9/05/01:Well I'm working on the gold/silver/crystal pages right now so they'll be fully up soon enough. But I posted this for other reasons then just to give an update. I've been going to a chat board recently that I'm really starting to enjoy. It's called The Ultimate General Chat.....and I recommend giving it a shot. I'm logged in as SteelClaw there. ULTIMATE GENERAL CHAT
9/05/01:Hey it's me Stlbk! I know it's been awhile since this site has had some real updates. So i'm happy to announce that me and MidevilMewtwo are gonna do our best to update this site as soon as possible.

9/05/01:XD Its been over a month since the last update, well Stlbk now works on the site, you can tell by the color differences, I use the color navy and he uses red. Stuff coming soon! ^_^

8/06/01:For some reason, for the past 2 years or so, this site wouldn't work. But now that it does, I gladly announce that it is back up! I tryed to move to other servers, but it wouldn't work. Just stay here for a while, I'll be adding some real stuff soon. (instead of that old clan stuff)

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