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Interview with

(excerpts from issue #8 of Endemoniada)

How did you become involved with Endemoniada zine?

I became involved through Lucifera. I wanted to help good underground bands make a name for themselves.

What went through your mind when Lucifera asked you to do the music reviews?

Great! Now, I can slam the poser garbage!

What constitutes and excellent band for you? Is a band's view on certain subjects important to you?

A band that is true to the metal scene, original, musically talented, creative, and especially true to themselves. Yes, a band's view is important. The last thing I want to hear is some band supporting x-tianity. I prefer band that can capture my attention with mythological, satanic, and deeply emotional lyrics and music. They must be EXTREME!

What subjects do you have deep interests in?

Occult subjects such as the Left Hand Path, the mysterites of ancient civilizations such as Atlantis, Greek, Nordic, Egyptian and Sumerian. Also, war, music, dictatorship, extreme views and ideologies.

You were the magnetic vocals of a band called Bloodfall. What inspiration did you get when singing for an audience and what inspires your lyrics?

The occult, the left hand path inspires my lyrics. Also, mythology, the madness of this world. When I'm singing live my anger inspires me and the subjects I just mentioned. I want to make sure everyone is paying attention. I believe in anything I sing about.

You have been into metal since an early age. Can you tell us what differences you see between then and now?

There are a lot more bands. Today's bands, some are not very original but there are many that are serious about the contents of their lyrics, especially in the black metal scene. Not like older bands that used Satanic imagery and later denied the subject such as Celtic Frost/ Bathory. Today's bands are more knowledgeable on the subjects they write about such as NECROMANTIA.

What's your definition of the Left Hand Path?

To believe in myself and fuck the brainwashing religions out there!!! To be one with the darker side of nature! To be strong, knowledgeable in the black arts, and self-sufficient! It should be defined differently according to each individual.

Do you have any twisted thoughts you'd like to leave us with?

Thank you my love, Lucifera for giving me this surprise interview, also the two evil witches, Blacky and Xastur.

And to all who supported me in Bloodfall (those bastards) and to those who have a brain let's make the metal scene what is used to be!!!


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