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counter People have visited this site Since 9/12/02(Since we moved here)


Welcome To the Troop 129 Web Page

Use the bar above at the top of each screen. To navigate click the words of your destination to go there.

NEW AND UPDATED I made us a nifty image map(the directory you can click on above). And if somehow u didn't notice we are no longer we are now just Yeah!

HEY WE've got pics up...........PHILMONT, camping trips and more! If you've got pics e-mail em to me.

Attention Parents if anything else information wise bothers you or Ii missed like last names etc. e-mail me.



TABLE OF CONTENTS(What's in these sections at the top?)

Be sure to check out our associated Venture Crew, Crew 129.

Guestbook: Sign let me know you came here show your support!

Lighter Side: All the jokes and humor in our troop, polls, randomly generated random comments.!

Patrols: The current troop postions, patrols, the patrol emblems, and where to look at the pictures of the patrol emblems.

News: Will include .......(Drum Roll).....Troop News!

Home: Brings you right back here!

Contact Us: E-mail me the webmaster

Pics: Pictures of Troop Events and Scouts!

© 2002 All Rights Reserved Daniel Goldman