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This tag was a gift from Jo, a true friend.

My name is Silver Hawk. My heritage is of the Lakota and Blackfoot tribes. Although I am not familiar with all of my peoples customs I am searching to fullfill my inner spirit who speaks to me with thoughts and feelings within my searching heart. I was denied alot of my heritage and that is what I seek now. Each day I try to find a connection with the things I feel so strongly about. Each day I ask The Creator to show me the wisdom and knowledge I seek to fill this great urge for peace within. Some of the Things you find here have helped me to learn, to feel and to come to know as truth. My walk is far from over but I have asked The Great Spirit Father to help me find the answers so that my spirit may find peace and my mind the wisdom to pass on to my children and they to their children.

Human kind has not
woven the web of life
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web,
We do to ourselves.
All things are bound together,
All things connect.

- Chief Seattle -

Guided by Silver Hawks

This Globe was made just for me by a very special friend.
May your walk be peaceful and filled with beauty Sarah!
You can visit Sarah at Lizard Heaven by clicking on the globe

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Updated 05-6-2009

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