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The Angels Love You

The Angels Love You

This site was last updated on May 8, 2000.

Name: Christine Ortega, "Angel_Rose"
Clairvoyant, Angel Readings, Channeling, Lightwork, Runes, Reiki Practitioner, Magnified Healing Master Teacher

Welcome To My Site

    This page is dedicated to all of the light beings who inspired me to share my "mystical" experiences with others, and to follow my true path. The following pages are for those interested in Angels and Spirit Guides. I have been communicating with Light Angels and spirits for over 20 years. It was through the prompting of my higher self that led me to become a light worker. I am not affiliated with any particualar organization or religion. What I know and teach is channeled directly from the Angels. You don't have to be of a particular religious background or be "gifted" to hear the voice of Spirit. Spirit is all around the air we beathe, in the food we eat, and the people we meet.

    Our personal Angels and Guides are our companions during our time on Mother Earth. They can help us with everyday problems and provide us with protection and healing should we ask them to. The following pages contain information on how to contact your Angels, expand your spiritual awareness and enhance your psychic abilities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail. I will try to respond ASAP or just add them to the Angel FAQ. So remember, when things seem overwhelming, look at your life through the eyes of the Angels, and know that you are of the same Spirit.

Introduction To Angels & Spirit Guides

Channeled Information From The Angelic Realm

Click here for a message from your Guardian Angel

Order Your High Vibrational Oils and Candles by the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Host

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