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This is one of my most prized poems and I'd like to share it with you. My poem is called:

"A Mother's Love"

To be forever nuzzled in the voluptuous bosom of Night.

To be snuggled in Her gossamer blanket of ecstasy.

To feel Her soft touch, slightly chilled yet with warmth more powerful than the summer sun.

Oh, what heavenly bliss that would be.

If only it was a possibility.

I see Her now, standing in all of Her magnificence, Her white hand reaching for me as to say, "Come unto Thee, my child."

My hand taking Her's, whispering, "Mother, I'm coming home."

As She takes me into Her embrace, She whispers softly unto me, "For with Thee, thou shalt always have sanctuary."

Oh Mother, dear sweet Mother, if only it could be as such, but with great sadness in my heart, I know it cannot be. I wish not to say 'adieu' to Thee but I must return to the harsh realities of humanity.

Fare Thee well Mother and, remember, I shalt always love Thee.

Copyright ©2001 Josephine Perriello

If you wish to see my poem on display, go to and enter my first and last name.

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