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Companions of Colin Baker

Here are Colin Baker's companions.

Perpigilium "Peri" Brown (Nicola Bryant)

Peri had a very sarcastic and down-to-earth personality which blended well with Colin Baker's very sarcastic out-there personality. She was often agrivated by the Doctor's irratic behavior and the pair argued constantly. They still looked out for each other, though, and got along okay when they thought no one was looking.
Peri was a college student on vactation in the episode Planet of Fire. She was rescued by Turlough from drowning and was inadvertanly mixed up in one of the Doctor's adventures. At the end of Planet of Fire, she decided to travel with the Doctor, "for a few months". The events surrounding her leaving the Doc. are a bit hazy because of that infernal Valyard meddling with the matrix. (But that's a whole 'nother story...) Apparently she married the barbaric king of some random planet after being "abandoned" by the Doctor at the end of Mindwarp. Very strange.
Anyway, she was a lovely companion (one of my favorites) and I really think she should have gotten more of a chance to work with Peter Davison before he regenerated. The dynamics between those two really worked. In fact, my own pitiful little atempt at writing fan fiction has those two appearing together. (Long Scarves and Celery, which you can find on the Fan Fiction section of this site. How's that for subliminal advertising?)

Melanie "Mel" Bush (Bonnie Langford)

Melanie was an up-beat, optomistic, ADHD sufferer, who's screems could puncture eardrums within seconds. She reminds me very strongly of Jo Grant, from Jon Pertwee's era, only possibly more annoying. She forced the Doctor to exercise and drink carrot juice, and never, ever stayed put when the Doctor told her to. Still, like Jo Grant, she was likable, dispite all her perky faults. Her first adventure is a mystery (and a bit of a paradox) thanks, once again, to the meddling Valyard, but her first televised episode was Terror of the Vervoids. She left at the end of Dragonfire to catch a ride home to Earth. (We wont get into the fact that she was in the wrong mellenium/section of the universe to go home and was not catching a ride with someone who had time travel capabilities....)

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