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Brian Facts

Name: Brian Thomas Littrell
Age: 24
Birdate: February 20, 1975
Nicknames: B-Rok, Frick, Mr.Joker
Birthplace: Lexington, Kentucky
Parents: Jackie and Harold Littrell
Sibs: Harold (Brian's older bro)
Height: 5'7/8"
Hair Color: Dirty Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Pet: Lil Tyke

Brian's Favs

Fav Food:Macaroni and Cheese
Fav Ice Cream: Vanilla with Chocolate Chips
Fav Color: Midnight Blue
Fav singer/producer: Babyface
Fav Musical Group: Boyz II Men
Fav School Subject: Math
Fav Sports: Basketball, Golf, Swimming
Other Facts About Brian
*Brian is known as the "comedian" of the group
*He most dislikes people who are phony and liars
*Brian carries a stuffed toy dog for company on the road
*Brian likes reading Mystery Novels
*Brian has a fear of heights
*He refuses to go on rollercoasters because of his fear of heights
*Brian has a tattoo of a cross on his left shoulder
*Brian and Nick wrote a song for Aaron Carter's (Nick's little brother) debut cd, called "Ain't That Cute"
*If Brian was not in the Backstreet Boys he would have been a schoolteacher
*Brian's Confession: "I bite my fingernails - I've tried to stop but I can't. It bothers me because when I'm signing autographs, the girls are like, 'You bite your nails!'"

Backstreet Boys is Brian Littrell's first big showbiz gig. He spent his growing up years singing at his local church and was frequently invited to perform at other regional churches, revivals and weddings. To balance out the picture, Brian immersed himself in popular music at school, and his fascination with artists such as Hammer and Boyz II Men kept his ears firmly tuned to Top 40 and Urban radio stations. Brian enjoys his life and considers himself very lucky to be a member of the Backstreet Boys.