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~*My CTY PaGe*~

Welcome to my CTY page! If you've never been to CTY before, this might sound very confusing and strange and I am very sorry if it does. But, if you have been to CTY and know me, this is for you!:) I have more pictures that I will post on this page. . .eventually:) Hopefully that will be soon! Enjoy,luv, ~*JeNs*~

I have been going to CTY for three years. I now know that no matter what happens, ever year gets better. You meet so many wonderful people that are missed dearly during the school year.

1998 ~ Writing 1A, Saratoga Springs, Session 1
1999 ~ Logic A, Saratoga Springs, Session 1
2000 ~ GeoPolitics, Saratoga Springs, Session 2

Hi. . .

*sTiNa* ~BiAnCa~ *LaUrEn* ~KaY~ *hEiDi* ~AnNe~ *sOpHiE* ~KaTiE~ *CaT* ~RoSe~ *DaNiElLe* ~NiCkY~ *dAnNiE* ~StEfFiE~ *JuDy* ~TiNa~ *eRiKa* ~lEsLiE~ *JuLiA* ~AmY~ *AnJaLi* ~MaRgO~ *AmAnDa* ~BeCkY~ *cAiTLiN* ~LaUrA~ *SaToMi* ~DiAnA~ *TaSaDaY* ~ShErRy~ *SeReNa* ~MiRaNdA~ *ElAnA* ~KaReN~ *JeN* ~PaTtY~ *EsThEr* ~StEfF~ *JeSs* ~EuNiCe~ *TrAcY* ~RoOpA~ *AnGiE* ~LiZzY~ *MeR* ~SuSaN~ *BaRa* ~KaTe~ *KiM* ~CaRoLiNe~ *SoNyA* ~OtTo~ *AmY* ~JiLl~ *KeLsEy* ~CyNtHiA~ *Mo* ~VaNeSsA~ *BeCcA* ~LiLy~ *ReBeCcA* ~JaNeT~ *MaRy* ~LiMoR~ *GiLl* ~aRiEl (ra)~ *VaNeSsA (ra)* ~AnDrEa~ *kEiTh* ~GRACE (ra)~ *LAUREN (ra)* ~TeDdY BeAr~ *UnClE DaVe* ~LiZ~ *NoReEn* ~eRiCa~ *eLiZaBeTh* ~eMiLy~ *ChRiSTi* ~JiA~ *DiAnA* ~ZoE~ *JaMe* ~Lexi~ *HaNnAh* ~MaRy~ *SaRa* ~JoAnNe~ *ViKi* ~MaRiE~ *JuLiAn* ~kElViN~ *ArJuN* ~JoN~ *ThOmAs* ~JaMeS~ *BrYcE* ~SaM~ *ZaCh* ~JeRrY~ *NeEmA* ~AnDrEw~ *oLi* ~HaN~ *DaN* ~dJ~ *HeNrY* ~RyAn~ *ChRiS k.* ~DaLe~ *ViRaJ* ~nEiL~ *KeViN* ~KaZ~ *SaM* ~AnDrEw~ *JeRm* ~JoHn~ *MaTt* ~JoN~ *cLaRk* ~RiCk B.~ *EuGeNe* ~EdDy~ *aLeX* ~RoCkY~ *aLaN* ~BoBbY~ *ChAsE* ~BeN~ *aDiT* ~SeAn~ *PaUl* ~ShAnNoN (ra)~ *CoRiNnE (ra)*
. . .and EVERYONE ELSE! :) love and miss you all!

Since you all know how bad I am at writing personal messages in mem books. . .I just thought that I should add a few memories from each year to his page. Please excuse the randomness of this all:
1998 ~ FEET. . .you smell like a GRAPE. . .Sparkly Bandages. . .RABID SQUIRRELS!. . .Belly Chains. . .'rinas ROCK. . .PETER PANDA!! and his. . .um. . .well, Tina, u know:). . .the pebbles. . .101 ways to hide ur meal card!. . .Gas Mask. . .Duck Poem. . .Sleeping with James and Neema (how interesting:). . .T A N G O. . .Petes Shakespearean Sonnet. . .Japanese MTV. . .Glow in the dark stars. . .The quartet for Packelbel's Kanon. . .hey babe... hey stud!. . .Leader of the Pack! VRROOOM VRROOMMM. . .The guy in ever after (haha STINA!:). . .Thomas and his interesting magazine!:). . .I luv ya too, duck!. . .the BeVy (:P :). . ."strong ankles," eeekkkk. . .the leader of the pack. . .interesting ways to hide your meal card pix. . .CHICKEN SOUP, MY GOD!. . .M&M Girl:). . .The Buff Guy in Mulan (tee hee, HEIDI:). . .Surge & Milk = MESS!!. . .dem brown loafers!:). . .No more trills, AMY!:). . .the um. . .toads:). . .ok. . .thats enough for 1998:)
1999 ~ SALT!!!!!!!!...Charlotte & Wilbur. . .Ratings. . .We HAVE to cut down that tree. . .Basketball...Our kewl team! Kay, Bianca, Lauren and Jenny! We Rock the courts!. . ."I Am the Lizard King". . .6297. . you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. . .those um, interesting stories on the trip to town. . .Oh NO, You BUM, That's disgusting!:). . .Screech 'n Zack. . .SIESTA. . .When I think about U I... you know what. . .Ricky Martin move, BABY!. . .I didn't dial! She did!!. . .Peking. . .I am NOT a panda. . .6303. . .GGEEEEEERRRRRMMMSS. . .Pardon?. . .Good morning, class...Yo what up Dave?. . .you SMILE too much. . .Obsessions (ERIKA:). . .7142. . .our fav pick up lines (lol, Lauren!!:). . .Morning Breaks, Lunch breaks, Laughing breaks, Whining breaks. . .lights out hall meetins. . .LaUrEnZ B-DaY!. . .Mommy, I met the man next door. . .umbrella... LIGHTSABER!. . .Father, I adore U. . .SHARE the ball. . ._____ luvz Bianca!. . .Deoderant. . .can I have some?. . .Row, row...u know the rest:). . .pretty beads!. . .Lectern blockage. . .Nocternal Hyperactive Disorder (strange fun @ meet market). . .The Wizard of Oz (where's toto?). . .A. A. Thalappillil. . .Do I hafta confiscate your lanyard?. . .CIA Agent Delahunty. . .Singing. . .And of course, the most important:) hugging, smiling, skipping, laughing, and just talkling:)
2000 ~ Frisbee Boyz. . .getting hit w/ frisbees!. . .Dancing on the Quad, Dancing on the Stage, Dancing at Dances!. . .New years celebration, w/ bubbles!. . .Destiny's Child, Jumpin' Jumpin'. . .Momma's boy pimp chain. . .Oops... I did It Again (sTiNa). . .The Model Walk:). . .RUBBER DUCKIE youre the one, you help make bathtime so much fun. . .famous strawberry champagne lipgloss. . .U KNOW K?!?. . .HoBall. . .fRiZzIe hAiR (LiZzIe). . .Logic 2B antics. . .Geopol vs. Law and Politics kick ball game (haha... we so "raped" you:). . .cawfee tawlk. . ."the girl who never recovered from screaming at the first dance:)". . ."the girl on CRACK". . .In YoUr EyEs. . .arIeL the beeny baby. . .Andover, Exeter, and Choate. . .So is it Kaz-is-yucky or Kaz-u-yucky (jk Kaz, we love u:). . .LuCkY. . .X-Men, laughing at their misfortune (STINA:). . ."Wow, wolverine is SCARY:)" V & E. . .The hot guy, cyclone? was that it. . .the pink leather skirts... SO UR COLOR:). . .skidmore food, skidmore lunch ladies (ahh!!:). . .FoReVeR yOuNg. . .ChArLiE's AnGeLs. . .Early Morning Running, Early Morning Music Practice. . .Ghetto Booty. . .Stage Dancing Etiquite. . .OnE. . .Clark (lol, a joke all by itself:). . .Mereignuing (sp.?) at the last dance, we rock Viraj!!:) so much better than Stina and Neil!. . .Ultimate Frisbee :). . .NiGhTsWiMMiNg. . .SnApPlE IcE tEa, NeUtRoGrAiN BaRz, WaRhEaDs. . .Debating on Child labor: its bad?. . .fluffernutters. . .'stained glass' cups. . .Henry, of the hot girlfriend and Angie of the awesome accessories:). . .buttflapz. . .perfect '25'. . .couple group, single group. . .V's frisbee stance (gr...:). . .scatman. . .Free Lee-Kai Protest. . .Mo's Rap. . .Rotting Flowerz. . .LFO sUmMeR GaLz. . .Social time dancing. . .Awesome Yearbooks. . .smelly room. . .R U CALLING ME FAT?. . .being flipped, courtesy of DaLe. . .Door O'Girls (u 'cool' neema:). . ."""""""""""". . .R E S P E C T, just a little bit. . .slap-someone-elses-*ss-day. . .my butt hurts!!. . .tyedye t-shirt & long hair guy. . .Feather Boa's in town!. . .STAIRWAY mishaps. . .Belly Chains on the stage. . .rAiN RaIn go away. . .Seasame streat tunes. . .Ryan the RA (JESS!!). . .Singing Express Twins (jess:). . .Oh my god, Look at her butt!. . .PM of FA 4eva 'pimp daddy'. . .HB. . .IMZ, Duburg, etc. . .PENGUINS IN CLASS. . .plain baggels w/ veggie cream cheese. . .talks while waiting at the toaster. . .Bye bye bye. . .closet shopping. . .Grind Line. . .cty comic strip. . .John Good Loves yOu!. . .CoTtEn EyEd JoE. . .5 seconds of happiness. . .hug circle. . .k's choice. . .Operation COWA. . .class activities for the last day: ryan cameos, MaFiA, eAt FloWeRz AnD/oR gRaZ and StaRt A rIoT. . .fungible. . .Tuna Free Tuna!. . .Passive aggression as oposed to agressive aggression. . .The Canadian Speaks!. . .Rina, where are you going, glub glub glub. . .Gender is a physical thing, sex is an action *SteFf*. . .Keith: Sex is biological!. . .Move where? To the moon? Its a world system!. . .State backwards is etats which means state in French. This is more proof that the French are backward. *SteFf*. . .Commentary of events outa Patty's window. . .Flying Chalk. . .DO NOT ERASE. . .Phishie and Fishie. . .Prisoners dilemma. . .Two Cows. . .I'm the Leviathan *SteFf*. . .Illegal sleepovers. . .BiG PiMpIn'. . .bad timing, hey it happens to everyone!:). . .FT!! NutLeSs. . ."I also have many feminine qualities" *KeiTh*. . .3 halls, 3 floors. . .Hello... I'm Natasha. . .Penguins say FAT is BEAUTY. . .Family Feud... Dancing is a tradition?. . .Early Mornin' wakeup callz. . .ThAnK you all for the smiles, laughter and fun... I love you all!

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~*kEwL StUfF*~