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Welcome to MVBKeyBeez!! This is Martin Van Buren High Schools digital connection to the world. This site is for Van Buren's Key Clubbers to be updated on our upcoming events via the World Wide Web. But the fun doesn't stop there. No, no. We've also got a bunch of extra "stuff" that will help you get more aquainted with the club, your fellow members, and the Board Members. Feel free to look around.

Whats New?

Grand Opening · Editors Note· Whats new? Well, everything is. Its the new millenium and we've finally got our page setup and ready to go. But there are going to be a lot of changes made periodically and you can help in the process. If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the site feel free to contact our 1999-2000 MVBKeyBeez editors Nilesh and John and we'll see what we can do.

Features - Now we know that it's difficult to make it to every meeting we have. It's great if you can make it but in those times when you just can't be there, you can be updated on all the weeks events right here by going to News & Events.

Now you may know the Board Members or you may not. But just incase you want to know a little more about them and their positions, head over to The Board to get an exclusive insight. Our Key Club president Mercy Sanchez has a little something to say to you so also check out the President's Page (coming soon).

Want to wish your fellow Key Clubbers a Happy Birthday? Well you have to know when they are right? Well we have the birth dates of all our registered members at the Birthday's page.

You know we've had a plenty of events throughout the year. For those of you who were there, we had a great time didnt' we? If you want to look back at those great times we have pictures! Check out the Club Pics section and hey, you might even be there!

RELATED LINKS: [News & Events] [The Board ] [President's Page] [Birthday's] [Club Pictures]

Missed a meeting? · Couldn't make it to this weeks meeting? Tisk, tisk. Well we have the Agenda for you here so you know exactly whats going on so you'll be prepared next week right? And if you happened to have missed the previous weeks meeting, we also have the Minutes for you. See you at the next meeting!

RELATED LINKS: [Agenda] [Minutes]

1999-2000 Board Members
President-Mercy Sanchez
Vice President-Desseire Fahie
Treasurer-Crystal Whitfield
Asst. Treasurer-Anne-Marie Regina
Recording Secretary-Nilesh Patel
Corresponding Secretary-Ysmaelle Pierre-Louis
Sereant-at-Arms-John Lee
Club Clerk-Rachel Klutse

Nilesh Patel
John Lee

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