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Tips & Ideas

Find little ways to tell those you love
just how much.....

  1. cook with someone you love
  2. try feeding your mate, or kids with your fingers,
    it is intimate and means I care.
  3. love notes in your families lunch boxes
  4. breakfast in bed
  5. cuddle with your kids(okay mate too)


Take a walk in the rain with the children. Wear
yukky shoes and jump in puddles. But don't do it
during thunder or lightning. Collect large smooth
rocks on the walk and when you get home, children can
paints funny faces on the rocks.

Love coupons

Suggest that children can make love coupons for Mom
and Dad or for Grandparents. They can cut out
hearts from construction paper and with a pen
or crayon, mark down a job on each heart. That
heart can be redeemed by the receiver to have
the job done. Jobs could be taking out the
trash, emptying the dishwasher, setting the
table, folding the laundry, or washing windows
for Grandmother.


Have the children put out some birdseed for their
feathered friends. They will enjoy observing the
birds. If you don't have a feeder, get some cracked
corn at the grocery store and sprinkle it
on the grass under the bushes or other
protected areas.


Sweep the Ball

Kids need one trash can, one kick ball, and one
broom. Position the trash can about six to eight feet
in front of the sweeper. Let one child use
the broom to try to sweep the ball into the
can. If the children are older, position the
can further away and closer for younger
children. If you want to make it more difficult,
blindfold the sweeper or have someone gently roll the
can from side to side while the sweeping child
aims for it.

Valentine Bean Bag Toss

Let children use sidewalk chalk to draw hearts on
the driveway or sidewalk. To make bean bags,
give them old socks. They can tie knots in
the closed ends, fill with dry beans, and then
knot the other end. They can throw the bean
bags to try and land on the hearts drawn on
the driveway. Sidewalk chalk does wash off with
a hose or with the next rain.


Collect ten empty toilet paper rolls. Set them up
in the typical bowling formation. Kids can use
a small soft ball to knock them over, just as
in bowling. If kids feel festive, they can
decorate the paper rolls with hearts, using red
markers and red glitter for bowling down the hearts.


Some Cute Games To Play