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Howie Facts

Name: Howard Dwaine Dorough
Age: 25
Birthdate: August 22, 1973
Birthplace: Orlando, Florida
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Parents: Paula and Hoke Dorough
Sibs: Brother John, Sisters Polly, Caroline, and Angela
Height: 5'6"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color:Brown

Howie's Fav's

Fav Food: Chinese
Fav Ice Cream: Oreo Cookies and Cream
Fav Color: Purple
Fav Singers: Jon Secada, Al B. Sure, Philips Bailey
Fav Group: Boyz II Men
Fav School Subject: Math
Fav Sports: Water Sports,Raquetball

Other Facts about Howie

*Howie doesn't like team sports, he prefers water sports or raquetball
*Howie loves watching the antics of the guests on the Jerry Springer show
*Howie recently indulged in the ultimate sporty car - a new Chevrolet Corvette
*One of Howie's fears is heights
*Of all the guys, it takes Howie the longest to get dressed. He's very finicky about his clothing
*Howie cried while watching the movie, Titanic
*Howie never goes to bed without doing his stomach crunches - no matter how tired he is
*He recently bought a laptop computer that he takes on the road with him
*Howie was a huge fan of Michael Jackson. He even wrode a 'Thriller' skateboard
*Howie once worked as a tour guide at Universal Studios in Orlando