

"Yes, we've got really crap busses."---Gavin

"We find the word 'dick' to be most effective!"---Nigel

"Custom built turds on wheels."---Robin

"Sometimes we walk on backwards, you know."---Dave

"What crap do I speak?" ---Gavin

"Being in a sucessful band is like being a kid in the biggest toy shop. I can try
     anything my heart desires, and people are always trying to give me stuff"---Nigel

"We eat the heads off of chickens before we come on stage." ---Gavin

"240 shows doing the same arrangements would be a nightmare. It would be a
     Michael Jackson tour." ---Robin

"Between the four of us, there's too muchpiss-taking going on for it to ever become
     Spinal Tap. People would have the piss ripped out of them in a second! "---Dave

"Testosterone is about a distant Czechloslovakian poet that was getting into trouble
     with girls, and we figured that this was a bad thing and so we'd write about it." ---Nigel

"Never trust a hippie!" ---Gavin

"Exactly, There are no rules. You apply your rules to our show and we failed on the
     first entrance." ---Robin

"If you have 38 stitches and a head wound, you don't feel like getting laid!" ---Gavin

"The problem in America is, the 'alternative' scene isn't alternative anymore. It's just all these metal
  bands who cut off their fucking hair. I mean, Live is a really stodgy old rock group. We don't feel
                   comfortable being lumped in with a scene like that."---Nigel

"All the bands we've been compared to who have broken big in America - like The Cranberries and
              Radiohead - have had records out over here first. We never did." ---Dave

"On tour, you find out whether you're really a team or just four individuals pursuing their own ends.
 There are bands in America that've had fuckin' massive hits, then they get halfway around the country  and split up because they hate the fuck out of each other!"---Robin

"You do get 'road fit' and 'gig fit' when you're away so much. You get dark days when you're 5,000
        miles away from home and 5,000 miles away from the person sitting next to you."---Gavin

"You start rattling around your four walls. You get on the phone a lot. It's going from one extreme
  from the other. You're in the middle of this circus, and then all of a sudden you're plonked back in
 your own front room in front of your TV, and come eight o'clock, the old adrenalin glands are going
                        and you're thinking, where's the gig?" ---Robin

home for your happiness