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Some More Great Teachings, Quotes, Other Sources, Articles , and Recommended Books


"I do so long for deeper and fuller teaching in my own heart. I know I love Jesus, and there are times when I feel such intensity of love for Him that I do not have words to describe it.
I rejoice, too, in Him as my Master and Sovereign, but I want to come nearer still, to have the full realization of John 14:21,
and to know 'the power of His resurrection,'(Phil.3:10), even if it is with the fellowship of His sufferings.' (v.10)
And all this is not exactly for my own joy alone, but for the joy of others, too. So I want Jesus to speak to me, to say 'many things' (Mat.. 13:3) to me, so that I may speak for Him to others with real power.
It is not knowing doctrine, but being with Him, that will give this." (a quote by Francis Ridley Havergal in Deeper Experiences Of Famous Christians, ed. James G. Lawson,Whitaker House Publs.)

This desire by Francis Havergal was answered in a beautiful way in her life and she was a deep help for many, many others.
If her heart desire finds a reflection in your own heart, know that there is a deeper experience of the Truth available to you from God.
Pray regularly the beautiful prayer of Ephesians 1:17 - and take deeply to heart these following two wonderful words of direction:

1} "He saw clearly that faith was not an intellectual state ment but a voluntary act, and he accepted the promise of God." Charles Finney,
considered one of the greatest evangelists since the days of the apostles, life changed drastically when he stood on what God has promised us instead of what he felt.

2} "May the God of Hope, fill you with all joy and you trust in Him." Romans 15:13NIV "How's your relationship with God? Do you doubt His love?
His call on your life? Your ability to hear from Him? That He's pleased with you? For years I felt like I could never do enough, or be good enough to please Him.
Then I discovered this verse: 'May the God of hope fill you and peace a you trust in Him.' (Ro 15:13 NIV)
Note: when you stop trusting God and start trusting in your own efforts, the first things to go are your joy and peace.
Have you lost yours today? If you want them back, get out of doubt and get back into faith!

How's your relationship with yourself? For years, the only relationship I had with myself was one of doubt. I doubted my appearance..whether I was saying or doing the right thing...whether I was in any way pleasing God - or anybody else.
I knew I wasn't pleased with myself, so how could anybody else be pleased with me?

Those years of misery are now behind me, because now I know that God's grace covers me like a blanket. I also know that it's through Jesus alone
that I'm made righteous and acceptable before God (Col 2:10). What a confidence!

I was so bound by legalistic relgion, that I'll always have to "be on guard" against it.
But now I can recognize its symptoms. Paul says, 'Stand fast then, and do not...submit again to a yoke of slavery - which you have once put off' (Gal 5:1 AMP).
The word for you today is - evict your doubts, believe God, and get moving!" (this quote 2 is from the April 13 entry in Bob Gass's monthly devotional - The Word For You Today,and is available at 1-800-964-9846)

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