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Brett's Profile

Brett Bush
Eminent Recorder
May 9, 1979
Philadelphia, PA
Business Management

Pledge Name: Chia
Reason for pledge name:Lets just say that you do not have to add water!
Year Pledged:Summer 1999
Other Current Positions:Eminent Correspondant and Eminent Herald
Why did you join SAE?:
I liked the guys on a personal level, and being one of the original founding fathers I thought that it would be a great experience to start a new fraternity here at Hofstra.

Outside the fraternity:
Brett has worked in the Athletic Communications Department ever since he was a freshman here at Hofstra. He was also a member of the radio station (88.7FM WRHU) at Hofstra for one year where he was the host of "Newsline" one day a week, was a member of the Sports Department at the radio station, and also had a show called the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.
While not studying and concentrating on school, Brett enjoys:
Renting movies, watching sports, and relaxing, as well as spending time with his girlfriend, Lori.
What are your goals after you graduate?
I want to get a good job that pays a lot so I can settle down and start a family

Some of Brett's Favorites:
TV Show:Friends, Seinfeld, ER
Actor/Actress:Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan
Musician:Billy Joel
What do you hope to accomplish within the fraternity before you graduate?
I would like to see us get colonized before I graduate because all of us worked hard to get and I know that we want to be around for when we do.
What would be the one thing you would leave the brothers of the chapter 25 years from now?
I would video tape our meetings and then our ceremony for when we become an actual chapter so the brothers of then could watch how hard we all worked to obtain the Chapter so they will not take it for granted.

Some links to go to:
My Homepage

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~Web Designer of the SAE homepage!!~