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Message from the author:   I was inspired by a number of reasons to create this webpage. First, I have been inspired by the dance/club music scene ever since I was brave enough to sneak into a club. To this day I can still remember the look, the smell, and the sounds of that night. Since then I've been on the hunt for the latest tunes, and thanks to MP3s and the internet, that search just became easier. The next reason is that since this is my first attempt at webpage design, without the aid of any html editors, I 've attempted to provide vistors to this site with information about digital music, mainly MP3s. As well as develop some html skills. My time is very limited, so this page was done with whatever free time I have from school, work and my fiance (AKdR). With that in mind, this site is still under a work-in-progress status, and for optimal effects, should be viewed with Netscape Navigator (my preferred browser) and display settings set at a minimum of 800 x 600/[1026 x 800 preferred].
So thank you for visting and enjoy....

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