol in his hand. He would never have used it, of course, but Constance had no way of knowing this.
"Well...?" the Time Lord ventured.
The Alterran raised her hands in surrender, keeping her large, dark eyes fixed on the deadly weapon. "Alright, alright, you win! Just...don't point that thing at me."
"My dear woman," the Doctor began indignantly, "so far I've been kidnapped, locked up, strapped to an operating table and nearly strangled. After suffering the strength and agility of an Alterran firsthand, I think I'd prefer a discreet distance, and considerable leverage, in my favor. I'm sure you understand."
Constance said nothing, her eyes still fixed on the gun he held unwaveringly in his hand.
The Doctor's face darkened, his voice hardening as he said, "Now. Tell me about the Changeling mania."
Heaving a resigned sigh, Constance returned to her place by the computer. "To understand that, you have to understand what the Changeling Project was all about, and few outsiders even know about it."
"Oh, but I do, my dear Constance, I do," the Doctor informed. "One of the things I know is that it causes the eyes to change color--to black. Just like yours. Is that the secret Jason's keeping?"
Miss Sorenson made no reply.
"Tell me about the mania," the Doctor demanded. "And not the edited highlights, I know those already. I want specifics."
After studying his set expression as well as considering the gun in his hand, Constance resigned herself to telling him what he wanted to know, starting at the beginning...
The Alterran ability to transmute, as well as many of their other powers were all a result of generations of painstaking work by genetic engineers whose ultimate goal was to perfect the race. As in all fields of research, the risk of something going wrong was always a possibility, but as the years pasted into decades, this idea went virtually ignored. Ultimately, there was not just an accident, but a catastrophe.
While working on a method to artificially enhance the intelligence, there was an explosion and the entire research team was exposed to the unrefined substance. The effects of this were not immediately evident, as each person had been exposed in varying degrees. They did not learn until later that, instead of enhancing the intellect, the substance magnified all the violent, sadistic tendencies. One by one, the members of the group started to go insane, swinging from periods of lucidity to violent cruelty--the beginning of the mania. Eventually, the affected individual would degenerate to a single fixation to kill with a savagery that was alien to the Alterran race, even in its most corrupt period. It was at that time the group became known as the Changelings.
This devastating incident became the deciding factor that compelled the Emperor to take action--banning genetic engineering for all time. He then went on to horrify his people, and the remaining members of the research team, by ordering them put to death, whether insane or not. All two hundred and seventeen.
A small group of Changelings who had not been affected (at least, not at the time) managed to escape, disappearing without a trace along with most of the documentation on the Project.
"If memory serves me correctly," the Doctor injected mildly, "the group was aided in their escape by one of the Time Lords who wasn't too keen on the newly formed Alliance between Alterrous and Gallifrey. According to the legend, his intention was to let these Changelings run loose in the future and thereby wreck the Alliance."
Constance blinked. First Jason had astonished her with his knowledge, and now the Doctor was doing exactly the same thing. She stopped herself from uttering an alarmed cry when he went on to say, "Of course, this never happened, and rumor has it the Changelings turned on their benefactor and killed him."
Willing herself to remain calm, Miss Sorenson gave the Doctor a polite half-smile. "An interesting hypothesis."
"Isn't it? And here's another one for you. Tobias the Blackmailer discovered all or part of this and used it against you. Now which is it? The documents? Or the fact that you're one of the missing group?"
Constance remained silent a moment before saying, "Let's just say he threatened me with what he discovered. He said he'd turn me over to the Emperor if I didn't make it worth his wile." She glared over at Tobias, who glared back with unbridled hatred. "I made it worth his wile, alright, didn't I, Mr. Director?"
Now completely under the control of the mania, Tobias Black threw himself against the sides of his prison in a vain attempt to escape. He changed form over and over in an attempt to find one strong enough to break the seals on the enclosure. A chill ran down the Doctor's spine as he watched this display, realizing if the trapped lunatic did manage to break free, he would kill everyone on the entire estate.
The Doctor's disquieting reverie was broken as Constance said, "He thought he could correct the original problems with the project and perfect the substance himself--the fool. I didn't even know he'd dosed himself until Jason told me." Her voice hardened and there was a distinct edge of contempt in it as she observed, "Now look at him. A Changeling himself. A Changeling who'll do anything for the cure."
"I've been meaning to ask you that. What is the--" The Doctor was cut off when a beeper sounded from the computer.
Constance turned her attention to the screen and set to work at the keyboard. The Doctor went to the monitors attached to the energy bed and was aghast when he saw Jason's vital signs dropping. "What's wrong?" he demanded.
"He's stopped absorbing energy," Constance replied without looking up. Stopping her entries, she turned to the Doctor and said bluntly, "He's dying."

Chapter Eight
Trapped Again

"Well, this solves your little problem rather conveniently, doesn't it?" the Doctor snapped sarcastically.
Constance received the affront coldly. "I had nothing to do with this, Doctor. He's too weak to convert the radiation."
"Have you tried modulating the frequency?"
"Of course. But it's not the frequency, it's him. His conductivity is too low--"
"Conductivity!" The Doctor seized the word like a drowning man who'd been thrown a lifeline. "Of course! The conversion must require a catalyst inside the cells themselves."
"A catalyst?"
"Do you have any saline solution that can be introduced intravenously?"
Constance was now completely baffled. "What on earth do you want that for?"
The Time Lord was becoming more animated by the second. "Don't you see? Silicon is a poor conductor, but saline isn't. It's good old-fashioned salt water. One of the best conductors there is. If we can introduce it into his system, it may help him to convert the radiation."
This one little word was like a bucket of cold water. The Doctor stopped dead and stared at the woman at the computer in horrified disbelief. She returned the stare with a frozen look, remaining calm and unmoving, her hands in her lap.
"You're forgetting something, aren't you?" the Doctor said mildly, indicating the gun in his hand that he himself had forgotten until that very moment.
The Alterran's coal black eyes were the only thing that moved going from the Doctor's face to the gun and back. A second alarm sounded and this time she made no attempt to silence it. Her eyes remained locked with the Doctor's, her face an emotionless mask.
"Constance, if he dies..."
"Then I die," she said blandly. "I believe that's how it goes. But you see, if you kill me now, he'll die anyway. And, as you say, with him dead, my real secret is safe."
The logic was inescapable, as was the sound of the alarm squealing for attention.
"What do you want?" the Doctor demanded desperately. "Do you wand me to beg for his life? Well, alright then, I'll beg. I'll plead. I'll--"
"Do anything I ask?" Miss Sorenson ventured innocently.
The implications of this question were blindingly obvious and the Time Lord ground his teeth before replying. "Yes, yes, what ever you ask."
A ghost of a smile passed across Constance's face and she held out her hand for the weapon. "I won't work at gunpoint," she stated flatly.
A loud buzzer suddenly sounded, causing them both to jump. Constance shot a quick glance at the monitor to see that Jason's condition had deteriorated to the point where all his vital signs were registering as extremely critical. "You've got less than five minutes to decide," she informed coolly. "After that--
"Alright, you win!" the Doctor blurted out, thrusting the weapon at her. "Now, please, hurry!"
With a satisfied expression on her face, the Alterran female pocketed the laser pistol and then went over to a cupboard, returning to the bed with the I.V. She put a hand on the handle of the dome and paused. "He'll look strange to you, Doctor, so don't be alarmed," she warned before pulling the cabinet open.
The Time Lord was grateful for the warning. The being within the cabinet was unrecognizable as his friend. Jason had lost all his coloring and was now snow white from head to toe. His features had blurred to the point of being nonexistent. It was almost as if he were melting, the Doctor thought, watching as the form moved weakly within the dome, struggling helplessly to stay alive.
Constance had to strap Jason down to prevent the I.V. from being pulled loose. Once satisfied it was secured, she returned to the keyboard. Throwing a quick glance in the Doctor's direction, she gave a small, satisfied smile, watching as the way to the storeroom became a solid wall again. Then the exit to the Director's office silently closed, sealing them within the room.
The Doctor failed to notice either of these occurrences, being too intent on Jason's progress. He did notice the boy's vital signs had stopped their steady decline and were slowly, very slowly, starting to inch their way up again. "That's it. That's it," he encouraged. "Come on, Jason...fight!"
There was a low moan from the struggling form as if in reply and the Time Lord looked up sharply. "He can hear me!"
"I doubt it. He's in a very deep coma, probably will be for quite some time," Constance replied as she closed the dome. Seeing the skeptical expression on his face, she said firmly, "Involuntary movement is not unusual, Doctor, he is unconscious."
She adjusted some of the instruments on the energy bed and then returned to her seat at the computer, rubbing the tension from the back of her neck.
Relieved to have gotten passed this crisis, the Doctor sat down and leaned back against the wall. He watched the monitors a few minutes more and then drew a deep breath. "I suppose all we have to do now is--" He did a double take when he saw the way to the storeroom was a solid wall again and jumped to his feet in alarm. Then he saw the way to the Director's office had also been cut off.
Constance observed this reaction in silence, smiling when the Time Lord turned to her with a questioning look on his face. She pointed to the keyboard in way of explanation and the Doctor cursed himself for not having realized sooner that the computer could also control the exits.
"Well, now what? Is it back to the operating table for me?" he asked contemptuously. Hopping up on the table, he held out his arms in mock surrender.
"Believe me, Doctor, you wouldn't be so willing if you knew what Black had in mind," Miss Sorenson told him darkly. He gave her a puzzled look and she went on to explain, "Your legends were all quite true, you know. It was one of the Time Lords who engineered the escape from Alterrous. was he who ultimately provided the cure."
"How? Just exactly what is the cure?"
Constance hesitated. "It's lindos, Doctor. And...the only way of extracting it is to initiate successive regenerations until the cycle is exhausted. It isn't very pleasant. In fact," she added darkly, "it's quite horrible."
The Time Lord blanched visibly, not having expected so graphic an explanation. He was also wondering why she was even bothering to tell him anything at all, since she was not longer being forced. The fact that he and Jason were a threat to her, and were now virtually her prisoners, did nothing to relieve his uneasiness.
"You look like you could use a drink," the Alterran suddenly said in an congenial tone. "I know I could." She went over to another cupboard that turned out to be a rather extensive liquor cabinet. Pouring two glasses of brandy, she returned to the table and held one out to the Doctor.
The Time Lord gave her a skeptical look, smiled broadly and then took the unoffered glass. He then took a tentative sip, looking up in surprise. "This is excellent! A hundred years old if it's a day."
"I'm glad you like it," Constance replied, giving him a wry smile as she sipped from her own glass. She pulled the laser gun from her pocket, and the Doctor stiffened visibly, only to relax when she immediately started to dismantle it. "Do you know much about energy weapons, Doctor?" she asked casually. "Aside from the obvious, that is."
His curiosity piqued, the Doctor got down from the table. "Yes, I know quite a lot about them, actually."
"So do I. And there are things about this one that aren't right."
"In what way?"
"Well, this is a human weapon. And one this small shouldn't have the power it takes to produce a wound like it did. The only human weapon capable of causing that kind of damage is a laser cannon."
"What!" The Doctor was stunned. "But that's impossible. No one could survive..." His voice trailed off as he realized what he was saying. He shot a concerned look over to the energy bed and finished the last of his brandy.
"What is that?" Constance breathed, indicating what appeared to be a microchip that had been spliced into the control unit of the power pack.
"That's you power booster. Rather amateurish in my opinion, but apparently effective enough," the Doctor observed. "Y'know, it's a miracle it didn't disintegrate when it was fired. See how this casing's warped from the energy leakage?"
The Alterran merely grunted, taking away the empty glasses as the Doctor continued to scrutinize the power pack. It seemed to blur a moment and the Time Lord rubbed his eyes, thinking it to be fatigue. Then the room started to move around him and he staggered against the table. To his horror, he suddenly realized he had been out maneuvered by this clever woman who had managed to drug him despite his precautions.
Constance was calmly collecting the pieces of the dismantled weapon, apparently oblivious to the Time Lord's distress. His legs suddenly could not support his weight any longer and he dropped to the floor, still fighting the drug.
"Doctor, you're exhausted," she said gently in his ear. "You should lie down and rest."
Shaking his head, the Doctor tried to push her away but lacked the strength to resist and only succeeded in overbalancing himself, falling back heavily into Constance's waiting arms. In an astonishing display of her superior Alterran strength, she effortlessly lifted his large frame off of the floor and back on to the operating table.
"Why?" the Doctor asked weakly as she laid his limp arms at his sides. "Why the elaborate deception?" He received no reply and watched helplessly as his newest Alterran captor went over to the counter where all the instruments were still ready and waiting. He saw her turn back to face him with something in her hands, and then the drug finally won the battle and he blacked out.

Chapter Nine
The Morning After

The Doctor awoke with a start and sat up quickly, immediately regretting having done so, a hand going to his spinning head. He looked around in bewilderment. He was still on the operating table and had been covered with a blanket. Looking over to the counter he saw, to his relief, that all the surgical instruments had been put away. The enormous light overhead had been turned off, as had most of the other equipment, leaving the room in semi-darkness. To his added relief he saw the energy bed was still humming quietly in the corner, Jason's outlined form still visible inside.
The door to the Director's office had been reopened, and the morning sunlight was clearly visible on the other side. Conspicuous by her absence was Miss Constance Sorenson, who was nowhere to be seen.
The Doctor slid down from the table and stood unsteadily beside it a few minutes. He suddenly noticed a door at one side of the computer he would've sworn wasn't there the night before. A quick peek inside revealed it to be a small scrub room and he seized the opportunity to splash cold water in his face, discovering at the same time that the injuries he had inflicted on his wrists had been treated and dressed.
Feeling more alert, he went to check on Jason's condition, finding his coat and scarf neatly folded on the stool beside the bed. The Time Lord put them on as he scrutinized the monitors. Then, with the utmost care, he raised the lid, seeing a more recognizable Jason inside. His facial features had returned to normal, as had his skin coloring. Even his hair had darkened to a mixture of black and gray. He, too, had been covered with a blanket and, no longer strapped down, was lying peacefully on his side.
All the readings indicated the recovering Alterran was in a deep, natural sleep, but the Doctor was still skeptical of the unfamiliar device. He raised one of his companion's eyelids and a sapphire blue crystal sparkled back at him. Startled, he checked again. "There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there, my Alterran friend?" he said thoughtfully. Rubbing his bandaged wrists, he added, "And I'm very glad you're on my side."
Satisfied his companion was out of immediate danger, the Doctor closed the cabinet and went into the Director's office, finding Constance asleep at the desk. There was a cart standing just inside the door on top of which were several covered dishes and two large urns containing something that smelled distinctly like coffee.
Constance awoke when the Time Lord entered. She sat up and stretched, looking slightly embarrassed. "I must've fallen asleep," she said guiltily.
"That makes two of us," the Doctor replied acidly. He poured two cups of coffee and took them over to the desk, taking a seat opposite the reserved Alterran female.
"Ye-es. It was necessary at the time," she said blandly, accepting the steaming cup gratefully.
The Doctor was incredulous. "No apologies. was necessary?" He could feel himself becoming very angry. "My dear woman, you can't just go around drugging people for--How long have I been out, anyway?"
"About ten hours." Constance held up her hands when she received another reproachful scowl. "Now don't look as me like that, Doctor. I didn't drug you that heavily. It was your own exhaustion that did the rest."
"Why am I still alive, by the way? I'd assumed--"
"You'd assumed I was going to kill you," Miss Sorenson completed blandly, apparently amused by this. "You don't think very much of me, do you, Doctor?"
Choosing not to respond, the Time Lord took a sip from his cup and studied the woman across the desk with a distinct air of suspicion. "How's Tobias the Blackmailer this morning?" he asked conversationally.
"He's dead."
The Doctor almost choked on his coffee. "He's what!" he sputtered at last.
Constance's expression was somber. "He died shortly after you...uh, passed out. A massive brain hemorrhage. Apparently his brain couldn't take the stress from his reformulated Changeling substance."
The Doctor stared in stupefied amazement as she went on in the same dispassionate tone, "I won't pretend I'm sorry. He made my life a living hell for too many years for me to feel anything but relief. But...I suppose I wouldn't've wished this on him-- poor, pathetic creature."
The Doctor found his voice at last. "So, since Tobias is dead, the Doctor lives by default."
"No! Good Lord, no!" Miss Sorenson was clearly appalled. She jumped to her feet and leaned across the desk, fixing him in an angry gaze. "I've done a great many thing in my life I'm not proud of, Doctor, but murder isn't one of them!"
The Time Lord opened his mouth but she cut him off. "I know what you're thinking. A murder was committed so I could be cured. Don't you think I know that? It haunts me every day. We didn't find out until it was too late" Constance gave way to an involuntary shudder and turned away, hugging herself.
The emotional outburst took the Doctor completely off guard. He cleared his throat and said calmly, "Actually, I was about to point out how close you came to killing someone last night."
To his amazement, Constance threw back her head and laughed. Her expression softened and she turned back to face him with a genuine smile on her face, allowing some of her true personality to peek through. "I wouldn't've let Jason die, Doctor, not if I could've prevented it. To tell you the truth, I didn't think your plan would work. It was so wonderfully simple."
The Doctor watched as another person emerged from the cold, impersonal shell that surrounded Miss Constance Sorenson. He wasn't sure if it was just another deception to catch him off guard, but he did have to admit, it was much more agreeable.
"Tell me," he ventured, "if you didn't think my plan would work, what was that little power play all about?"
Constance lowered her eyes and smiled self-consciously. "I...uh, did that to get the gun away from you." Looking up, she added, "I hate guns."
"So do I." The Time Lord turned a meaningful gaze toward the connecting door, adding darkly, "Especially that one."
The Alterran nodded thoughtfully only to stiffen, her expression hardening when the Doctor asked, "And your reason for drugging me, what was that? Presumably you're just as capable of overpowering me as Tobias was. Jason, too, come to that. Especially in your true form."
"Your presence...complicated things a little."
"Only a little? I usually complicate things a great deal."
"The truth is, you don't trust me. And I had too much to do and no time to argue or explain. You wouldn't've believed me anyway. Drugging you was the least injurious option I had."
Receiving a dubious look in response, Constance's voice took on a defensive edge, "Would you really rather I'd attacked you, Doctor? I'd've thought you had enough bruises already. After all, you're the one who wanted the discreet distance. I was hoping to avoid being added to your list of Alterran atrocities."
The Doctor was momentarily silent, thinking to himself that, like his companion, there was more to this Alterran female than met the eye. "It would appear," he said in a quiet voice, "that we both misjudged one another, wouldn't it?"
Constance merely eyed him coldly.
"Thank you for tending to my injuries, by the way," he added mildly.
Once again the cold shell cracked as a genuine smile came to Constance's face. "Your welcome. It's the least I could do, since you prevented me from making a disastrously fatal error in judgment. You saved Jason's life with that little brainstorm of yours, Doctor, you know that, don't you? He came out of his coma around five o'clock this morning and was sleeping naturally the last time I checked on him."
"He was when I checked on him as well," the Doctor informed.
After a momentary silence, Constance sat down on the edge of the desk, her face solemn once again. "There are a few things you should know about Jason's condition before he wakes up..."
The gravity in her voice worried the Doctor and he asked concernedly, "He is out of danger, isn't he?"
Miss Sorenson assured him that his companion was not in any immediate danger, but his convalescence concerned her. Because Jason's crystalline lattice had been shattered so extensively his system would be unstable for some time. Two months at the very least. He would also be considerably weakened physically. Her major concern was the fact that he would only be prevented from transmuting for approximately two weeks. "Until his system returns to normal," she said soberly, "he runs the risk of a misfire every time he transmutes."
Noting the Time Lord's stunned expression, Constance misinterpreted it as bewilderment and asked, "You do know what I mean by a misfire, don't you?"
The Doctor nodded. The term was not unfamiliar. Jason had explained it as a molecular change gone wrong, likening it to running an engine at full speed and then throwing it into reverse. In fact, when they first met, the Doctor had saved the boy's life after he had suffered a misfire. Under normal conditions, a misfire was fatal only if left untreated, but given Jason's current state of health, it could very well kill him outright.
"Just what do you suggest I do about it, Miss Sorenson?" the Doctor asked reasonably. "Jason's a Healer, don't forget. He probably knows more about this than the two of us put together."
"He'll still need looking after. Knowledge is no substitute for experience. Being deprived of the freedom to transmute can be difficult. Even traumatic." Thinking a moment, she said, "I suppose the best analogy would be your suddenly becoming deaf. You'd still appear completely normal... but..."
"Ye-es," the Time Lord muttered. "I see your point."
"And then there's the physical weakness. It can appear quite suddenly."
The Doctor sat thoughtfully for several minutes, staring in to his coffee and mulling everything over in his mind. Looking up, he asked finally, "Tell me, just how closely will I need to monitor him."
"Oh, dear. I hope I haven't upset you with my worse case scenario," Constance said apologetically. She assured him that, once Jason was strong enough to leave the confines of the energy bed, he would only require periodic checks on his progress. "Providing he doesn't overexert himself," she added.
"Well, now that K9 is up and running again, I suppose I could program him to monitor him continuously."
"That would be perfect. I can give you all the data you'll need. Then you'll be able to leave whenever you like."
The Doctor nodded absently, apparently deep in thought. He suddenly realized what Constance had said and looked up sharply, jumping to his feet.
"Leave? Leave! A man is dead. Jason and I are nearly murdered. And now it's back to business as usual?" the incensed Time Lord thundered.
"No, of course not!" Miss Sorenson replied forcefully. "But I can't exactly tell the whole truth, now can I? As far as the staff is concerned, Director Black died of a massive stroke while working late in his office. End of story. What happened between us, must remain between us."
The Doctor knew she was right. It would benefit no one for the whole truth to become known. It would only serve to disrupt the lives of the entire Foundation staff needlessly.
"Are you hungry? I know I am," Constance said suddenly. Getting down from the desk, she went over to the cart by the door. "I took the liberty of having some breakfast sent down from the mansion. We can have it by the fireplace, if you like."
From behind her, a voice said softly, "I'd love a cup of coffee."

Chapter Ten
Alive Again

Startled, the Doctor and Constance spun around to see Jason leaning heavily against the frame of the connecting door. His black hair had only a few gray curls sprinkled through it, and his eyes had returned to their normal human appearance. He was wearing a lab coat that was two sizes too big for him, which he held closed with one hand, clinging to the doorjamb with the other.
"What on earth are you doing on your feet!" the Doctor exclaimed. He crossed the room and was at his companion's side just in time to catch him as his legs gave out.
"Doctor, bring him over here," Constance instructed from the alcove.
Sweeping the Alterran into his arms, the Doctor carried him across the room. He was surprised at how light the Alterran was in comparison to the night before and wondered if the shattering and reforming of the his molecular structure had reduced his body mass in some way. Or simply altered it into a lighter substance.
For a fleeting instant, Jason felt strangely secure in the Time Lord's arms, recalling having felt the same way once a very long time ago when he was a small child. He had wandered too deep in to the woods near his home and gotten lost. He remembered the terrifying aloneness, the fear and helplessness of a child; and how he had been found by his father, who carried him home, just as the Doctor carried him now.
The Time Lord lowered Jason gently into an easy chair and he sank into the chair's plush depths, shaking his head in bewilderment. "I...I don't remember getting up," he said finally. "I was halfway across the room before I even realized." Looking up, he said, "I think...I was following your voice, Doctor."
"Very probably," the Doctor replied absently. Flashing a broad smile, he added, "I like your outfit, by the way. Very chic."
His companion tugged the oversized garment tighter around his slender frame. "I couldn't exactly come out naked, now could I?" he responded irritably.
The Time Lord merely grinned back at him.
Jason huddled further into the depths of the chair and closed his eyes, suddenly feeling very strange. He had the sensation of floating and sinking at the same time and had to remind himself that it was the disorientation commonly produced by an extended energy conversion. "I feel so...weird," he muttered, a hand going to his head.
The Doctor was suddenly struck by the realization of how very frail and vulnerable his companion now was. When the boy looked up at him, he saw his usually bright, ever-observant eyes were dull and heavy lidded. It was almost as if all the life and vitality had been sucked out of him, leaving only the shell of his former self.
Constance was uncovering the dishes and placing them on the table. She put a large glass of juice and a plate in front of the debilitated youth. "You need to eat something, Jason. You won't feel so disoriented once you've got some food in you."
Jason smiled weakly and accepted the offering, but within a few minutes it was all too obvious his short walk through the surgery had all but exhausted him. He pushed the plate away saying that he wasn't hungry, which immediately concerned the Doctor. It had seemed to him the boy was always hungry. He took over feeding him to get some nourishment into the now fragile Alterran. Too weak to argue, his companion bowed to his wishes.
Halfway through the meal, Jason suddenly said, "Toby's dead, isn't he?" The Doctor and Constance exchanged an astonished look, confirming his suspicions. Leaning wearily back in his chair, Jason looked at them through half closed eyes. "Neither one of you has mentioned him since I got up. And, well, he was so far gone when he shot me, it stands to reason that...that..." Unable to go on, he put his head in his hands, overcome with emotion. "Oh, Toby! Poor, foolish Toby."
The Doctor turned an inquiring gaze in Constance's direction. She nodded and shot a meaningful look towards the surgery.
"I think it's time you went back to bed," the Time Lord said softly. He lifted his weeping companion from the chair and headed for the connecting door, Constance at his heels.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Jason said shakily. "I'm not myself. I'm not...I'm not..." Sighing heavily, he said, "I'm not anybody."
"You're just tired," the Doctor soothed as he placed the young man into the cabinet. "You came out of the oven before you were done."
Jason smiled weakly and lay back as the blanket was pulled over him. He looked up at the cover about to enclose him and was suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of claustrophobia. He grabbed the Time Lord's hand as he was reaching for the handle. "No! Doctor, please, don't shut me in here. I...I don't want to die alone."
The Doctor blinked. "My dear Jason, you're not going to die," he said calmly, completely baffled by his companion's sudden panic.
"Doctor, please! You can't leave me in here!"
"Jason, don't be absurd," Constance injected calmly. "How do you expect to get your energy reserves replenished, if you don't complete the treatment?"
Her only reply was a confused and frightened look.
"I'm not going anywhere without you," the Doctor assured gently. "But you must rest. I'll be here when you wake up."
" promise?"
"Of course."
Reluctantly, Jason curled up inside the energy bed and closed his eyes.
The Doctor studied him worriedly as Miss Sorenson set to work at the computer. Finishing her entries, she sat back and read the information coming from the sensors, silently marveling at Jason's progress. She threw a quick glance in the Doctor's direction. "It's safe to close it now, Doctor," she said. "He's asleep already."
Seeing the concerned expression on the Time Lord's face, she asked, "What's the matter? You seem troubled?"
Looking up, the Doctor said wonderingly, "He's so frightened and insecure. It' unlike him."
"Oh! Doctor, I'm so sorry," Constance said apologetically. "I should've warned you about that." She then explained that the disorientation and magnified emotional states were a normal side-effect of the treatment. She then pointed to one of the monitors indicating the target energy level, which his companion had not yet reached, saying that his having risen from the bed so soon was actually a good sign.
"You may not think so to look at him," Miss Sorenson said admiringly, "but he's fighting with everything he's got to come back. He won't be his usual, energetic self for a few days. And he will tire easily. But you will see more life in him once he reaches the target." Turning back to the computer, she said, "I'll download all the data you'll need from the energy bed's program to the Robotics lab's computer. That way you'll be able to get that monitoring program going."

* * *

With his companion out of danger, the Doctor spent most of the day programming and testing the fully repaired K9.
From time to time Jason would awaken, only to lapse back in to a deep sleep within a few minutes, oblivious to the fact that Constance was keeping watch over him. When the Doctor finished his work on K9, he relieved her of this job, allowing her to return to her normal duties.
Not long after the Doctor took over the vigil, Jason finally reached his target energy level and woke up. This time for good. For a long time he lay within the cabinet, allowing his mind to clear. He reflected back on the events of the past day, thinking sadly of his friend Tobias Black and wondering what had happened to change him. Eventually, Jason realized he was in no condition for such profound thoughts and pushed open the dome. To his surprise, he saw he Doctor patiently waiting beside the bed. Even more surprising was the sight of K9 at his feet.
"You haven't really been here the whole time, have you, Doctor?" the Alterran asked as he sat up.
The first thing the Doctor noticed was the sparkle of life had returned to the young man's eyes. "On and off," he replied vaguely. "How're you feeling?"
"More like myself, thanks." Noticing the pile of neatly folded clothing beside the Doctor, Jason ventured, "Are those for me, by any chance?"
The Time Lord helped his companion to dress and then helped him into the Director's office where a light meal was waiting. Jason was very unsteady on his feet but insisted on walking under his own power, which only served to confirm Constance's observation that he was fighting his way back to life.
"I feel every one of my hundred years," the Alterran sighed as he sank gratefully into a chair.
"You're just a boy, now," the Time Lord grinned, handing him an iced drink. "Wait till you're my age."
Jason smiled and took the glass, staring into the liquid, seemingly lost in thought. After several minutes, he looked up, seeing the Doctor studying him curiously from the opposite chair. "Doctor I'm not--" He stopped, sighing heavily and trying again. "I suppose you already know I'm not going to be as...well, as flexible as I usually am."
"Yes. Constance already explained all that."
"Did she tell you we're talking a matter of months?"
The Doctor was suddenly serious. "Yes, she did, as a matter of fact, and you needn't concern yourself about it."
"Needn't I? I'm going to be stuck like this for--"
"Jason," the Doctor interrupted sharply, "you seem to forget, I can't change the way you do. It still amazes me every time you transmute."
His companion smiled weakly. "There are still a few things you should--"
The Doctor cut him off again. "I've already programmed K9 to look after you while you're recovering. Haven't I, K9?"
"Affirmative, Master," K9 chirped.
Jason wasn't sure how he felt about this. He didn't think he was going to like the idea of being dependent on the Doctor or K9. Then again, he wasn't all that clear on how he felt about anything, either specifically or generally. With this in mind, he decided to reserve judgment until later.
"Doctor, about that fight we had last night--" Putting a hand to his head, Jason muttered, "It was last night, wasn't it? It seems like years ago now..."
"You never mind about that, my boy," the Time Lord said dismissively. "Water under the bridge. Best forgotten."
"No, I don't think so. It seemed pretty important to you. And I certainly made quite a hash of it. I should've warned you about my temper before now." Looking up, the repentant Alterran cried, "Doctor, if I harmed you in any way because of it I'll never forgive myself!"
"Jason, you little idiot, you saved my life last night."
The Alterran gave him a quick half smile. "I could just as easily have killed you myself. Whenever I go off like that, you're better off just letting me walk away and calm down."
"I'll remember that next time."
Jason studied the Time Lord's face wondering if there would even be a next time. Drawing a deep breath, he said, "I'd like to know what was on your mind, Doctor. And you'll never get a better chance to tell me, since I don't have the strength to lose my temper."
The Doctor considered a moment. "Jason, are you sure you really want to hear what I have to say?"
"Yes. I think I need to."
They spent the next several hours airing their differences and clearing up misunderstandings. The events of the previous evening proved to be the key factor in solidifying a friendship that was on the point of dissolving a mere twenty-four hours earlier. Chapter Eleven

With the Doctor's arm to steady him, Jason made the long, slow journey back to the guest house, remarking on how he had walked the path so effortlessly the day before.
Fearing his companion might be dwelling on his sudden infirmity, the Doctor tried to cheer him by pointing out how rare it was for them to enjoy so leisurely a stroll. Jason saw through this device instantly. "Don't worry, Doctor, I'm not getting depressed," he said softly. "At least, not yet. Right now I'm too glad to be in one piece."
Arriving at the house at last, Jason chose to remain out on the patio, not wanting to shut inside right away. The Doctor did not push the issue, but was concerned about the Alterran being out in the chilly night air and wrapped him in a blanket. For a long time they sat silently taking in the clear night sky.
Finally the Doctor broke the silence. "Jason, about Constance. I think you should know a few things about her."
"I know too much already," Jason sighed ruefully.
"Aside from her being a Changeling," the Time Lord said startlingly, "what else do you know?"
Jason blinked and then smiled, shaking his head. "I know she's been cured. But as a Changeling, she's condemned to death by an Imperial decree millennia old. There's even a reward for them, can you believe it? A bounty. How archaic."
"Jason, you're not thinking of turning her in, are you?" the Doctor gasped.
"Good heavens, no!" The boy was clearly horrified. "I gave her my word! She kept her side of the bargain. Now I have to keep mine."
"And what exactly did you bargain for?" the Doctor asked disapprovingly. His tone wounded his companion's fragile pride. "Doctor, what do you take me for? A blackmailer?" Jason asked in an injured tone. "If you must know, I bargained for your life." He went on to recount the confrontation at the mansion.
"A very complex lady, our Miss Constance Sorenson," the Time Lord remarked thoughtfully. "You'd like to help her, I trust?"
Jason looked up sharply. "How?"
"Well..." the Doctor said slowly, "we could try entering a petition for an Imperial pardon. The Emperor still owes us a rather substantial favor, if you'll recall."
"How could I forget!" Jason moaned, recalling the events of his original meeting with the Doctor. They had stopped the Master in a plot that would have destroyed the stability of the Alterran Empire, which earned them the gratitude of the Emperor, who had offered to grant any reward they chose. Something they had, as yet, to do.
" Imperial pardon? For a Changeling!" the Alterran gasped. "Now that is blackmail."
"Yes," the Time Lord agreed unrepentantly.
"That's devious, underhanded, manipulative..."
"Yes, yes, yes."
"That's...that's marvelous!" Jason finally burst out in delight. "That's absolutely marvelous!"
The Doctor grinned from ear to ear, aglow with pride. "I'm glad you think so, my boy, because you're the one who'll have to present the petition to Emperor Quinton."
"Oh, yes..." The Alterran's eyes flashed mischievously. "Lord Krystovan didn't stay in moth balls for very long, did he?"
The Doctor shot him a look of feigned reproach. "He'll have to stay in moth balls at least until Leela gets back," he pointed out sharply. "And that won't be for another two days."
Jason merely grunted in reply.
"That'll give us plenty of time to work out the precise language for the petition," the Doctor said thoughtfully.
"Yes," his companion agreed, "and maybe by then I'll be able to walk more than ten feet on my own."

* * *

The funeral for Director Tobias Black was held the day after Marshal Dunn returned with his group of pioneers. Out of respect for Tobias' position, and for the staff themselves, Constance declared an official day of mourning and closed the Foundation, going on to provide a buffet style luncheon in the clubhouse of the residence park so the staff could gather and reflect following the funeral. The Doctor and his companions attended, leaving almost immediately when the emotionally unstable Jason started showing signs of breaking down completely.
Constance chose not to compound her hypocrisy further and returned to the Sorenson mansion directly from the funeral. As soon as she arrived, she was informed that visitors were waiting in the drawing room. While this was not an uncommon occurrence, she was apprehensive but put it down as the strain of having to pretend grief all morning. As soon as she opened the door, however, she knew her fears had been justified. Waiting inside the room were three Alterran Imperial Guardsmen.
Constance felt her blood run cold when she saw them and an alarmed cry escaped her. She slammed the door and locked it, whirling around in a panic. She ran blindly down the hall turning a corner and running straight into six other Guardsmen, all armed with Alterran high energy weapons.
The door to the drawing room was unlocked and the commanding officer stepped forward. He was tall, dark and carried himself like a man who was used to getting his own way. He was seemingly unruffled by the reaction his presence induced, but his brown eyes burned fiercely with an inner anger and...revulsion?
"Miss Constance Sorenson," he began in a classic, clipped military style, "I am Commander Tolan of the Alterran Imperial Guard..."
Constance knew what was coming next and shook her head, not wanting to believe her worst nightmare was actually coming true. She shrank away from the Commander, only to be seized by the others surrounding her. She struggled weakly, overwhelmed by it all. All she could say was, "No," over and over again.
"I arrest you as a Changeling," the Commander went on, "condemned to death by Imperial decree. I am commanded to return you to Alterrous where you will stand in judgment before his Majesty, Emperor Quinton."
Constance found her voice at last. "No! You can't do this! Aegis is under the jurisdiction of the Earth authorities."
"Do you think we're fools?" Commander Tolan snapped coldly. "We have the full cooperation of the Aegin authorities. And..." he added tauntingly, "yours, too, it seems."
"Mine?" Since Constance had been anything but cooperative since she laid eyes on him, Tolan's remark left her completely baffled.
"We know all about the documents you have hidden in the Foundation's main building," he informed. "My men are currently searching for them now, since you've been good enough to close the facility down for the day."
The stunned woman stared at him with her mouth agape.
"Take her away," Tolan ordered, waving his hand.
The protesting Constance was dragged away at gunpoint and taken to the waiting shuttle, which had been hidden behind a stand of trees near the mansion.

* * *

Upon returning to the guest house, the weary Jason went up to his room to try and get hold of himself--and rest. The Doctor and Leela went to the library, where the Time Lord sat studying K9's new schematic, his warrior companion paging idly through a book on weaponry. The sound of the Alterran shuttle lifting off came through an open window and as it passed overhead, Leela tensed and sat up, listening. "Doctor...!" she said in an urgent whisper. "Something's wrong. I can feel it."
"What?" Thinking she meant Jason, who was still napping on the second floor, the Doctor said, "No, no. K9 would've alerted us if--"
"No, it isn't Jason. It's something else." Leela was on her feet moving catlike across the room, following the feeling as one might follow a sound. Having witnessed this behavior many times before, the Doctor had learned to respect her intuitive instincts and followed her out onto the patio.
"Soldiers!" Leela gasped. "We're being invaded!"
The Doctor took in the scene with benign interest, pulling a small telescope from one of his capacious pockets. "Well, if we are, then we've nothing to worry about. They seem to be invading an empty...building... Hal-lo? I know those uniforms. Now where have I seen them before?" The Doctor lowered the telescope as the answer came to him, an alarmed look passing across his face.
"Doctor, who are they?"
"Alterran Imperial Guardsmen," came the sober reply. "Leela, I want you to stay here. If Jason wakes up before I get back, make sure you keep him inside."
His tone put the warrior even further on her guard. "Why? Is Jason in danger from the soldiers?"
"No, they're friendly enough," the Time Lord said vaguely. "I just don't want him to see them until I find out why they're here." So saying, he headed toward the building below.

* * *

Inside the Alterran command ship, Tolan was completing his final communication with the detachment he had left on the planet's surface. Everything had gone smoothly, except for one detail. The documents had not, as yet, been located.
"I don't care how long it takes, Sergeant," the Commander was saying. "Search the entire estate, if you have to, just find them."
"Yes, sir," was all the response he received.
With a grunt of disapproval, Tolan rose to his feet and left the flight deck, wiping the grins off of the faces of the crew with a quelling look as he went.
In the ship's prison area, Constance had been confined in a cell that was almost completely bare. It had no windows, four blank walls and a sealed door that would prevent her escape by molecular transmutation. She had taken refuge on the only soft object in the room, this being the bed, and was huddled in the corner. Despite the fact that she'd only been confined for half an hour, she was already beginning to feel claustrophobic and was almost grateful when Commander Tolan opened the door and came in. Deciding not to honor him with etiquette, Constance did not rise from the bed, choosing instead to eye him coldly.
"Time for my bread and water already?" she asked acidly.
Tolan chose to ignore the remark. "I'm ordered to inform you we won't be arriving in the Capitol City for at least thirty-six hours. I'm also authorized to grant you any reasonable request you may have during that time."
Picking up the slight edge in his voice, Miss Sorenson was intrigued. "And you don't agree with your orders, I take it?"
The Commander shot a glance at the officer standing behind him in the doorway. Waving the guard out, he closed the door, causing Constance to stiffen.
"Miss Sorenson," Tolan began slowly, "it isn't usually my custom to question my orders. But in all honesty I must tell you that, if it'd been up to me, I'd've shot you as soon as I arrived and had done with it. I've read what a Changeling can do, and quite frankly it makes my stomach turn," he said bluntly. "So don't expect me to be a sympathetic ear."
Constance stared wide-eyed at him, not sure if she should be relieved or terrified by this brutally honest admission. It was only her years of practice as a cold, emotionless businesswoman that kept her from completely going to pieces. In as even a tone as possible, she said, "Well, now I know where I stand, don't I, Commander?"
"Yes, now you know, Miss Sorenson," Tolan replied woodenly.
"If it's any consolation," his prisoner added, "I can sympathize with your feelings, Commander. You see, I've seen first hand what a Changeling can do once the mania sets in."
The Commander snorted. "And what about before?"
"You're obviously still lucid. What was your excuse for murdering a Time Lord?"
Constance sat bolt upright. "I didn't! The Doctor's still alive!"
"I don't know who the Doctor is," Tolan said firmly. "I'm talking about Melnacon."
The woman on the bed caught her breath and put her hands to her mouth in horrified astonishment, a reaction the officer noted with interest. "Did you kill him to keep him from revealing your whereabouts?" he asked accusingly as he knocked on the door to be let out.
"No! I didn't kill him!" Constance protested adamantly. "I didn't kill anyone!"
The Commander eyed her with a distinct air of disbelief. He considered a moment and then placed a paper on the table just inside the door. "Then I think you should read this."
"Why? What is it?" came the suspicious inquiry.
"Among other things, it's how we found you," Tolan informed as he closed the door.
Constance stared at the paper before finally crossing the room to pick it up. A minute later she could be heard pounding angrily on the walls of her cell and screaming one name at the top of her voice. "Krystovan!"

Chapter Twelve
To Alterrous

Less than an hour after the Doctor went to investigate the "invaders," the TARDIS was on its way to Alterrous in pursuit of the command ship.
"I still don't understand what happened," Jason was saying as he prowled around the console room. "How did they find her? We haven't even presented the petition yet."
"Well, according to the Sergeant in charge," the Doctor said slowly, "a message was sent to the Alterran Central Command from the Alexandria Foundation itself."
"Yes, but by whom? Who sent it?"
The Doctor cleared his throat. "You did."
Jason's jaw dropped open and he stared at the Time Lord in utter astonishment. "I what!"
"Obviously someone used your name. Eh, title, actually. It seems the message was signed by the Marquis Krystovan."
"This is terrible!" the young man exploded. "Who would do such a thing?"
"Well, according to our helpful Sergeant, the message was sent in the Alterran mother tongue. And, aside from yourself and Constance, who else would have that kind of knowledge?"
"Toby..." Jason breathed. Shaking his head, he muttered soberly, "He really was insane, wasn't he?"
The Doctor chose not to respond, looking up as Leela entered the console room. "Ah, there you are!" he chirped brightly. Turning to the Alterran aristocrat, he said, "Tell me, Jason, do you think you could find something more suitable for Leela to wear to an Imperial audience?"
"I won't wear those strange clothes again, Doctor," Leela protested. "I can't breathe in them, and there is no place for my knife."
Jason grinned. "I think I can find something suitable that you'll like, Leela."
"'ve only got two days," the Time Lord injected amusedly. "Perhaps you'd better start now."

* * *

The two days seemed to pass with excruciating slowness. Jason had been unable to persuade the Doctor to take the TARDIS through time as well as space in order to overtake the command ship. The Time Lord stated flatly that he would not alter the Alterran's personal timeline.
Unable to get around the Time Lord's arguments, the Alterran Lord sent a message directly to Emperor Quinton requesting that he delay any action concerning "the Changeling" until he arrived. Jason also contacted the Alterran Central Command informing them of Leela's presence. By pulling a few strings, he was able to obtain special permission for her to accompany him into the Imperial Palace, which was necessary because she was an alien who held no rank, official or otherwise. As a Time Lord, the Doctor needed no such permission, his already having the rights and privileges of the Alterran nobility due to a special provision in the Alliance between Gallifrey and Alterrous.
As the TARDIS drew near to Alterrous, the Doctor contacted Central Security, receiving the coordinates for the Imperial Palace. He was in the process of entering them into the computer when his companions entered the console room.
Leela was wearing an ankle length beige dress made from a leather-like material. The skirt was full and made up of several panels joined as far as the knee. The bodice was form fitting without being tight, which immediately won her approval, as did the ornate belt, sheath and dagger that accompanied the costume.
Jason had also found something suitable for himself, his still being unable to transmute, which was his usual way of changing his clothing. He had selected a three-piece navy blue suit and had thrown over it a full length Inverness cloak leftover from the Doctor's previous incarnation. He was also wearing a braided gold collar with an intricate jeweled insignia attached to it. When Leela asked about it, he explained that each pattern on the collar signified one of his titles, the medallion itself designating his rank in the House of Krystovan.
"It's all a lot of high-society nonsense, really," the young Lord added offhandedly.
The Doctor raised an eyebrow. He had also learned from the Sergeant that the House of Krystovan was one of the oldest and most respected in the Alterran Empire. He made no remark on Jason's comment, activating the scanner as the TARDIS materialized in a courtyard in the Imperial Palace. It was immediately surrounded by some rather unfriendly looking guards.
"Not the most promising of welcomes, is it?" Jason remarked as the scene was revealed on the viewer.
"Are they always this congenial to arriving nobility?" the Doctor asked dryly.
Jason gave him a disapproving scowl. "The nobility isn't usually in the habit of arriving in police boxes, Doctor."
The Doctor snorted indignantly, never one to appreciate any criticism of his beloved TARDIS' short comings. He pulled the door lever and made for the exterior doors, stopping short just as he reached them. "I think, perhaps, you should go first, your Lordship," he said with an after-you gesture, throwing a meaningful glance over to the viewer.
The Alterran smiled, exchanged a devilish look with Leela and nodded regally. "Why, thank-you, peasant," he said loftily as he disappeared through the doors.

* * *

In another part of the palace, Emperor Quinton was in the throne room listening to Chancellor Dru droning on about the unpredictability of the Changelings, recounting the trail of carnage that had been left in their wake. He had been going on for what seemed an eternity, the Emperor thought wearily.
Emperor Quinton was a regal figure in every sense of the word; a large, imposing man with red hair and beard, and dark chiseled features that were known to turn to stone whenever anyone was foolish enough to incur his wrath. His garments were equally impressive; robes of blue and purple velvet trimmed in gold and jewels. On his head, an exquisitely crafted crown. On his left hand, the intricate ring of state; and hanging from a gold collar around his neck, the Great Seal of Alterrous, the symbol and source of his Imperial power and authority--its power seeming to radiate from him.
In comparison to his Emperor, Chancellor Dru was rather ordinary looking, average in build and unimpressive in dress, yet at the same time, he was passionate in his beliefs in matters touching on Alterran law.
"I don't understand your hesitation, Sire," Dru was saying. "The Law is clear--"
"Is it?" the Emperor interrupted wearily. "I wonder sometimes. And, in light of Lord Krystovan's latest communication, things seem even more obscure. There can be no harm in delaying judgment until he arrives."
"Any delay with a Changeling is dangerous."
"I believe the communication did mention she'd been cured."
"With all due respect, Sire," Dru said skeptically, "I find Lord Krystovan's claims in this respect dubious to say the least. I would've preferred a qualified medical opinion--"
"I haven't forgotten your personal prejudices concerning my nephew's lineage, Dru," the Emperor snapped. "Perhaps this has caused you to overlook the fact that Healer Jason Krystovan's medical qualifications are beyond reproach."
The sovereign held up a hand as Dru opened his mouth to voice another objection. "I know. You'd still prefer that I have the Changeling executed immediately." Rising to his feet, the edge to his voice became even sharper as he said, "But it is I who am Emperor, and it is I who will decide."
The Chancellor bowed at this rebuke, grinding his teeth in anger as he did so. He'd been in competition with Quinton for centuries and had never gotten over the fact that he had not been the one named to the Imperial throne. Eventually, he lost favor with his one time friend, becoming bitter and extremely jealous.
Jason arrived in his persona as Marquis of Krystovan at that moment, a page announcing him as he entered. The Emperor recognized the Doctor and Jason, both of whom he had met for the first time no more than a year before. He was intrigued by Leela, whose presence he had authorized; and was completely fascinated by K9.
Jason entered and bowed low. "Your Supreme Majesty does me great honor in allowing this audience," he said humbly.
"We are honored to finally have you present at court, Lord Krystovan," Emperor Quinton replied formally.
Introductions were made and then the Emperor got down to business. "I must confess, my Lord, I was puzzled by your second communication. It so contradicts your first."
"But I didn't send the first!" Jason exclaimed. Realizing his sudden breach of court etiquette, he apologized and said, "My Lord, may I--" Glancing back to the Doctor, he corrected himself, "--may we, speak freely?"
The monarch held up a hand, turning pointedly to Dru. "You are excused, Chancellor."
Obviously affronted by this abrupt dismissal, Dru bowed and withdrew, throwing an angry glance in Jason's direction as he left. He had no sooner gone when the Emperor surprised everyone present when he said in a normal tone, "I can't stand that man." He then laughed at the astonished looks he received in response.
The monarch took his visitors into the next room where they would not be disturbed. He ordered some refreshments and then took a seat, motioning his guests to do the same. Leaning back in his chair, Emperor Quinton took a deep breath. "Now. Jason, Doctor. What is this all about?"

Chapter Thirteen
The Prisoner

The Palace detention area was large, cold and impersonal. It was divided into individual square cells, each identical to the next. At the entrance of each cell was an energy barrier, which suppressed a prisoner's ability to transmute and reduced their strength to human levels. It also carried enough power to stun anyone foolish enough to touch it.
Inside one such cell was Constance, who sat despondently staring into space. She had been on Alterrous for a full day already, and had, as yet, to see anyone in authority. All she'd seen were the guards, who were of mixed opinions as to what form of death she deserved. Some had even taken to taunting her periodically with descriptions of their personal favorites.
Dimly aware of a metallic whine moving closer, Constance actually jumped when a quiet voice suddenly spoke her name. She looked up, her expression going from surprise, to anger, to burning hatred as she stared at the person standing uneasily in the doorway, this being Jason. The Doctor was beside him, K9 buzzing happily at their feet.
"What do you want, Krystovan?" she hissed. "Come to gloat? Or are you here to torment me like the rest of them?"
Jason knew his reception would be hostile, but was unprepared for the venom in this greeting. "No, actually, I...I came to help," he replied mildly.
"Help?" Constance was incensed. She jumped to her feet, waving her arms to take in her surroundings. "Help! This is where you help's gotten me. I should've known better than to trust you.!"
The young man's hand went to the insignia around his neck. There it was again! he thought in bewilderment. What could she possibly have against his family? Until his arrival on Aegis, he didn't even know she existed.
"Constance, getting angry isn't going to solve anything," the Doctor injected reasonably. "And neither is blaming Jason. It was your friend Tobias the Blackmailer who turned you in."
"What?" The imprisoned woman was taken aback. "But...that's crazy."
"Constance, he was crazy!" Jason exclaimed. "Good grief, woman, he damn near killed me!"
Constance snorted and turned her back on him, ignoring his protestations. "I don't believe you!" she cried at last putting her hands to her ears. "Go away! Just go away and stop torturing me!"
The Doctor stopped his companion from saying more. "Let her be for the time being," he advised softly.
Leela had been a silent observer to this entire exchange and as the Time Lord turned to lead Jason away, he said quietly, "Stay with her, Leela. Talk to her. She needs a friend just now, only she doesn't know it yet."
Leela nodded. "I will stay."

* * *

Constance tried to ignore Leela's presence for several minutes, only to give up and turn an angry look in her direction. "Well? What are you looking at?"
"You," Leela replied in unabashed honesty.
"There is no one else here."
Constance threw her a puzzled look. "Who are you, anyway?"
"I am Leela. A warrior of the Sevateem."
"An alien!" the imprisoned Alterran gasped. "Have they sent you to kill me, Warrior of the Sevateem?"
Now it was Leela's turn to be puzzled. "No, the Doctor told me to stay because you need someone to talk to."
Miss Sorenson stiffened and was about to make a very unladylike remark when one of the detention area guards appeared and started taunting her again. Seeing how distressing this was, Leela immediately put a stop to it, grabbing the unarmed guard and slamming him against the wall, her dagger at his throat.
Even though Constance did not know Leela personally, she knew a trained killer when she saw one. "No, Leela!" she called from the doorway. "You mustn't kill him!"
Suddenly a voice boomed out, "What are you doing down there, Chapman?" It was Commander Tolan.
The terrified Chapman could only respond with unintelligible gurgles. Leela was far more articulate. "This coward was testing his manhood by taunting Constance. He prefers to tell her how she should die when she is unable to stop him. He isn't so brave with me. There's no blue wall between us." She moved her dagger closer to the throat of the trembling guard.
"Leela, this it Commander Tolan," Constance said warningly. "He's the one in charge."
"Good, then take charge of him," Leela said in disgust and flung the quivering Chapman to the floor like a dirty rag. As she returned the dagger to its sheath, Tolan grabbed her wrist and stripped the weapon from her hand in one quick motion. This both surprised and impressed the warrior, who had expected him to be as inept as the quivering wretch on the floor.
"I don't know who you are, or how you got in here," Tolan began threateningly, "but weapons are forbidden in the Imperial Palace."
"Then why didn't your Emperor have it taken from me when I saw him yesterday?" Leela asked reasonably.
"The Emperor? Are you telling me that you, an alien, have had an audience with the Emperor?" the astonished Commander gasped in disbelief.
Leela nodded.
Tolan gave her a dubious look. "Describe him."
She obliged immediately. "He is a big man. Bigger than you, with red hair. He speaks with a voice like thunder and wears a blue jewel that glows around his neck."
Having never seen Emperor Quinton, Constance had no idea that this was an accurate description, but she could see by the Commander's reaction that it was.
"How did you get down here?" Tolan then asked.
"I came with the Doctor and Ja--uh, Lord Krystovan," Leela informed.
"I see," the officer sighed, remembering having seen her clearance into the Palace that the Emperor himself had signed. Turning to the unfortunate guard whom Leela had accosted, Tolan snapped sternly, "I'll deal with you later, Chapman. Dismissed."
Chapman fled.
"Now, if you'll please follow me..." The Commander turned on his heel to lead the warrior out.
"No. I must stay," Leela said obstinately.
Constance was intrigued, not to mention grateful to actually have someone so aggressively on her side. "Commander...?" she ventured. "Would it be considered a reasonable request to have Leela come in with me to visit?"
"It's highly irregular," Tolan replied coldly. "Especially for condemned prisoners."
Fixing him in an icy stare, Constance said equally coldly, "Commander Tolan, I'm trying to be polite. You've already made your personal convictions quite clear. And so has every guard down here. In excruciating detail!"
"Are you telling me this wasn't an isolated incident?" the stunned Commander inquired.
"No, it wasn't. In fact, I think it's become a general past time."
Tolan's face darkened considerably. Glancing back at Leela, he came to a decision and turned off the force field to allow her to enter. Holding up the dagger, he said, "Since his Majesty allowed you to have this, it'll be returned to you when you leave."
Leela nodded and went in to join Constance. She would have preferred to have her weapon returned now but was glad the soldier was not going to retain it permanently.
Indicating a button on the inside wall, Tolan said, "Just press that when you're ready to leave and someone will come to let you out." Turning the barrier back on, he turned on his heel and strode off.

* * *

Constance found Leela easy to talk to, her simple values and honesty were refreshing. She didn't even notice how much time had passed until Jason reappeared and was let in to her cell.
"I thought I said I didn't want to see you," Miss Sorenson said forcefully.
"No, actually, you told me to go away," corrected the young man. "I came back. I need to make you understand--"
"Oh, I understand alright! I understand everything." She reached over and thrust a wad of paper into his hand. "They gave me that so I'd know who did this to me."
Jason opened the crumpled paper, reading for the first time the message he was supposed to have sent. Looking up, he said, "I already told you, I didn't send this. I gave you my word!"
"Your word!" Constance exploded. "The word of a Krystovan! I never should've believed you."
"Why? You don't even know me, but you say my name as if it were a curse."
"It is a curse! A curse on me and every other Changeling."
Seeing the stunned and baffled expression on the young man's face, Constance stopped her tirade. "You really have no idea, do you?" she said in a more normal tone.
"About what?" the aristocrat asked helplessly.
She pointed to the insignia on the medallion around his neck. "That means you're a descendent of Krystovan, the first son of Krystos, correct?"
"Ye-es. But I still don't see..."
Constance drew herself to her full height. "It was your illustrious ancestor who signed the Changeling death warrant. That was after he promised to help us in any way he could." Her voice hardened as she added, "He gave us his word, too." Chapter Fourteen
Imperial Requests

There was a stunned silence as Jason took in the dark portion of his family history of which he was completely unaware. Running his fingers through his hair he sat down. "You must've had a coronary when you heard my surname the first time," he remarked quietly.
Leela wasn't sure what to think, her loyalty strangely divided. "Jason, is this true?"
"I don't know..." the youth muttered dazedly, gazing at the incriminating message in his hands.
There was a fire in Constance's eyes as she glared down at him. "So, now I'm not just a murdering Changeling, I'm a liar as well," she spat contemptuously.
"What...?" Jason came out of his daze and looked up. "No, of course not. Why would you fabricate something I could disprove so easily? It's just ...I never knew..."
"I thought you were supposed to know a little bit about everything," Constance said sarcastically.
Jason's temper was as unstable as his health and he jumped to his feet in a rage. "Will you stop feeling sorry for yourself! For pity sake, woman, I'm here to help you! I owe you my life. Don't you think that counts for anything with me? Just what kind of a man do you think I am?" He received a stunned look from the thunderstruck Constance.
"Fine. Don't answer me," the young Lord roared on. "Just tell me one thing. If you were so sure I was such a double dealing snake who'd turn you in anyway, why did you even bother trying to save me? All you had to do was wait another five minutes and all your problems would've been solved!"
"Jason, that's enough!" the Doctor snapped from the door. "You're not going to win her over by badgering her to death."
The Alterran aristocrat scowled back at him but had the good sense to remain silent.
"How are you and Leela getting on, Constance?" the Time Lord asked cheerily. "Better than you and Jason, I hope."
An amused smile came to Miss Sorenson's face. "Leela told me you asked her to stay, Doctor. Thank-you. I was feeling so desperately alone."
"So I'd gathered," the Doctor replied mildly. "Leela's a good listener, aren't you, Leela?"
"All I've been listening to is shouting," Leela said aridly.
Jason shot her an angry glance and dropped indignantly into a chair, folding his arms and scowling down at the floor.
Constance could not help but smile at this performance and turned to the Doctor. "Jason and I have, airing our differences, and I'm afraid you caught us when it was his turn."
"Ah, I see," came the thoughtful reply. The Doctor's tone brightened and he smiled broadly. "Can anyone join in? Or is this an Alterrans only confrontation?"
This remark had its desired effect. Jason chuckled and then laughed, looking over to the door with a grin on his face. "I think I'll pass, Doctor. It was our last Alterran-Gallifreyan confrontation that got us into this mess in the first place."
"In a general sort of way, I suppose that's true."
Constance listened in amazement as they bantered on, reflecting on how steadfast they had been in their determination to save each other. She then thought of something else and her eyes glazing over. She sat down on the bed staring into space.
The Doctor and Jason exchanged a mystified look.
"Constance?" the Doctor said gently. "Is something wrong?"
"No..." Coming out of her trance, Miss Sorenson looked up, slightly embarrassed. "It's just that...listening to you both, I've suddenly realized how much time has past since I...since I escaped. So much has changed..."
"That is the nature of time," the Time Lord said sagely.
"No, you don't understand. In my time, there was so much suspicion and distrust between your people and mine. Our escape was engineered for the sole purpose of breaking the Alliance. The very same Alliance the two of you have been raised to cherish and defend at all costs."
The Doctor and Jason exchanged glances. This obviously had never occurred to either of them.
"When I left Alterrous, it was so...different," Constance went on, a far away look in her eyes. "We were a deceptive, tempestuous society in the infancy of reform. And now I come back to find the infant is a mature adult."
"Constance, what are you trying to say?" Jason asked in a concerned tone.
"I don't belong anymore. I've only just realized it." She looked from one to the other. "I'm how it used to be. You--both of you--are how it is now. Either of you would willingly die to save the other. That never would've happened in my time."
"Now you're getting maudlin," Jason observed.
"Constance," the Doctor said firmly, "we're not going to just stand idly by and let you be executed. Your being taken out of time is quite beside the point."
"But it is the point, Doctor. Surely you can see that?" she countered. "Melnacon took us out of time to wreck the Alliance. And now he's doing it. After all this time, he's actually doing it."
"Not if I have anything to say about it," the Doctor and Jason said in unison.

* * *

The Doctor and Jason left Leela with Constance and went to Emperor Quinton, who was at work in his private office.
"Doctor, I can appreciate your feelings in the matter," the Emperor was saying, "but if I do as you ask, it'd be breaking the Alliance myself. The premeditated murder of a Time Lord at the hands of an Alterran is punishable by death. Even without the decree, the sentence would be the same."
"Your Majesty, if I may make so bold," the Doctor began politely, "Miss Sorenson told me the murder was committed without her knowledge, and in light of her actions towards Jason and myself, I believe her. She could've killed us a dozen times over the night Jason was shot. And considering the enormous threat we were to her, I must confess, I'm still amazed she didn't."
"Doctor, I require proof," Quinton said firmly. "I'm afraid your personal convictions are quite irrelevant."
The Time Lord threw his hands in the air, but was prevented from making a remark he later would have regretted when his companion intervened. "My Lord, have the documents mentioned in the first message been located?"
The monarch told him that they had, having arrived shortly after themselves. The Doctor's eyes lit up as a glimmer of what the boy was driving at came to mind, a broad smile spreading across his face.
"With your permission, may we examine them?" Jason asked. "It's just possible, instead of being evidence of her guilt, they're proof of her innocence."
Now it was the Emperor's turn to break into a broad smile. "Permission granted."
Turning to the Doctor, Quinton said mildly, "As Lord Emperor of Alterrous, I must demand cold, hard facts, not intuitive insight before I'm able to stop an execution." His expression softened, his voice becoming gentler as he said, "But as Quinton, the man, I'm perfectly willing to accept, and agree with, your logic. I don't want to send Miss Sorenson to her death, Doctor. Please help me find a way to prevent it."
Moved by this plea, the Doctor suddenly realized that the better he got to know the Emperor, the deeper his respect and admiration grew. Bowing, he said firmly, "I'll do my best, your Majesty. For both of you." He turned to leave, stopping short when Jason ventured hesitantly, "If...I may make one other request, my Lord Emperor?"
"And what might that be, my Lord Krystovan?" the Emperor responded playfully.
"I...I wish to request that Miss Sorenson be released from confinement, my Lord," Jason said in a tentative voice.
"What?" the monarch gasped.
"With an armed escort, of course," the young Lord added quickly. "I'm worried about her. You've no idea the kind of abuse she's being subjected to down there."
The Emperor was incensed. "Abuse! In my Palace!"
Jason held up his hands. "I mean psychological abuse, Majesty. The guards've been tormenting her disgracefully and..." Looking the Emperor in the eye, he said forcefully, "Well, we're supposed to be an advanced society, but when I see that sort of thing going on, I wonder if we're not just kidding ourselves."
"You're a man of deep moral convictions, Jason," the Emperor observed. "And I fear, even in an advanced society such as ours, that's still a rare commodity."
"Is it really possible for you to release her, Majesty?" the Doctor wanted to know.
"Oh, yes. But it would require an enormous surety."
Without a word Jason unfastened his family insignia from the collar around his neck and held it out to the astonished sovereign. "Is this surety enough, my Lord?"
"Jason, you can't be serious!"
Seeing his companion nod, the Doctor could contain his curiosity no longer. "Why? What does it mean?"
"It means," Jason replied calmly, "I pledge all I possess as assurance for Constance's release."
"And," the Emperor added pointedly, "if anyone is harmed by her or she escapes after being released, Jason must forswear his birthright to his noble House and the Royal Bloodline."
The Doctor blinked. "What?"
Still standing with the medallion in his outstretched hand, the young Lord pointed out, "If it hadn't been for that lady, I wouldn't be here to forswear anything." Crossing to the Emperor, he got down on one knee, his voice suddenly formal. "My Lord Emperor, I pledge all I possess through my lineage in the House of Krystovan as surety for the release of Miss Constance Sorenson. Do you accept my pledge?"
The monarch sandwiched the young man's hand between his own. "Yes, Lord Krystovan, I accept your pledge."
"Thank-you, Majesty."
Drawing the young man back to his feet, Quinton's voice was normal once again. "I'll speak with Commander Tolan about the abuse you mentioned. He'll put a stop to it. In fact, I'll have him assign one of my personal guards as Miss Sorenson's escort." He then called for a page to have the Doctor and Jason taken to where the documents from the Foundation had been stored. Just as they were leaving, he took hold of Jason's arm to stop him, placing his family insignia in his hands.
"You're a man of honor, my Nephew Jason. I don't need to keep this in my possession. I know, whatever the outcome, you will keep your word."
Lowering his eyes, Jason blushed. "Thank-you...Uncle."

Chapter Fifteen
The Doctor and Jason were shown into a large storage area where the documents from the Foundation had been stored. In one corner was an office-like area containing a large table with chairs set around it, a computer station directly behind. All the boxes from Aegis were brought over and placed on the table. Then the time travelers were left on their own.
Within one set of boxes were diaries, files, technical logs, and the like. The remaining boxes contained log books and laser recordings of what appeared to be some sort of medical data. The Doctor set to work on the first set of boxes while Jason tackled the second, his being better suited to decipher the language they contained.
The Time Lord settled down at the table and pulled open the first box, beginning work on a project he felt certain would take several days. His companion had similar thoughts as he settled down in front of the disk reader, slipping on a set of headphones so as to not disturb the Doctor's concentration. He then paged through one of the notebooks, the seemingly forgotten K9 gliding under the table to take up a position near his young master's feet.
Jason discovered the disks were actually a visual log of the fugitive Changelings' activities following their flight from Alterrous. They had cataloged their numerous attempts, and failures, in finding a cure. The Healer marveled at their attention to detail. Each box of disks contained a dated and detailed notebook that coincided with an individual log, which indicated the contents of a disk by number. In one batch the contents of every disk was listed save one, which was labeled only "PRESTON."
Intrigued, Jason played the disk, discovering, to his horror that the extraction of the vital hormone form the group's Time Lord benefactor had actually been recorded. He watched in frozen horror as a man identifying himself as Preston benignly described for posterity the torturous procedure he was performing on his bound and writhing victim.
Jason turned to look back at the Doctor, who was totally engrossed in the papers in front of him and oblivious to everything else. Turning back to the screen, the Alterran's mind flashed back to Tobias Black's private surgery and his discovery of the securely bound and gagged Time Lord laying helpless upon the operating table; no more than a heartbeat away from a similar fate as the poor unfortunate in the recording who now lay dead upon Preston's operating table, a distorted mass of flesh barely discernible as humanoid.
Finally, mercifully, the disk finished playing. Jason pulled off the headphones and sat staring into space; repulsed, nauseated and as white as a sheet.
"Alert, Master!" K9 announced suddenly. "Young Master is in distress. Unconsciousness imminent."
The Doctor was on his feet and at his companion's side just in time to catch him as he slid from his chair. He laid the boy gently on the floor and looked up anxiously. "What happened, K9?"
"Sudden loss of blood from brain resulting in unconsciousness," K9 reported. "All other bodily functions within acceptable range."
The Doctor grunted, pulling out a bottle of smelling salts, which he waved under the Alterran's nose.
Jason stirred, coughed, and then pushed the bottle away, blinking up at his friend in bewilderment. "What happened?"
"You fainted."
The Doctor helped the young man to sit up and then got him a glass of water. "I think you'd better stop for a while..."
His companion shook his head. "I've found the proof we need to clear Constance of the murder charge. You said she didn't know about the murder until it was too late, and that disk proves it." He pointed to the recording still in the reader as he got shakily back into his chair.
"How? What's on it?"
"A man named Preston. He took it upon himself to test his theory about the effects of the regenerative hormone on crystalline lifeforms. Meaning, of course, the Changelings." Jason gave way to an involuntary shudder before going on to say, "He recorded everything so that--Oh, I don't know. It's as if he expected to get the Nobel Prize in genetic research or something. The important thing is, he specifically states that he wasn't going to tell the others about what he'd done until he was absolutely certain it was effective."
"Really?" The Doctor was now bursting with curiosity and reached for the player, only to have his wrist caught in an iron grip. "No, Doctor, please.
It''s horrible," Jason warned shakily. "He recorded everything."

* * *

In the detention area, Constance and Leela had just finished lunch when Commander Tolan suddenly appeared at the door. Leela wondered if this meant she was going to be told to leave.
Constance stiffened the instant she saw him. "What do you want now, Commander?" she asked coldly.
Tolan switched off the energy barrier and stepped back. "I've been ordered to release you from confinement, Miss Sorenson. Corporal JoHanna is one of his Majesty's personal guard and will remain with you at all times."
Constance gaped at him, unable to take it in. Then she was immediately suspicious, thinking he might very well shoot her for trying to escape. "I don't believe it," she said at last. "Why would you, of all people, let me go? I'd've thought you'd be too busy lining up the members of my execution squad."
Commander Tolan ground his teeth, his annoyance only showing for a brief instant in his eyes. "You've been granted limited movement throughout the Palace," he informed, returning her disbelieving look with an icy stare. "It isn't my decision, Miss Sorenson. Now, do you want to leave or should I put the barrier back up?"
Leela took hold of the reluctant woman's hand and pulled her towards the door. "Come on before he changes his mind." She was not about to let the opportunity to leave the gray box pass her by.
Corporal JoHanna was waiting just outside the door and as soon as the women were in her custody, Tolan turned to leave.
"Commander Tolan..." Constance called.
The officer stopped, stiffened and turned slowly back to face her. "Yes, Miss Sorenson?"
With an apologetic smile on her face, she said, "I'm sorry I snapped. I realize this hasn't been easy for you.'ve been straightforward with me from the beginning, not cruel like the others."
Although his expression did not change, the Commander's eyes flickered. "You won't be bothered while you're with Corporal JoHanna, I can assure you of that," he said firmly. "Conversely, I must warn you, if you try anything while you're out--"
"You have orders to shoot me," Constance completed darkly. "Ye-es, thank-you, Commander, for brightening my day."
"I'm merely being...straightforward, Miss Sorenson," the Commander replied. With a smile of feigned congeniality, he bowed slightly. "Good day to you." With that, he departed.

* * *

Notwithstanding his companion's warnings, the Doctor chose to view Preston's disk, his reaction, like Jason's, being one of revulsion and disgust. Unable to watch a second time, Jason sat with his back to the screen. When the recording finished the Doctor sat back in his seat, silently staring at the screen. His companion watched him uneasily, wondering what was going through his mind.
The Doctor suddenly seemed to return to reality and pulled off the headphones. He looked over to his companion, seeing the anguished expression on his face.
"Thank-you for rescuing me from that," the Time Lord said quietly.
Jason gave him a weak smile. Then he almost jumped out of his skin when the Doctor suddenly jumped to his feet bubbling over with enthusiasm. "Well, don't just sit there, come along," he boomed cheerily. "We've a damsel in distress to rescue!"
Slipping Preston's disk into his pocket, the Doctor went to the table, shuffling through the files and pulling out the ones he felt worth presenting as evidence in Constance's defense.
"Where are we going?" Jason asked as he got to his feet.
"Well...I'm going to present this lot to the Chancellor and/or the Emperor. You, on the other hand, are going back to your room to get some rest."
His companion opened his mouth to protest only to be cut off. "Not another word. You've done quite enough for one afternoon. And you're going to need all your strength if it becomes necessary for Constance to stand in judgment."
"Oh, very well," the Alterran sighed, giving the Doctor a dark look when he added, "And--I don't want you passing out on me again."

Chapter Sixteen
"Out On Bail Already?"

Jason arrived at his quarters to find Leela and Constance waiting for him. Since it was his own room, he had entered without knocking, startling JoHanna, who immediately drew her weapon. This caused K9 to glide forward to protect the equally startled aristocrat.
Before K9 could fire, he was stopped with a quick command from Leela, who went on to introduce Jason to the apologetic Corporal.
The young Lord dropped wearily into a chair and put his feet up. "I didn't know you were joining me for dinner, Leela," he joked happily. "Or that you were bringing a friend."
Leela gave him a disapproving look, thinking that she should have let JoHanna shoot him after all.
Jason looked at Constance and smiled broadly. "Out on bail already?" he quipped.
"I can't for the life of me understand why," Constance said in bewilderment. "Commander Tolan suddenly appeared at my door and said I was free to go." Glancing over to her armed escort, she quickly added, "Well, not exactly free, but at least I'm out of that accursed cell."
"When did all this happen?"
"A few hours ago. JoHanna was good enough to show me to one of the gardens so I could get some fresh air." Seeing the amused smirk on Jason's face, Constance gave him an annoyed look. "I suppose you think this is just a big mistake."
"Me?" the aristocrat said innocently. "Oh, no, my dear Constance, quite the contrary. It's anything but a mistake."
"What are you talking about?"
"Well..." Jason began calmly, "putting it simply, I paid your bail."
"You paid my..." Constance stared at him not quite comprehending. She was about to ask him what he meant when she noticed the insignia she had pointed to earlier was missing from its usual place around his neck. Even though the Emperor had given it back, Jason had chosen not to wear it. "Jason,...what did you do...exactly?"
Seeing her eyes fixed on his chest, Jason's hand went to where the medallion usually hung and cleared his throat. "I... uh, pledged my birthright and all I possess as the surety to secure your release. So I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from any rash actions while you're at liberty."
"What!" Miss Sorenson gasped.
Jason's expression did not change. "I said, I pledged--"
"I know what you said!" she exclaimed, jumping to her feet. "I just can't believe it."
"So, now I'm not just a double dealing Krystovan, I'm a liar as well," the young man observed sarcastically.
Constance turned sharply back to him, hearing her own words thrown back at her.
"Now do you believe I'm on your side?"
Nodding slowly, Constance sat down again, overcome with remorse. "Yes. Yes, I do. Oh, Jason, can you ever forgive me?"
"Ask me again after the Doctor comes back."
"Jason, where is the Doctor?" Leela asked pointedly.
"He's either with the Chancellor or the Emperor, depending on who he decided to see first," Jason replied, settling further down in his chair and closing his eyes. "We spent all afternoon pouring over the stuff they brought from the Foundation." Glancing at his watch, he muttered, "When are they supposed to serve dinner? I'm hungry."
"You're always hungry," Leela snorted.
Constance, on the other hand, had latched onto his previous statement. "What stuff?"
"Hmmmm?" Jason opened one eye, looked at her and then closed it again. "Oh, there were a dozen or so boxes full of files and laser disks that--" Hearing a gasp, he half-opened his eyes.
"Jason, you didn't...I mean, you didn't..."
"Find Preston's disk? Yes, I'm afraid I did."
Leela was confused by the horrified look on the face of her newfound friend. She turned accusingly to Jason, whose face was a study in concern and compassion. He held up a hand to silence the warrior, going over to the distraught Constance and sitting beside her. "Tell me about it," he said gently. "Tell me about Preston."
"No. Jason, please, I don't want to remember," she cried in anguish, burying her face in her hands. "Please, don't make me remember."
"The disk clears you of the murder charge," the young man said in a quiet, soothing voice, "but they'll still want to know how you knew about it."
"Because he told us!" Constance exploded, tears now staining her face. "He told us and then played that horrible recording as proof of how he'd cured us. Oh, Jason, it was so awful!" She collapsed into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably.
Jason held her gently, reflecting on the stark difference there was between the frightened, helpless woman sobbing in his arms and the cold, self-assured businesswoman he'd met in Tobias Black's office less the a week ago. Deep down, he had a terrible nagging fear that all their efforts to save her would prove in vain and he would invariably have to bear witness to her execution.

* * *

The Doctor was having similar misgivings. Chancellor Dru had refused to discuss the matter, his feeling being that any attempt to save Constance was not just futile, but downright treasonous.
With this door closed, literally, the Doctor went to Emperor Quinton, who welcomed him with open arms. The monarch took the Time Lord into his office where he patiently listened to the evidence the afternoon's labor had uncovered.
Due to the gravity of the unique situation, the Lord Emperor granted the Doctor the rare privilege of speaking with complete freedom, thus alleviating the fear of giving offense through any breach of protocol. He even ordered dinner brought to them so they would not have to stop working. As the Doctor made his case on Constance's behalf, the monarch realized he was liking him more and more, his respect and admiration mirroring that of the Time Lord himself.
"I realize you have to adhere to certain laws, Majesty," the Doctor was saying. "But I also know that most laws have a loophole somewhere."
"If that's so, Doctor, I certainly can't find it," Emperor Quinton sighed resignedly.
"Perhaps we're going at this the wrong way round," the Time Lord observed, shuffling through the papers on the desk.
"Doctor, we've looked at these so many times I've practically got them memorized," the weary monarch moaned. "The answer is still the same. No one, not even another Emperor, can rescind an Imperial decree. That's why they're not issued very often." He sat back in his chair and rubbed his tired eyes.
The Doctor wasn't listening. He was studying a copy of the original Changeling death decree. "Tell me, this decree. How is the execution to be carried out? There's no mention of it here. It just says the Changelings must die. Rather vague, don't you think?"
Quinton took the paper, glanced at it and handed it back. "In cases such as these, I have the unenviable honor of choosing the means of execution."
The Doctor nodded. "I take it the choices are wide, varied, and equally unpleasant."
The Emperor gave him a wry smile. He was really beginning to like this Time Lord. "Some are more unpleasant than others, but I'm afraid they're all equally fatal."
The Doctor marveled at him. After spending so much of his time with humans, he had forgotten there were races who actually preferred life over death. Peace over war. Races like the Alterrans who had an innate abhorrence to violence. More amazing still was the fact that this one man, who controlled unimaginable power and ruled over an entire star system, should be genuinely concerned for the well being of an individual he'd never met. It was almost miraculous, the Doctor thought, thinking to himself that Emperor Quinton was quite possibly the most exceptional leader he had ever encountered.
This last thought had barely passed through the Time Lord's mind when the Emperor looked up and grinned. "Thank-you, Doctor."
The Doctor blinked.
Quinton laughed at this reaction. "You're either very tired or you trust me," he said simply. "You let your guard down about half an hour ago." Indicating the Great Seal, he explained, "With this, I'm able to read the thoughts of those around me. Your being telepathic just makes the process that much easier."
"I'll have to watch what I think from now on," the fascinated Time Lord quipped.
The monarch smiled again. "As long as you keep the barrier around your mind as you usually do, you're quite safe from my picking up any stray thoughts. Actually, I don't use it to probe the minds of others unless I have to."
The Doctor was now bubbling over with curiosity. "Just how much power do you control with the Seal?" he asked, adding quickly, "If your Majesty doesn't mind my asking?"
Another chuckle rumbled forth. "Not at all, Doctor. In fact, you're the first person who's ever had the courage to ask." Pausing, Quinton thought a moment, only to admit, "There aren't words to describe it. All I can tell you is, when I do tap into the power, the results can be both astounding and terrifying. I dare say, it's more than most could handle."
The Doctor nodded sagely, having encountered more than his share of leaders corrupted by only a fraction of the power the Alterran held, quite literally, in the palm of his hand.
The Emperor sighed heavily, staring despondently at the papers strewn across his desk. "You know something? Even with all the power of the Seal, I'm powerless to stop this execution."
The Time Lord looked up sharply, his expression a mixture of surprise and disappointment. "But surely if we--"
"What?" the monarch interrupted. "We could look through all these until we both died of old age. The outcome would still be the same. An Imperial decree can not be overturned. Not even by another Emperor."
The Doctor was forced to agree. Then the Emperor's remark struck a cord in the back of his mind. He sat bolt upright, a small cry of delight escaping him. His eyes grew wide, a bright smile on his face.
Noting this extraordinary reaction, the Emperor gave him a quizzical look. "What? What is it?"
The Doctor gave him a devilish look. "Your Majesty, I think I've just found our loophole."

Chapter Seventeen
Chancellor Dru

It had taken some doing, but Jason finally managed to calm Constance down, the strain of the last few days had taken a toll on her nerves. The fact that she finally believed he wasn't working against her helped a great deal, as had the realization that she could trust him implicitly. Something she hadn't been able to do for a very long time.
Jason ordered dinner brought to his quarters, in hopes a quiet meal taken with friends might further help in calming Constance's frazzled nerves, which it did. By the time the meal was over she felt more like her old self again, controlled and confident. She knew it was only an illusion, of course, but at least she didn't feel so hopeless and afraid anymore. All thanks to the efforts of the man she assumed had betrayed her.
They were sitting in the main room having their after dinner coffee (still under the watchful eye of Corporal JoHanna) when Jason noticed the time. "The Doctor must've finished by now," he muttered. Rising to his feet, he started to prowl the room as he usually did when he was worried. "It shouldn't've taken him this long to present our evidence to get the judgment canceled."
Suddenly Chancellor Dru burst into the room, looking quite beside himself.
Jason stopped dead in his tracks. "I don't believe I heard you knock, Chancellor."
Dru glared back at him in disgust. "I had to see it with my own eyes," he hissed in contempt. "You actually convinced his Majesty to let that...that...thing out of confinement."
Jason's temper flared, his eyes burning like hot coals. "I don't believe that's any of your business, either."
"Treason is always my business, boy," Dru snapped.
"You will address me by my proper title, Chancellor!" the aristocrat snapped angrily.
The Chancellor smiled evilly. "Certainly, my Lord Krystovan. Enjoy it while it's yours. After this creature's been dealt with, it's your turn. You don't deserve those titles or holdings any more than LiaDonna did. And you have the audacity to pledge them away on that!"
Constance saw Jason stiffen visibly, apparently having received a very powerful verbal slap in the face. She then saw a pained look come to his eyes, which only served to make her extremely angry. There was nothing Dru could say to her that was worse than what she was witnessing. It was all too obvious he was enjoying his attack on her benefactor.
"You're just like her," Dru snarled. "Deceitful, untrustworthy, manipulative. A traitor from a traitor." Turning an angry gaze in Constance's direction, he spat, "You probably even think you're in love with this...thing."
Having heard quite enough, Constance rose with dignity to her feet, the picture of cold, dispassionate calm. She walked slowly over to Dru and asked blandly, "Did you come here to try and frighten me, Chancellor? Or did you come to hurl insults at Lord Krystovan?"
Dru opened his mouth to reply but was immediately cut off.
"Not that it matters, of course. I'm not really interested. Good night, Chancellor. Please, close the door on your way out."
Dru gaped at her. He had not experienced so terse a dismissal since taking office, and to have it come from someone who was supposed to be afraid of him! Recovering himself quickly, he snarled, "I don't take orders from criminals. You're a Changeling. A creature of death from the dark times." Glancing over to Jason, he added, "Your poison's already starting to spread. If it were up to me, I'd execute the both of you."
Without thinking, Constance slapped him across the face as hard as she could. "By God! If Jason's birthright weren't on the line, I swear I'd do something worthy of a death sentence. Now get out!"
Chancellor Dru changed through three shades of purple before he hissed back, "Enjoy your false freedom, Changeling. Tomorrow you die. Judgment will begin at midday." With that, he stormed from the room.
Miss Sorenson blanched visibly, turning to the others, a horrified expression on her face. "Tomorrow?" she said in small voice. "Then...the Doctor failed."

* * *

Unaware of the confrontation going on in his companion's quarters, the Doctor was blithely making his way through the corridors of the Palace. He had barely stepped from the elevator when Chancellor Dru came charging from Jason's room, practically knocking him down as he rounded the corner.
"And you call yourself a Time Lord," Dru sputtered feebly before disappearing down the corridor, leaving the bewildered Time Lord staring after him.
The Doctor entered Jason's rooms to find three very long faces. "Now what's going on in here?" he boomed cheerily. "I've seen happier faces at a funeral."
His companion shot him a reproving look. "That's not funny, Doctor!" Jason snapped. "The Chancellor's just informed us the judgment's to be held at midday tomorrow."
"Ah, did he now?" the Doctor replied thoughtfully. "That's very interesting. I wonder how he found out so quickly?"
"'s true?" Constance breathed in horror. "I'm to die tomorrow."
"Well, not exactly tomorrow," the Time Lord replied vaguely. "The Chancellor thinks so, I suppose?" He furrowed his brow and muttered thoughtfully, "Why, I wonder?"
"He wants blood, Doctor," Leela injected astutely. "He will not be satisfied until he gets it."
The Doctor raised an eyebrow. He would have rebuffed this observation had it come from anyone other than Leela, the only one present who knew bloodlust when they saw it. "Really?" he said at last. "Now that is interesting."
Jason could feel himself growing very angry at the Doctor's sudden cold-bloodedness. How could he not see how upsetting this was to Constance? He was about to verbalize his annoyance when another thought struck him and he eyed his friend suspiciously. "Just what went on between you and the Emperor, Doctor?"'
The Doctor beamed back at him, putting a finger along side his nose. "I'm sworn to Imperial secrecy on that. You'll find out soon enough, though." Turning to Miss Sorenson, he could see she was already showing signs of panic. He took her by the hands and said gently, "His Majesty did give me a message for you. He requests that you do and say nothing until after the judgment is given. You are to admit to your name and status as a Changeling and that's all." Pausing, he said in a firmer tone, "After the proceedings begin, much of what will happen will sound terrible, but you're not to be frightened."
"It's too late, Doctor," Constance replied shakily. "I'm already terrified."
"You must trust us, Constance, now more than ever. Do you think you can do as his Majesty asks?"
The frightened woman nodded, and the Doctor gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulders. "That's the stuff." Turning to his companions, he said, "By the way, I bumped into our lovable Chancellor a few minutes ago. He must've only just left here, but I'd hardly describe him as a man reveling in victory."
"That was my doing, I'm afraid," Constance sheepishly admitted, lowering her eyes. "I'm afraid I struck him rather savagely across the face."
"Really?" the amazed Doctor grinned. "I'm almost sorry I missed it. What on earth did you do that for?"
"He was being so horrible to Jason. I just...I couldn't help myself."
"To Jason?" The puzzled Time Lord looked over at the young man, who seemed either unable or unwilling to elaborate.
"He called him a traitor," Leela informed. "From a family of traitors."
Considering all the Emperor had said about Jason's integrity as well as everything he had put on the line thus far, the Doctor readily understood the severity of the insult.
"Jason," Constance ventured, "what did he mean about your not deserving your titles any more than...than..." She paused, trying to recall the name.
"LiaDonna," Jason said wistfully, lowering himself slowly into a chair. "Yes. My undeserved titles and holdings, as our lovable Chancellor put it, were hers. Well...except for the marquisate of Krystovan. That's from--" Cutting himself off, he jumped to his feet in anger. "How dare he say that about her! What gives him the right!"
"Alright, alright, just calm down," the Doctor said gently.
"Calm down!" his companion snorted. "Oh, that's all very well for you to say, Doctor, but you didn't hear what that...that...said about my mother!"
Constance blinked. "Your mother?"
The young Lord's unstable emotional state flip-flopped again and he was once again subdued. "She died when I was very young." Drawing a deep breath, he said in a stronger voice, "I inherited her titles and holdings here on Alterrous as well as the ones on Tel-Shye the Emperor bestowed when she and my father married."
"And that's the reason Chancellor Dru hates you and the Lord Emperor." This statement was made by Corporal JoHanna, who had been standing, quite forgotten, by the wall. She flushed and lowered her eyes when they all turned to her.
"Please, forgive me, your Lordship," JoHanna said meekly. "It wasn't my place to speak."
Speechless, Jason exchanged an astonished look with the others. The Doctor was the first to recover and went over to the embarrassed Imperial Guard. "No, Corporal, I think you should tell us about it." She looked up slowly and he added, "Please?"
JoHanna shifted uncomfortably on her feet, knowing she had seriously breached the formal protocol of her position. It was only when Jason assured her that no action would be taken against her that she finally explained her remark.
JoHanna began by saying that most of what she knew was based on rumor. As the story went, Dru had fallen in love with the Emperor's niece, LiaDonna, to the point of obsession. She, on the other hand, did not care for him and had tried unsuccessfully to discourage his advances. Eventually, she became engaged to a visiting nobleman many times her age and announced that she was leaving Alterrous for good. The jilted Dru went to the Emperor with a petition that would not only stop LiaDonna from leaving, but also prevent the marriage from taking place; it being Dru's contention that she could not possibly love this other man and that she was only marrying him because of his highly placed social rank.
This act of insolence so outraged the Lord Emperor that he turned the petition down flat, going on to forbid the spurned Dru from ever setting foot on Tel-Shye, where his niece had gone, since her new husband had sworn never to return to Alterrous again. Since that time, Dru fell out of favor with the Emperor.
For years the two had been in competition, Dru always being the victor. Always, that is, until Quinton's rise to the throne, the first bitter pill for Dru to swallow. The loss of LiaDonna was the next. In the ensuing years, Dru grew to hate the Emperor and his niece. And then her descendants --meaning, of course, Jason himself.
"Good Lord..." Jason breathed, having had no knowledge of any of this. "My poor father. How I used to badger him about never bringing me here so I could take my mother's place at court officially. If only he'd told me instead of making excuses."
"Well, that explains the Chancellor's hostility, if nothing else," the Doctor remarked. "Thank-you, Corporal. You've been most helpful."
"Yes," Jason muttered. "Enlightening."
They received a sheepish half-smile in reply.
JoHanna's relief came on duty at that moment and the Doctor seized the opportunity to break up the gathering. The time for the judgment would be upon them before they knew it.
Before she left, Constance turned to the Doctor and Jason. "I want to thank you both for everything you've done for me. I know you've tried your best to save me. It just...wasn't enough."
"Have faith, Constance," the Doctor soothed gently. "And remember what I've said. Do and say nothing until after his Majesty proclaims the judgment."
Leela and Jason exchanged glances as Miss Sorenson left and then the Alterran turned pointedly to the Time Lord. "Alright, Doctor. What do you know that you're not telling us?"

Chapter Eighteen

The time for the judgment came just as quickly as the Doctor predicted. Constance chose to play the part of condemned prisoner to the bitter end and came dressed completely in black. Jason surprised even the Doctor when he appeared lavishly clothed in velvet, a jewel encrusted collar around his neck, the medallion bearing his family insignia gleaming from its usual place. The Marquis Krystovan had arrived in full glory.
Leela was relegated to the corridor outside the throne room where she and K9 were told to wait until after the judgment was completed.
When all were assembled, Chancellor Dru loftily announced, "All rise and pay homage to his Most Supreme Majesty, Quinton; Lord Emperor of Alterrous and the Alterran Empire, Bearer of the Great Seal, and Final Adjudicator of the Laws of Alterrous."
This last title was emphasized a little too strongly for the Emperor's liking and he shot a quick, reproving glance in Dru's direction before nodding to the assemblage and taking his place upon the throne. He then called for the proceedings to begin.
Dru read the charges against Constance, going through the litany of the Changeling history once again. The Doctor presented the evidence clearing Miss Sorenson of the murder charge and then Jason presented the petition for an Imperial pardon. Finally, the Chancellor gave his closing speech, ending it by reading aloud the original Imperial decree condemning all Changelings.
"An Imperial decree of Krystovan, Supreme Lord Emperor of Alterrous and Keeper of the Great Seal," Dru read in a lofty tone. "To insure the safety and security of the Empire, its people and its allies, it is hereby decreed that all members of the Sornon Genetic Research Team, now known as the Changelings, must die. So it is ordered by the wisdom of the Great Seal."
Constance closed her eyes in resignation as the document was read. She had done exactly as instructed, even though there were several times during the proceedings when it was obvious she was controlling herself with considerable effort, wanting to scream against the injustice being heaped upon her. She leaned on the railing in front of her, her knuckles white as she clung to it in frustration.
Finally, Emperor Quinton spoke, his magnificent voice filling the room with an eerie calm. "I will begin my judgment by stating that law and justice are not always the same thing. It is my duty to exact justice while at the same time, keep true to the law." Pausing dramatically, the Emperor turned to the Doctor and Jason. "I freely admit the great debt that the Empire, and indeed myself, owe the Doctor and the Marquis Krystovan. Their petition for clemency in the form of an Imperial pardon for Miss Sorenson is not without merit."
The monarch drew a deep breath, placing a hand on the Great Seal. "I am empowered to grant this petition and issue an Imperial pardon rescinding all charges save one. The original Changeling decree. This is beyond even my power to rescind." He paused a moment before saying, "It is my unfortunate duty, therefore, to designate the method by which the prisoner shall die."
Chancellor Dru puffed out his chest and threw a victorious and condescending look in Constance's direction. She, in turn, looked pleadingly over to the Doctor, who returned her frightened look with a stern shake of the head, a finger going to his lips as a reminder that she keep silent. Jason was aghast, observing the Time Lord's signal in anger.
The Emperor rose to his feet and called for the prisoner to stand before him. Two guards had flanked her during the entire proceedings, but when Constance obeyed the call, the monarch held up a hand to prevent them following. The trembling woman stood before him, fighting to keep back the tears. When he failed to address her right away, she looked up, seeing, to her amazement, an expression of deep compassion on his usually hard, chiseled features. It was only then that she realized the Emperor, too, was on her side.
In a voice that was almost soothing, the Emperor said, "Constance Sorenson, you have freely admitted you are a Changeling, and have not denied any of the charges brought before us here. I must, therefore, condemn you to death as set forth by Imperial decree. It is my judgment that the method of your death should be--" Quinton's eyes seemed to sparkle as he said, "Time itself."
Constance was completely baffled. "Time, your Majesty?"
"You shall be returned to Aegis, where you will remain in exile until such time as you die of old age. Such is the judgment of Quinton, Bearer of the Great Seal."
Constance was now trembling uncontrollably and stood rooted to the spot, her hands to her mouth, not quite able to take it in. Having anticipated this reaction, the Doctor gave Jason a gentle pull and they came up behind her, arriving in time for Jason to catch her as her knees finally gave way.
"No!" Chancellor Dru cried, finding his voice at last. "No, this is illegal!"
"The judgment is made," the monarch replied bluntly.
"Quinton, you can't do this!"
The Emperor's chiseled features immediately turned to stone the moment his forename was used. "You will remember your place, Chancellor!" he snapped.
Dru didn't hear him, too consumed with his own purpose. He pushed the nearest guard aside, snatching the weapon from its holster and aiming it at the horrified Constance, who was huddled on the floor supported by Jason. She let out a terrified cry and hid her face against his chest. Jason didn't move, his eyes locking with Dru's. He knew it didn't matter who the Chancellor was aiming at. The energy ball the weapon produced would kill him along with Constance regardless.
Suddenly the Emperor's voice shook the room as he thundered, "Stop! I command it!" The full force of the power at his command instantly filled the room like a rushing wind, immobilizing all present. The Chancellor was thrown backwards as the rush struck him squarely, pinning him helplessly against the wall. The sovereign then held out a hand and the weapon flew into it.
"You are relieved of your office, Dru," the Emperor hissed angrily. The collar of office detached itself and flew toward the enraged Quinton, dropping into a heap at his feet. "For years I've tolerated your arrogance and petty jealousies, and this is my reward. Treason before my very eyes."
Then, just as suddenly as it appeared, the rush of power vanished, restoring mobility to all and releasing the now Ex-Chancellor from his place against the wall. He dropped to the floor and sat glaring hatefully back at the Emperor.
Turning to the Imperial Guards, the Emperor ordered, "Take this man into custody and have him placed in maximum security confinement. I will personally deal with him later."
During the entire confrontation, the Doctor marveled at the spectacle. He had seen telekinetic energy at work before, but never to the magnitude where it actually filled a room in a tangible way. He then recalled Quinton's words and understood what he meant about the power being both astounding and terrifying.
As Dru was led away, the Emperor ordered the room cleared. The moment this was done, he turned to Constance, Jason and the Doctor, appearing slightly embarrassed by his open display of power. Constance was helped to her feet and taken to a chair where she was given a small glass of brandy by the Emperor.
"I feel I must apologize to you, Miss Sorenson. I realize this whole business was terribly distressing," the Emperor said gently. "But in matters of this type, I'm bound by certain procedures, one of which precludes my speaking to you beforehand. You showed remarkable self-control, by the way. I must admit to being impressed. The Doctor said you could do it."
Constance looked up sharply, turning an accusing look in the Time Lord's direction. "You knew? All along, you knew what was going to happen? And you didn't tell me!"
The Doctor opened his mouth, thought better of it, and closed it again, saying nothing.
"How could you be so cruel?" she cried. "I trusted you!"
Quinton immediately intervened. "That way my doing, Miss Sorenson, not his. It was essential everything proceed as we'd planned. If you'd uttered even a word of denial, all might've been lost."
"Of course!" Jason exclaimed, closing his eyes and reciting, "Because you freely admitted you are a Changeling, and have not denied any of the charges brought before us here..." He looked over to the monarch in admiration. "You needed the admission in order to enforce the decree immediately."
The Emperor smiled. "In all fairness, I must confess it was the Doctor who came across the loophole and suggested time as the method of execution." He suddenly noticed that Constance was still trembling and suggested that Jason take her back to her quarters. He did not send along an armed guard, however, their only company being K9, who remained steadfastly at his young master's heels.

* * *

Chancellor Dru walked to the maximum-security detention area with his head high, an air of indignation and superiority surrounding him. He spent the entire journey spouting law and historical facts until the two guards escorting him were bored silly, which was exactly what he had in mind.
A few yards from the elevator that would take them directly to the security center, Dru made his move. One of the guards was holding a gun and Dru suddenly threw himself backwards, pinning the astonished man against the wall. The Chancellor grabbed the extended arm, aiming and firing the weapon still in his hand, killing his partner. An elbow in the stomach of the pinned man was all that was needed to get the gun free. Then he, too, was shot down by Dru, who immediately fled the scene.

Chapter Nineteen
"Die, Changeling!"

In spite of the fact that her troubles were nearly over, Constance was still apprehensive and asked Jason to stay a while, to which he agreed. He wondered at the same time if it were nerves or just that she didn't want to be left alone again.
"Jason, you never did answer me last night," Constance said as she sat down. "Can you ever forgive all the horrible things I said to you?"
The young man smiled and sank wearily down on to the sofa. "My dear Constance, of course, I forgive you. How could you possibly think otherwise? Did you think I did all this just to make up for what one of my ancestors did centuries ago?"
"No, no. I know you risked losing everything because of me. But..."
"There're no buts about it," Jason replied calmly. "Like I told his Majesty, if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be here to be risking anything at all."
Miss Sorenson smiled self-consciously. "I've already told you, the Doctor's the one who saved your life."
"He's not the one who operated the energy bed. You are."
"True. Still...I owe you both so much. And...I just don't know what to say."
"How about good-night?" Jason suggested helpfully as he stretched out on the couch. "I'm so tired I could sleep for a week."
"Didn't you get enough already?" Constance asked playfully, referring to his lengthy stay in the energy bed.
"Very funny."
"You've been overdoing it, Jason."
"Hey! Who's the Healer here?"
K9's sensor ears suddenly started whirring noisily and he abruptly announced, "Hostile lifeform approaching, Young Master."
Jason sat bolt upright. "What?"
"Sensors detect high energy weapon present."
"That would be a security guard, I should think."
"Insufficient data to determine identity," K9 replied. "Weapon is now primed, Young Master."
The Alterrans were now on their feet. "That's no guard!" Constance gasped.
"Constance, get over here behind K9," Jason commanded. The words were barely out of his mouth when Dru burst into the room. "Die, Changeling!" he snarled and fired the weapon.
The same instant, Jason grabbed Constance by the arm to pull her clear. The shot caught her a glancing blow, knocking her to the floor. K9 fired a split-second later, stunning the homicidal Ex-Chancellor who dropped to the floor in an undignified heap.
Constance moaned and turned over onto her back. Even though the shot had only grazed her shoulder, the damage to her system was clearly evident. The white stain caused by the shattering of her crystalline lattice stood out in stark contrast to her long black dress.
"No bed for me," she said weakly as Jason knelt down beside her.
"Don't bet on it," he countered. Now in his element, Healer Jason knew exactly what to do. He touched her hand and scanned her, being relieved to discover the shattering of the lattice was not moving as rapidly as it had with him. He still had to do something about it and looked up. "K9, over here, stat!"
K9 obeyed, trundling over to the Healer's side.
Constance caught her breath as the cracking suddenly spread further. "Oh, Jason..." she groaned, "it...hurts."
"Tell me about it," he muttered darkly as he hefted K9 into position just above her damaged shoulder. "Alright, K9, give me a low energy spread around the wound."
"Young Master," K9 acknowledged. A stream of energy came from the laser in his snout and danced around the white stain on Constance's shoulder.
"Continue irradiation as long as possible," Jason ordered.
"Affirmative, Young Master. Current energy level available 1.34 hours."
"I don't think we'll need it that long."
To her amazement the injured woman felt the incessant pain subside and she looked up in bewilderment. "What did you...? How did you...?"
The Healer shushed her. "K9 has temporarily suspended the progress of the lattice damage." He suddenly felt very dizzy and wavered a moment, sitting heavily back onto the floor. "You'll still feel...the effects of...shock, though," he added slowly.
"Caution, Young Master," K9 interrupted. "Over exertion depleting energies to minimum level."
"What?" Constance had no idea what K9 was talking about.
"He means I'm tired," Jason translated irritably. He leaned back against the sofa and closed his eyes. "K9, you just keep your mind on your job. Whatever happens, do not stop the energy flow. Understood?"
"Understood, Young Master," K9 replied.
Jason grunted in satisfaction. Glancing over to the downed Chancellor Dru, he sighed heavily. "I think I'd better get that gun, and some help." He tried to stand, but his head started spinning and then he felt his strength drain away. "Oh, no..." he muttered in annoyance. "Not now. Not now!"
"Are you alright?" Miss Sorenson asked worriedly, touching him with her free hand.
"What...?" the Healer looked dazedly down at her. "No, I'm not, actually," he replied faintly. "I can't...I can't...get up. Isn't that ridiculous?" Jason put a hand to his head in a feeble attempt to stop it spinning. "Lord, I feel so...dizzy."
"I told you you'd been overdoing it."
The young man gave her a disapproving sideways glance. He then closed his eyes and swallowed hard, shaking his head in a futile attempt to clear it. Constance watched helplessly as he fought to regain his strength, a sudden wave of panic rising up inside her. Here she was, gravely injured, unable to move, and now Jason, the only thing keeping her calm, was clearly overwhelmed by the strain on his already weakened system.
"Constance," Jason said faintly, "you must..." He never completed the sentence. His eyes rolled back into his head and slumped to the floor.
"No!" Constance was now frantic. "Jason, this isn't the time to pass out on me!"
"Please remain still, Miss," K9 requested calmly, causing Miss Sorenson to jump. She had completely forgotten the little robot was there just above her shoulder.
"K9, Jason alright?"
"Current condition non-life threatening," K9 chirped. "No external action necessary."
"In other words, just let him come to on his own?"
Suddenly feeling very cold, Constance shuddered. Just as Jason predicted, she was going into shock. She started to shiver and closed her eyes, wondering what would happen first; someone finding her, Jason coming to, or Dru recovering and finishing her off.
It ended up being the first choice. Less than a minute later, Commander Tolan appeared in the open doorway. He took in the scene in astonishment. The Chancellor lay unconscious near the door, Lord Krystovan was in a crumpled heap beside the sofa, and Miss Sorenson was stretched out on the floor like a corpse with an extraordinary thing just above her obviously damaged shoulder.
Tolan drew his weapon and slowly crept into the room. The floor creaked under his feet and Constance opened her eyes just in time to see him leveling a gun at her. "K9, he's going to kill me!" she cried out, covering her eyes with her arm.
The astonished Commander lowered his weapon slightly. "No, I'm not!" he protested. "I thought...well..."
Seeing him motion to K9, Constance said softly, "He's not... hurting me, he's...helping me."
Tolan grunted, holstering his gun. He made a quick check on Jason to satisfy himself that the aristocrat was unharmed and then turned his attentions to the trembling woman beside him. Pulling a quilt from the back of the couch, he covered her with it, leaving the area K9 was treating exposed.
"Why...are, if kill me?" Constance asked through chattering teeth.
"I came to secure the room," Tolan replied tersely. "Quite frankly, I didn't think you'd be here." His voice hardened as he added in an almost offended tone, "I'm only doing my job, Miss Sorenson."
"I'm sssorry. I thought...I wanted me dead," she said softly. Suddenly her already frayed nerves let go and she started to cry, the tears flowing freely. "Everyone...wants me...dead," she sobbed.
Stung by these words, the Commander finally realized he had been totally wrong in his attitude. Constance wasn't merely a Changeling who should be destroyed without question. She was a living, breathing, vulnerable individual who was just as afraid of dying as anyone else. Taking hold of her trembling hand, he tried to calm and reassure her.
"Oh, Tolan...I've never done hurt anyone," she whimpered. "Wh...why do you...all...want me dead?"
The Commander felt another twinge of guilt, recalling his harsh words to her during the journey from Aegis to Alterrous. He then felt his heart in his mouth when her hand went limp and he quickly checked her over, relaxing when he saw she was slipping into unconsciousness.
With a rare show of emotion Tolan gave a small smile, wiping the tears from Constance's face and stroking her cheek gently. "I don't," he whispered. "I honestly don't."
The officer was suddenly snapped back to reality when he realized he hadn't called for assistance. He was reaching for his communicator when Leela appeared at the door, the Doctor at her heels. "What happened?" the Time Lord asked as he strode in the room, crossing to the semiconscious Constance and kneeling beside her.
"I don't know. I just got here my--" Tolan blinked. "Wait a minute, how did you know?"
"I didn't. Leela did," the Doctor replied succinctly. "She sensed something was wrong and followed the feeling here."
The Commander blinked again, turning to Leela in amazement. She wasn't listening to either of them, being too interested in the stunned Chancellor Dru. She picked up the gun from beside him and prodded him with her foot. "I told you this one wanted blood, Doctor."
Now it was the Doctor who wasn't listening. He was at Jason's side checking his condition. The Healer was already beginning to stir and the Time Lord helped him up onto the couch.
"Oh, my head is...spinning," Jason groaned, holding his head with one hand and the Doctor with the other.
"Just lie down and rest a bit," the Doctor instructed.
His companion muttered something, and then his head cleared enough for him to recall what had happened. "Doctor!" he gasped. "Constance. Dru tried to kill her!"
"It's alright, Jason," the Doctor soothed. "The Commander has everything under control." The young man looked over at Tolan and nodded approvingly before lying down on the sofa.
The Doctor got down beside Constance and had K9 give him a report on her condition, after which he asked, "How fast can you get us some help, Commander?"
From across the room, Dru's angry voice snarled, "Not fast enough!"

Chapter Twenty
The Power Of The Seal

Dru was suddenly on his feet. He snatched the weapon from Leela's hand and threw her aside like a rag doll. She landed on a table several feet away, knocking it over and ending up on the floor underneath, stunned.
Dru leveled the laser pistol at the equally stunned Tolan, ordering him to drop his weapon.
Tolan stared back in stupefied amazement. "Chancellor, have you gone mad? This is murder!"
"No, Commander, this is an execution."
"A mass execution?" Jason asked pointedly. "Surely you're not going to let us all live?"
"Don't tempt me, boy, or you're first."
"So..." the Doctor injected mildly. "We're all to sit idly by to bear witness to your so called execution. Are we then to report back to his Majesty--"
"Quinton's a fool!" Dru snarled. "He won't do anything that takes a little backbone. Heaven forbid he should soil his lily white hands! He's letting that murdering Changeling go free because he hasn't the stomach for blood. None of you has."
From across the room, Leela cried defiantly, "I have, old man!" and let her dagger fly. The blade impaled itself in Dru's forearm and he let out a cry of agony, yet somehow managed to maintain his grip on the gun.
This was all the diversion Tolan needed. A credit to his training, he was instantly up on one knee, his weapon in his hands. "Drop it, Chancellor!" he ordered, only to receive an angry, defiant glare in return. Struggling against the excruciating pain, Dru pulled the dagger from his arm and then took aim at the unconscious Constance.
"Chancellor," Tolan said threateningly, "don't force me to kill you."
Dru laughed scornfully at him. "You haven't the stomach for it either, Commander. If you'd had any guts, you'd've found a reason to kill her on Aegis and saved us the trouble. I thought I'd chosen the right man for the job. Now I see I was mistaken."
" sent an assassin?" the horrified Tolan gasped. "I'm an Imperial Commander!"
"You're a disgrace to your uniform," Dru spat back. "Now I'm forced to take matters into my own hands." So saying, his finger tightened on the trigger. Tolan fired without hesitation and an energy beam engulfing the astonished Dru, tearing a shriek of agony from him. He twisted and jerked horribly within the energy bubble as the lattice of his crystalline molecular structure was completely shattered. Within a few seconds, all the color drained from his body and he fell dead to the floor.
The Commander's eyes glazed over and he let the weapon fall from his hands. He sat heavily back onto the floor, looking at the Doctor, a confused expression on his face. "Why? Why did he make me kill him?" Looking over to Constance, he shivered. "He wanted me to kill her. He knew I would've if...if..." Tolan put his head in his hands, rocking himself as shock set in, his mind suddenly a jumbled mass of contradictions. Constance was a Changeling, and Changelings must die. Yet, he'd just saved her life. He had to. Perhaps, he even wanted to. He didn't know, as yet, that Dru had been relieved of office, so for him Dru was one of the most powerful men in court, and as an Imperial Guard, he was sworn to protect him, yet he had just taken his life. He had to, didn't he? Didn't he? No! It was all wrong. Everything was so terribly, horribly wrong!
"His mind is broken," Leela observed when the Doctor looked over to her. He nodded sadly, turning his attention to Jason, finding, to his shock, that instead of being back to his old self again, the boy was only just conscious.
Suddenly Emperor Quinton appeared in the open doorway, the Great Seal throbbing with power from its place around his neck. The room was immediately filled with the same tangible power that had pervaded the throne room as he took in the situation. He held up a hand and Leela immediately froze where she stood. He then looked over to the Doctor, their eyes locking as he entered the room.
The Time Lord felt himself seized in an invisible grip and instantly paralyzed. The overwhelming power flooding through him made it impossible to resist even if he chose to. He was aware of the monarch entering his mind and tried to relax, knowing that to resist would be futile--not to mention painful. Suddenly the Doctor heard the Emperor's voice say, "Tell me," and the room started whirling around him. He could feel all the information Quinton wanted being pulled from him with astounding speed. When the monarch finally turned away the Doctor was released from the paralyzing grip of power and sagged where he sat, feeling completely drained. He put a hand to his spinning head, inwardly grateful he was already seated on the floor.
The Emperor walked over to the distraught Commander Tolan and placed a hand on his head. "Commander, I give you clarity from chaos." Instantly, all the self-doubts and confusions were gone and Tolan saw everything in astonishingly precise detail. He looked at the Emperor in amazement. Then he, too, was frozen into place.
Taking a seat beside the semiconscious Jason, the monarch stared down into his face. The Doctor found he could just barely move and was able to turn and watch, reasoning another telepathic conversation was going on.
In a calm, firm voice, Quinton announced, "Healer Jason, I give you leave to do that which is necessary."
The Doctor watched as his companion sat up slowly. It was obvious the boy was in some kind of trance, his movements being very mechanical and his eyes glassy. Jason looked down at Constance with unseeing eyes and then over to the Doctor. The Emperor raised a hand and the Time Lord suddenly found himself ten feet from where he had just been.
Jason got down beside the unconscious Miss Sorenson. "K9, terminate irradiation," he said in a toneless voice.
The moment K9 obeyed, the lattice started to shatter again. Moving K9 out of the way, the Healer positioned himself at the Emperor's feet, placing the fingers of one hand on Constance's shoulder. The Doctor assumed his companion was scanning the wound as he normally did. Instead, he watched in horror as Jason reached up with his other hand and took hold of the Great Seal, bridging the gap between the two with his own body. A stream of pure energy was released the instant he took hold of the jewel, causing his body to arch like a bow. Jason went rigid, a cry of pain escaping him. He remained frozen in this way for as long as he could, fighting to maintain the bridge as long as possible. Finally, he could hold on no longer and the weight of his body broke the connection. He fell to the floor and lay as still as death itself.
When the energy flowing from Jason's hand entered the wound, Constance also went rigid, her body glowing brighter and brighter as the power poured into her. The glow continued even after the Healer's hand fell away, growing in intensity until the Doctor was forced to hold up a hand to shield his eyes. Suddenly the energy exploded into a sheet of blazing white light. Then everything went completely black.
The Doctor's first thoughts were that he'd been blinded by the intensity of the light. Temporarily, he hoped. To his relief, his vision immediately started to clear. He saw Constance lying on top of the quilt that had been covering her, all traces of her injuries having vanished. Beside her, his companion's inert form lay glowing radiantly.
Somehow, the Time Lord knew everything he had just witnessed had taken place within a matter of seconds, the Lord Emperor having slowed the passage of time within the room. As the power was slowly drawn back into the Great Seal, the Doctor found he could move freely again. He went cautiously over to Jason's motionless form and then looked over at the Alterran monarch, his expression both inquiring and accusatory.
"I wouldn't advise you to touch him, Doctor," the Emperor said mildly. "His body's charged with enough residual energy to flatten you."
The Doctor could feel himself becoming very angry. "Was that really necessary? Jason's in bad enough shape as it is--"
"I need not explain myself to you, Time Lord!"
This rebuke physically knocked the Doctor backwards, surprising them both. The Emperor waved his hand, returning Leela and Commander Tolan to reality. He then ordered the officer to call for medical and security assistance.
Leela looked around in bewilderment, going slowly over to the Doctor and catching her breath when she saw the glowing form in front of him. "Doctor, what happened?"
"A rather impressive demonstration of focused psychic energy," he replied unhelpfully.
Even K9 had been affected by the display, all his sensors having been rendered inoperative and therefore unable to provide any information on the unconscious Jason's condition. Eventually, K9 shut down altogether.
Before assistance arrived, the Emperor carried Jason's limp form into the bedroom, the Doctor following as far as the door. From there he watched concernedly as the sovereign gently placed his companion on the bed, carefully removing the jeweled collar from around his neck and placing it on the night stand.
Help arrived a few minutes later and there was a flurry of activity. Dru's body was removed, and the unconscious Miss Sorenson was taken to the Palace infirmary. The Doctor asked the Commander if it would be alright for Leela to go along in order to look after Constance, to which Tolan agreed. He then quietly asked the Doctor the exact outcome of the Judgment. Upon hearing it, he took his leave, returning to Central Command. Chapter Twenty-one
"What Happened?"

Once everyone had gone, the Doctor was able to turn his full attention to back the Emperor, who had come out of the bedroom when help arrived. The monarch glanced over at him, doing a double-take when he saw the angry expression on his face. Taking a seat, Quinton indicated the Time Lord do the same.
The Doctor did not move. "I'd rather stand, if you don't mind," he said with a distinct edge to his voice.
The Emperor marveled at him, studying his angry stance and set expression with an air of amazement. So few ever questioned him, let alone opposed him. But open hostility was something he rarely experienced. And to have it happen twice in one day was extraordinary.
"You care a great deal for my nephew, don't you, Doctor?" the Lord Emperor said finally.
The Doctor blinked, the observation having taken him completely off guard. "I care a great deal for all living beings, your Majesty," he replied evasively.
Emperor Quinton laughed in delight. "You are a paradox, Time Lord," he observed. "You many not realize it, but you've been granted a rare privilege. There aren't many who've seen the full power of the Seal used as it was today."
The Doctor considered. "With all due respect, your Majesty, it's a privilege I'd rather not repeat."
Scrutinizing the Time Lord's face a moment, the Emperor held out a hand. "Please, sit down," he invited, "and I'll grant you an even greater privilege by explaining what you saw."
More than a little intrigued, the Doctor stepped hesitantly away from the door, glancing back into the bedroom. Jason was still glowing slightly, and as far as the Doctor could tell, he was barely breathing. He might even be dying for all he knew...
"He's not going anywhere," Quinton said mildly.
The Doctor's head snapped around and he was again furious with the suddenly insensitive Alterran. Crossing the room, he took a seat off to one side. "Alright," he said gruffly, "I'm listening."
The first thing the monarch did was inform him of the deaths of Dru's security escort, which was the reason he had come to Constance's quarters in the first place. He had put Leela into stasis to protect her primitive mind from being overwhelmed by the power of the Seal. Quinton had chosen to mind-link with the Doctor because his mind was trained and would allow him to get a grasp on the situation without wasting time. The fact that K9 had been good enough to give the Time Lord a complete assessment of Miss Sorenson's condition proved invaluable, as had the added insight into the Commander's obvious distress. Knowing this allowed him to free the officer from his inner turmoil and restore his sanity.
"I have the power to restore a person to health," Emperor Quinton informed, "but, unfortunately, I don't possess the skill that's required to focus the power properly. Jason, on the other hand, has these skills in abundance. By using him, I was able to heal Miss Sorenson's injuries completely."
"By using...?" The Doctor was appalled. "You saw what that did to him. Doesn't that matter?"
"Of course it matters!" the monarch exclaimed forcefully. A rush of power suddenly flared, fading immediately as he got control of himself. Taking a deep breath, he held up his hands. "Forgive me. After a tap-in of that magnitude, it takes a little longer to break off the connection with the Seal."
Intrigued, the Doctor's eyes flickered, but he said nothing.
In a more normal tone, the Emperor said, "Doctor, after all this, you should know I'd never willingly harm anyone, least of all Jason. What he did, he did of his own free will. I didn't force him. I merely gave him access to the Great Seal."
"But surely the risk--"
"Jason assured me he'd be alright."
The Doctor was momentarily baffled. Then he recalled the silent conversation. "You mind-linked with him, too, didn't you?"
The Alterran nodded. "The energy glow is a barrier meant to protect him and keep his system stabilized. From what I could gather, it would keep him from harm no matter how much energy he utilized. But without the protection of the Seal itself, he was eventually rendered unconscious."
There was a long silence as the Doctor took this in. He studied the Emperor's face and then broke into a broad smile. "Forgive me for ever having doubted your motives, your Majesty."
"Not at all. You're one of the few people who's ever been so certain of their convictions that you'd actually oppose me openly. And with such fire!" he added admiringly. "I must confess, I find it refreshing. I so rarely have anyone with the courage to say I might be, well..."
"Fallible?" the Time Lord ventured cautiously.
Again, the Emperor laughed. "Definitely!" He rose to his feet, adding longingly, "Oh, how I wish you were on my staff, Doctor. I so need to be reminded of my own mortality from time to time."
Quinton started toward the bedroom, stopping as he reached the door. He then turned, fixing the Doctor in an unwavering gaze. "Doctor, as a Time Lord you have a great deal of knowledge in respect to future events," he began in a serious tone. "But there is one thing, your own future, which is closed to you."
The Doctor felt certain he knew what was coming next and opened his mouth, only to be silenced by an upraised hand.
"Hear me out," the Emperor said sternly. "My nephew is more like his mother than he realizes. He's both gentle and violent, and I've seen in your mind that this troubles you, and rightly so. You trust and fear him at the same time, so take heed when I tell you, your being together is not accidental. A day will come when Jason will be forced to come to terms with his own duality."
Quinton paused a moment. "In this, Doctor, Jason will need guidance and a steady hand."
"Surely he's not that hot tempered?" the Doctor remarked.
"My nephew is more powerful than even he is aware. He's only just reached his first century. A mere boy to us. Many of his powers will develop in this coming century. If he were to go unguided, he could become more dangerous than you, or even I, could possibly imagine." So saying, the Emperor turned and went into the bedroom leaving the stunned Time Lord staring after him.

* * *

In the Palace infirmary, Constance regained consciousness almost as soon as she arrived. She opened her eyes and looked around fuzzily, a hand going to her shoulder. To her amazement, she discovered it was completely restored. There was a nurse hovering over her and she stammered out, "Wh...what...happened?"
"They brought you down on a stretcher," the nurse replied crisply. "Lord knows why. There's nothing wrong with you." So saying, she promptly turned her back on the baffled Constance, going over to the counter across the room.
Sitting up slowly, Miss Sorenson was relieved to see Leela waiting patiently beside her. "Leela, do you know what happened? How did my shoulder get better so fast?"
"Well..." Leela began hesitantly, "the Doctor said it was the focused power from something, but I didn't understand any of it. He does not always explain very clearly."
Constance grunted. "I guess I'll have to ask him myself and hope for the best." Getting down from the examining table, she glanced over at the nurse, who was still ignoring her. "Well, if there's nothing wrong with me, I'll be going. Sorry to've troubled you, nurse. No need to show me out--Come on, Leela."
The nurse spun around in a sudden panic. "You can't leave!"
"And why not?"
The panic-stricken woman was momentarily stuck for an answer. "'re a Changeling! You're supposed to be in confinement. I can't let you go wandering around the Imperial Palace alone."
"She won't be alone," Leela said firmly. "I will be with her."
Constance gave the warrior a conspiratorial grin. "That's right, Leela will be with me. So why don't you be a good little nurse and get out of our way?" She advanced slowly and purposefully on the woman barring their way.
The nurse stood her ground as long as she dared, shrinking away at the last minute and fleeing from the room.
"That wasn't so difficult, was it?" Miss Sorenson said, some of her old confidence returning. As soon as they left the examining room, however, they discovered their way from the infirmary was blocked by the entire staff. They exchanged a discouraged look and Leela sighed heavily. "I think this will be a little harder."
Suddenly an authoritative voice snapped, "Stand aside!" The group barring the door parted like the Red Sea revealing Corporal JoHanna.
"Thank God!" Constance exclaimed. "I never thought I'd ever be so glad to see an Imperial Guard in my life."
The Corporal's face remained stone-like and professional. "You will come with me, Changeling," she ordered curtly.
Miss Sorenson's face fell as she realized why the Corporal was there. "You've come to arrest me again, haven't you?" she said meekly, shuddering at the thought of being confined in a cold, gray prison cell for who knows how long. Straightening, she decided to leave the infirmary with her head high. "Very well, Corporal. Let's go, then."
As soon as they reached the end of the corridor, Constance started toward the detention area only to be stopped by JoHanna. "No, Miss Sorenson," she said politely, "your quarters are this way."
"My quarters...?" Constance was now completely baffled.
So was Leela. "I thought you just arrested her," she said accusingly.
JoHanna broke into a devilish grin and nodded back in the direction of the infirmary. "That was for their benefit. My Commander sent me down to fetch you. He thought they might give you some trouble. And was he ever right."
"Your Comm--? You don't mean Tolan, do you?" Constance gasped unbelievingly.
"Of course. Who else did you think I meant?"
"Who else indeed?" Miss Sorenson muttered. "Well, well, well. Today is full of surprises."

Chapter Twenty-two
Out Of The Past

"Doctor!" the Emperor called suddenly. The Time Lord appeared in the doorway to see the monarch standing beside the bed, a horrified expression on his face.
"He should've regained consciousness by now," Quinton told him. "But he...he seems to've gone into a coma."
"What!" The Doctor rushed to the bedside, reaching out a hand and then quickly snatching it back. "Is it safe for me to touch him yet?" Receiving only a blank stare in response, he dropped all the social niceties, taking the Emperor by the shoulders and shaking him. "Quinton! Pull yourself together!" he snapped forcefully. "Is it safe for me to touch him or not?"
The combination of hearing his own name and the roughness of the Time Lord's actions immediately brought the Emperor out of his daze. "Yes. Yes, it's safe now." Looking down at the inert form, he moaned, "What've I done? How could I've allowed this to happen?"
The Doctor stared in amazement, seeing the real Quinton for the first time. The man beside him was no longer the cool, confident Lord Emperor of Alterrous. He was simply Quinton; a man possessing all the fears, self-doubts, and insecurities that made him mortal.
"You did what you thought best," the Doctor replied. "Just as Jas-- Ow!" He cried out as a spark suddenly flashed from his companion's body, numbing his hand. "His body's still charged with energy!"
"But that's impossible. The residual energy was nearly dissipated when I brought him in here."
"Well, it's not dissipated now!" the Doctor said sharply, shaking his tingling hand. "Judging from the jolt I just got, I'd say he's still charged with a great deal."
"But how?"
The Time Lord furrowed his brow, scowling down at the motionless youth as he tried to make sense of it all. "Am I correct in assuming the connection with the Seal was still active when you brought him in here?" he asked.
The Emperor nodded slowly. "Ye-es..."
"Yes. And you'd also given him leave to use it," the Doctor went on thoughtfully. "Is it possible--?" Looking up, he asked, "Could he've absorbed a second dose of energy when you carried him in here?"
"I suppose it's possible," the monarch replied slowly. "But ...why would he need a second dose? There was nothing to be protected from."
"Why indeed? Then again, Jason's current state of health isn't exactly par excellence. Perhaps he needed more energy than he originally thought in order to remain stabilized."
The Lord Emperor shrugged, sighing heavily. "I suppose we'd better put him to bed properly. There's no telling when he'll wake up now." Placing a hand on the young man's shoulder, the monarch instantly transformed his velvet clothing into something more suitable for bed. He then lifted his unconscious nephew into his arms as the Doctor pulled back the bedclothes. Catching the Time Lord's eye, the Emperor grinned self-consciously. "Yes, I know, Doctor. I'm showing off again."

* * *

Thanks to the presence of Corporal JoHanna, Constance was spared any further unpleasant encounters. She arrived at her quarters to be surprised again when JoHanna informed her that Tolan had given orders that she remain on guard outside. This way Constance would be spared anyone else who might take it upon themselves to carry out her death sentence.
Leela tensed when she entered the room, sensing something was wrong yet again. She crept silently to the bedroom, relaxing when she saw the Doctor sitting quite unharmed within.
Constance came to the door and caught her breath. Since she had no knowledge of Jason's part in her recovery, his current condition came as a complete shock. The Doctor filled her in on what had happened and then the four of them sat in silent vigil. It was Constance who finally broke the silence. In a quiet voice she said, "You've all done so much for me. More than I ever dreamed possible. I think, well...I think you deserve to know my name. My real name, that is." She immediately had everyone's attention. "I'm Emilia Sornon."
"Sornon?" the Doctor gasped. "As in, Sornon Genetic Research Team?"
Constance nodded, grateful the years of hiding, denial, and pretending were over. Her father had been the head of the team. He had also been the one to see the first signs of betrayal in Emperor Krystovan and arrange for their escape. When the day finally came, only thirty made the trip that eventually led them to Aegis. The true irony in the story was, Constance was never a member of the team. She had been exposed because she had had the misfortune of choosing the day of the accident to visit her father.
The persona of Emil Sorenson was created as a cover so the group could raise the necessary funds to continue their work, and it was Constance who assumed the identity. Utilizing information supplied by Melnacon, she was able to make insightful, and extremely profitable, business investments.
Even though a search for a cure was the group's main goal, they were all keenly aware that the mania could appear at any time. For this reason the booth Tobias Black had used to imprison the Doctor was constructed. Its function was to confine anyone showing signs of the mania, doubling as an execution chamber should the mania be confirmed, all members having agreed that this was far better than what awaited them on Alterrous.
Constance paused a moment, the memories suddenly seeming too painful. Getting control of herself, she went on to tell of how, after many long months, Melnacon abruptly vanished. Since he had done nothing but make a nuisance of himself since their escape, everyone was glad to be rid of him. Then Preston magically appeared with his cure.
"Well, you all saw that horrible recording," Constance said softly. "When he presented it like a proud parent--" She closed her eyes and shivered, seeing the events of so long ago playing out before her.
"I take it the reaction wasn't as he expected?" the Emperor said calmly.
Constance shook her head. "Lets just say you'll never have to worry about having him stand in judgment." She went on to tell of how the group had scattered after this. Her father wasting away with guilt, blaming himself for failing to see the instability in Preston sooner.
"That's why I established the Alexandria Foundation. I wanted to, somehow, make restitution for Preston's unspeakable actions. Melnacon's death saved my life. I couldn't let it be in vain," she said quietly. After her father's death she gave birth to the persona of the cold and detached Constance admitting that after spending so many years pretending to be a man, she was grateful to finally be able to appear as a female again. A woman who was easy to hide behind, and could keep everyone else at bay.
"But still very much alone," the Emperor observed knowingly. It was easy for him to empathize with her, he himself having been cut off from a normal existence because of what he was. At the same time, he was fascinated, never having expected to learn so much.
Leela had been unable to follow most of what was being said and chose not to even try, keeping her full attention on the motionless form in the bed. She sat up suddenly when she thought she saw a flicker of movement. Then Jason's eyes fluttered open a second, closing again.
"Doctor," Leela said in an excited whisper, "I think he's waking up."
The Time Lord turned in time to see his companion stir slightly. "Jason? Jason, can you hear me? It's the Doctor."
The Alterran's eyes fluttered open again and he looked up at his friend in a daze. "Doctor...?" Blinking to focus, he moaned, "Oh, no. Have I done it again?"
"You certainly have," the Time Lord replied delightedly.
"I feel so...strange this time. It's almost like...I've been hit by lightning or something."
The Emperor smiled. "I think 'or something' is more like it." He touched his nephew's forehead, commanding, "Remember."
Instantly Jason's mind cleared. He remembered everything-- including the conversation that had gone on while he was in a coma. He caught his breath, his eyes growing wide. He sat bolt upright, looking at the others in amazement. "I remember now!" he gasped. "Constance was...and then I-- Oh, what I did." He put a hand to his head, dazzled by the memories.
"Perhaps you should rest a little longer," the Doctor gently suggested.
Jason looked up sharply. "No, I'm fine. Honestly, I am."
"Jason, I think the Doctor's right," Constance said firmly.
The young man ignored both of them, throwing back the bed clothes and hopping to his feet. He looked around in jubilation. "I feel terrific! Better than I have in ages."
The Doctor and Emperor exchanged glances. "The second dose of energy," the monarch breathed. He touched the grinning youth, returning his clothes to their original lavish state.
"Thank-you, my Lord," Jason said politely. "But I've a feeling I could've done that myself. I'm almost positive the second dose of energy normalized my system."
"Well, whatever you do, don't test it until we find out!" Constance snapped reprovingly.
Jason smiled broadly, his spirits soaring. "You are a worrier, aren't you, Miss Emilia Sornon?" he laughed, taking the stunned woman's face in his hands and kissing her. "Constance, has anyone ever told you you're the most beautiful creature in the cosmos?" So saying, he strode exuberantly from the room.
"Hello, K9!" he exclaimed from the next room. "I've got a little job for you!"
The astounded occupants of the bedroom exchanged a look of mutual astonishment and amusement before bursting into laughter.
"And I was worried," Emperor Quinton moaned.

Chapter Twenty-three

The red tape that followed the judgment was the last thing Constance wanted or needed. Having received nothing but hostility since her arrival, she was more than ready to begin her exile and "death sentence." She wanted no part of the legal headache the judgment had caused on Alterrous, as she was certain she'd be facing several others when she returned to Aegis. To her surprise and delight, she was informed that the Emperor had already thought of this and had a suitable cover story concocted on her behalf. It would explain her abrupt departure from Aegis and the subsequent search of the estate as being part of a secret government operation, which, quite naturally, she could not divulge.
When everything was finally settled, Constance was taken to the transport ship that would take her to Aegis. As she boarded it, she found herself strangely torn; glad to be going home, while at the same time saddened to be parted from the Doctor and his companions. Despite her verbal abuse, they had stood by her, protected her, and even saved her life. For all she knew, she'd never see them again.

* * *

Constance stared blankly out a window as the ship lifted off and pulled farther and farther away from her home world of Alterrous. The bright planet faded into the distance until it was just a pinpoint of light. One among millions. Turning away from the window, she closed her eyes and sighed heavily.
"Is everything alright, Miss Sorenson?"
Startled, Constance looked up to see Corporal JoHanna looking concernedly down at her. "Yes, everything's fine. Finally," she sighed relievedly, indicating the Corporal sit down. "I hope you don't mind my asking to have you assigned to my escort, JoHanna," she then said apologetically. "You're the only one I know in the Imperial Guard."
"Not the only one, surely?"
Knowing she meant Commander Tolan, Constance gave her a wry smile. "Alright, the only one who never threatened me, then."
"The only one who never..." JoHanna blinked. "Surely you don't mean the Commander actually threatened you?"
"Well, I suppose 'threatened' isn't strictly accurate. But when I was arrested, I made the mistake of asking him--" Constance broke off and shuddered at the memory of the conversation in her cell. Seeing the look of blank astonishment on the Corporal's face, she remarked, "You seem surprised."
"Astonished, more like," JoHanna replied. "You probably don't know this, but the day you were released from the detention area, Commander Tolan blew his stack with the entire security division assigned there. I mean he really exploded. Said their behavior towards you wasn't just deplorable, but a flagrant abuse of power. I don't think I've ever seen him so angry."
Now it was Constance's turn to be astonished. She tried to imagine the scene, but could only see the perfect little soldier who was Commander Tolan; following orders, whether he agreed with them or not, and just doing his job. With this in mind, she said, "That is his job, isn't it? Keeping subordinates in line?"
"Ye-es, I suppose so," JoHanna replied hesitantly. "It's just that, well...he's not really in charge of the prison area. Not directly, that is."
Miss Sorenson made no reply, nodding absently and turning her gaze back out the window. She stared into the blackness of space for several minutes, thinking back on the events following her release from confinement. "You know something, JoHanna?" she said at last. "I never even thanked him for saving my life. Or for having the forethought to send you down to--"
Constance turned back to the Corporal only to find Commander Tolan had taken her place. He was studying her with an intensity she found so unnerving that she stiffened visibly.
"Your welcome," he said mildly. "And, thank-you. I'm glad you finally realized I'm capable of thinking independently."
"You!" Constance gasped, finding her voice at last. "Wh... what are you...? Why are you...?"
Tolan held up his hands. "Don't get excited. I'm in command of your escort."
"Yes, me. I've been on the flight deck and came to tell you that we're on course for Aegis and--"
"And you have orders to grant me any reasonable requests I might have in the interim," Constance broke in sharply.
The officer lowered his eyes. "I suppose I deserved that," he said regretfully. Drawing a deep breath, he then said, "And, I believe I owe you an apology for frightening you the way I did the day you were arrested. I was malicious and unprofessional."
"Not to mention blunt."
Clearly uncomfortable, Tolan did not reply directly, rising to his feet. "Actually, I came to see if we could iron out the details of your exile before we land. The security officer assigned to you will need--"
"What security officer?"
"The one assigned to..." the Commander's voice trailed off when he saw Constance's face darken. "Didn't anybody bother to tell you?"
"Do you mean to say, after all this, I'm still to be treated like a criminal?" the woman across from him snarled angrily.
"Only on paper. I can assure you, Miss Sorenson, your movements won't be restricted in any way except as they relate to Alterrous."
"This is marvelous! Absolutely marvelous!" Constance exploded, jumping to her feet. "Now I've got a baby-sitter to make sure I don't go back to a place I've been avoiding like the plague for decades!"
"Well, it's better than being put to death, isn't it?" Tolan countered forcefully. "You know, you really do amaze me. The Emperor risked breaking the Laws of Alterrous. The Doctor risked breaking the Alliance. Lord Krystovan risked losing his birthright. And I even killed the Chancellor. All trying to save you! And now you stand there whining over one lousy officer, and I had to fight to--" Cutting himself off, he threw up his hands in disgust. "Forget it! Just forget it! It's no use talking to you. I don't know why I even bother."
"Neither do I. Why didn't you just stay on Alterrous? I'm sure as Commander you could've refused this assignment. Or are you still just doing your job like a good little soldier?"
"No, actually, I foolishly volunteered for this," Tolan spat back. "I wanted to make sure your journey home went without incident."
Unable to think of a suitable reply, Constance stood staring at him, her mouth agape.
"Yes, I actually can care about something other than my job. Amazing, isn't it?" Drawing himself to his full height, the Commander turned on his heel and headed for the door. "I'll come back to work out the details as soon as you've calmed down."
"Oh no, you don't. Come back here!" Constance commanded. "You're not walking out on the closest thing to a conversation we've ever had."
Tolan stopped dead and stiffened, turning slowly back to face her, an odd expression passing like a ghost across his face. "I'm not going to stay and trade insults, either," he said mildly. "If you want to talk, I'll talk. Otherwise I'm leaving."
The officer's sudden subdued tone caught Constance off guard and she laughed in spite of herself. "You're a man of many facets, aren't you, Commander? And here I thought you just wanted to kill be because I was a Changeling."
"You're not the only one, apparently. I was sent to Aegis as your assassin."
Constance stiffened, her eyes widening. "What!"
Tolan held up his hands. "Not now, originally. I found out that's why the Chancellor sent me specifically. He assumed I'd do what I told you I wanted to. It wasn't until the day you were shot that I realized--" Drawing a deep breath, he admitted, "Well, you said everyone wanted you dead. And all of a sudden I realized...I didn't."
The astonished woman continued to stare at him from her place across the room. Then suddenly his soothing words came back to her, and her hand went to the cheek he had stroked so gently. "I thought I'd dreamt that," she breathed in disbelief.
Not sure why himself, the Commander went on to tell her of the Emperor's intervention in healing his broken mind. How everything had suddenly become clear to him. No confusions. No self-doubts. Just the pure, clear, naked truth.
"I'm not explaining this very well," the officer said self-consciously.
"Oh, you're doing fine," Constance replied caustically. "I like the part about the Emperor interceding--"
"Please, don't mock me, Constance! This isn't easy for me."
This was so obvious Miss Sorenson found herself apologizing. "But why, Tolan? Why tell me all this now?"
"Because I love you, dammit!" Tolan exploded. The suddenness of this admission shocked even him and he immediately turned away.
Constance blinked and tried several times to say something, but words failed her. Finding her voice at last, she cried, "You can't! Tolan, you just can't!"
"Don't you think I know that?" he replied, turning to face her. "I've been fighting it since I first laid eyes on you. And then the Emperor--" Clenching his fists, he tried to get hold of himself. "Oh, why did you have to call me back?" he moaned.
Constance was again at a loss for words, thinking this to be the most extraordinary, and unexpected, ending to her ordeal. " what? Isn't this considered conflict of interest or something?"
"Among other things," Tolan replied mildly. "And I could be court-marshaled for what I'm about to do. And I don't care." So saying, he did the most unprofessional thing he had ever done in his long and illustrious career. He took hold of the astonished woman and kissed her passionately on the mouth.

Chapter Twenty-four

After seeing Constance off, Jason went directly to the TARDIS, half expecting to find the Doctor and Leela waiting for him. Instead he found the console room empty and looked around in bewilderment. "Nobody's here," he remarked as K9 came trundling through the door behind him.
"Observation correct, Young Master," K9 chirped.
Jason grinned down at him, removing his jewel encrusted ceremonial collar of rank and rubbing a thumb over its gleaming surface. Heaving a heavy sigh, he then carelessly hung the symbol of his status and birthright from the hat stand just inside the door. "I won't be needing you anymore," he muttered gratefully.
Hitting the door lever, the Alterran aristocrat watched with a sense of relief as the double doors swung shut on his race's mother world. "Good-bye, Lord Krystovan," he intoned, waving a hand at the closing doors. His body shimmered and replacing his elaborate clothing were his less formal, and much preferred, multi-colored shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers. "Hello, Jason!" he said happily.
The Doctor entered at that moment carrying a tool box. "Well, it's about time you got here," he said disapprovingly. He hit the dematerialization switch and the time rotor lit up, rising and falling as the TARDIS took flight. "Did you find the young lady you seem so fond of telling me about?"
"Shadra." Jason flushed slightly, lowering his eyes. "And, no, actually, I didn't. I seem to've missed her again."
The Time Lord gave an indignant snort, setting down the tool box.
"Where's Leela?" Jason asked conversationally.
"I believe she said something about changing her clothes," the Doctor muttered as he crawled underneath the control console. He pulled open one of the panels of the pedestal and scrutinized its interior. His companion, in turn, bent down to scrutinize him. "Doctor?"
The Doctor jumped, banging his head on the underside of the console.
"What?" he snapped irritably.
Stifling a laugh, the Alterran said calmly, "I wonder if you might do me a small favor?"
Rubbing his bruised head, the Time Lord threw him a fierce scowl, obviously in no mood to be doing anyone any favors.
Undaunted, Jason went on to say, "I wonder if you might be so good as to reprogram K9 so he'll stop following me around? Now that I'm back to normal, it's getting very annoying."
Now it was the Doctor's turn to laugh, having completely forgotten about the monitoring program. He gave K9 a quick verbal command and then looked up at his companion. "There you are, my boy. Your watchdog nurse has been assigned to other duties." So saying, he returned his attention to the interior of the control console, pulling out several circuit boards and examining them carefully.
After several minutes, Jason cleared his throat nervously. "Doctor, I've been meaning to ask you something, and well...what with everything that's happened,"
His tone intrigued the Time Lord, who leaned back and peered up at him from under the console. "Sounds serious."
"It is. Well, it is to me, anyway," the young man replied. "I'd like to ask you something, Doctor, and I'd appreciate an honest answer."
"My dear Jason, I always give honest answers."
"I meant honest as in candid, actually."
"Ah! Well, in that case, I'll do my best."
Jason met his friend's inquiring gaze steadily. "Doctor, you're the first outsider who's ever seen me. The real me, that is, and...well...I wanted to know...I mean, I needed to know..."
Suddenly the reason for his companion's ill ease became clear and the Doctor's eyes grew wide. "Ah! You want to know my reaction?"
The Doctor drew a deep breath, thinking back on the extraordinary creature he now knew to be the Alterran's true self. Against other humanoids, his Time Lord body was superior in many ways, yet against the Alterran he had been completely helpless; the agility, dexterity and shear physical power being many times greater than his own.
When the Doctor had first met Jason, he saved his life after a misfire. By the time he got to him, the Alterran's body had degenerated into a weak, formless mass, which the Doctor had assumed to be his true form. A form that required a humanoid appearance for more than just concealment. It was all too obvious now that he had been gravely mistaken. In his true form, Jason was virtually invincible.
Virtually invincible. How could that possibly apply to the slight, almost fragile youth who stood beside him? Jason could be so exceptionally gentle mannered that it was easy to overlook his occasional flashes of temper. Flashes? Eruptions, the Doctor thought, reflecting back on his companion's reference to his temper as Mt. Jason. A temper he had not known about until their journey to Aegis. A temper even the Lord Emperor was concerned about, his unsettling words returning to mind.
Impatiently waiting for a response, Jason misinterpreted his friend's long silence as reluctance to speak openly, which seemed even more likely when he saw the Doctor's face darken. Feeling rejected and somewhat betrayed, he gave way to an involuntary shudder and turned away, hugging himself.
"Jason, I--" The Doctor looked up to see the Alterran in obvious distress. "What on earth's the matter?"
"You think I'm a monster, don't you?"
"A what?"
"A monster. A revolting creature. That's what I look like to you, isn't it?"
"My dear Jason, I knew Alterrans were a non-humanoid lifeform long before I met you," the Doctor countered. "I'll admit, you're not what I expected, but that hardly makes you a monster."
His companion merely snorted in disbelief.
"Do I look like a monster to you?" the Time Lord asked innocently.
Clearly appalled, Jason spun around. "No! Of course not! How could you even--?"
"Well, why not? Using your own logic, I should do."
His companion blushed vividly. ", never thought of it that way."
The Doctor grunted. "You're a member of one of the most extraordinary races I've ever encountered. You should be proud of who and what you are, not ashamed. Quite frankly, it's quite beyond me why you hide yourselves at all."
The Alterran's mouth dropped open and he could think of nothing to say.
The Doctor merely grunted again, returning to his work. He poked around inside the pedestal for several minutes, apparently without success. Heaving an exasperated sigh, he extracted himself from the confines of the console's interior to find Jason sitting cross-legged on the floor beside him holding out one of the circuit boards.
"This one, I think," the youth informed innocently. "Just a loose connection on--"
"Did you scan my TARDIS?" the Doctor asked accusingly.
Jason flushed slightly. "Well, a small portion of it. It is rather large, you know."
The Time Lord snorted. "You know, I was going to ask you more about your true self when you felt more comfortable," he said as he fixed the loose connection, "but now I think--"
Jason wasn't listening. "Doctor, do you really think I'm extraordinary?"
The Doctor looked over at him and smiled broadly. "Without question."

* * * *

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Whom The Gods Destroy (c) Margaret Price 1992 is an original work written for the enjoyment of Doctor Who fans. No copywrite infringement is intended. Original series broadcast on the BBC. Format (c) BBC 1963 Doctor Who and Tardis are trademarks of the BBC. The story and all other characters are (c) Margaret Price