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welcome to final fantasy vii world :: gold edition

Side Quests

Most of the Side Quests can only be achieved on discs 2 and 3, and some of the info may give away important pieces of the game. All teh side areas that can be achieved before disc 2 and 3 are marked with a ***.

Finding Hidden Character: Yuffie Kisaragi***

Yuffie can be found in the worldmap mode, in one of two places. The first place is in the woods, between the Mythril Mines, and Junon. The other area where she can be found is in the forest area around Gold Saucer, Gongaga, and Cosmo Canyon. To find her you must go into the woods and run around until you end up fighting her. Defeat her, and then answer her in the following manner. TIP: Never Take Your Eyes Off Her...She's A Thief And Can't Be Trusted.

YUFFIE: "You spikey headed jerk! One more time let's go one more time!"

ANSWER: "Not interested"

YUFFIE: "You're pretty scared of me, huh!?"

ANSWER: "......petrified."

YUFFIE: "I'm really gonna leave! REALLY!"

ANSWER: "Wait a second!"

YUFFIE: "You want me to go with you?"

ANSWER: "......That's right."

YUFFIE: "All right! I'll go with you!"

ANSWER: "......Let's hurry on."

Congratulations! From this point on you have Yuffie Kisaragi in your command.

Finding Hidden Character: Vincent Valentine***

In the left side fot the second story in the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim, There is a safe, in which the key to the basement is. But getting the key isn't all that easy. First you need the combination. I could tell you, although I also could let you suffer and make you find it yourself. Al right...I'll tell you, but you have to hit it perfectly, otherwise it won't work. Here it goes...


Ok, now the safe is opened, and out pops the 'Odin' summon materia...NOT SO have to fight the boss: LOST NUMBER first. I recommend using the Choco/Mog summon first, to paralyze it, and then do a bunch of attacks, and then use it again later in the battle, when the paralysis is undone. Another effective attack is Aeris's Limit Break 'Seal Evil'. After you defeat it, not only do you get the Odin materia, but you get Cosmic Memory (Red XIII's Final limit Break), and the key to the basement. Go into the basement and open the door in the second screen to the right to enter the lighted room. Go to the coffin and talk to Vincent as much as you like, but he won't agree to come with your party until you exit the basement. From then on, he is under your control.

Key To The City

Did once you've left Midgar there's no way to get back in until you try again to shut down Shinra, right? Wrong. Late in the game you can run into the Worldmap version of Midgar, and you'll see a man. If you talk to him, you'll find out that he lost his key to Sector 5. He says something about losing it at an excavation site. Hmmmmm. Wonder where that could be. Head to Bone Village, and dig on the upper level outside of the tent. When you find it, you can get back into Sector 5, see Aeris's house, and and fight some old time enemies. Remember the old item shop in Wall Street that shot at you when you tried to use it? Go there to get Tifa's Ultimate Weapon, the Premium Heart. Why not visit the old Weapon Shop while you're at it. The Battery Seller has another new item for you, but it's a little on the pricey side. *cough, 129,000 gil cough* How ever, this can prove to be a priceless and i do mean priceless item for the buyer (aside from the hole it made in your wallet) It's the Sneak Glove, which makes stealing from enemies alot easier.

The Backroom

The general store in Cosmo Canyon has a door that is blocked off early in the game. Go back later, and the rope has been taken away. Follow the path to a back room, which gives you access to a new room, where you can find an Elixer, a Magic Source, and Full Cure Materia, which can prove to not only be useful but also become essential when trying to unlock the Master Magic Materia.

Lucrecia's Cave

Once you get the submarine, Vincent Valentine, or a Green, Black, or Gold Chocobo, you can visit Lucrecia's Cave, which is located behind a water fall in a lake in teh Nibelheim area. If you visit the cave in Disc 2 with Vincent in your party, Lucrecia will tell you more about Vincent's past, and why he was doomed to live in his coffin. If you visit it again late in the 2nd disc or in the 3rd disc, you will recieve 'Chaos' Vincent's final limit break, and 'Death Penalty' Vincent's Ultimate Weapon.

Sleeping Old Man***

The Sleeping Man's cave is located accross the river in the Fort Condor/Junon Area. You can only reach his cave with the highwind, a Blue, Black or Gold Chocobo, or by transporting the buggy accross the ocean by means of the ship in Costa Del Sol. He tells you your stats in his sleep, and hints at the concept of achieving Master Materia. He will wake up and talk only when you have fought or run away from a number of battles where the two end digits are the same. Like the numbers 577, 899,or 366. You can get a Bolt Ring and a piece of Mythril from him. which you can trade with the Weapon Seller (on the other continent, south of Gongaga) for Aeris's Final Limit Break, Great Gospel (in the small box)...although after a certain point in the game, this can't be done without Gameshark.

Crashed Gelnika

This is a very dangerous place, located in the depths of the sea, near Gold Saucer. If you are not careful, or not at a very high level, you end up dead. Also, you will have to fight Reno and Rude, but only if you are right before your second shot at overthrowing Shinra. There are many valuable items here, to make up for the difficulty of the creatures. In the room through the second hallway all the way to the left, you can find 'Highwind' Cid's Final Limit Break, and 'Hades' Summon Materia. In teh Other room, (if you make it that far) you can find the 'Conformer', Yuffie's Ultimate Weapon, and 2xCut materia.

Turtle's Paradise Flyers***

The Turtle's Paradise Cafe in Wutai is holding a special contest. They have placed 6 flyers all around the world, and whoever finds them can get a special prize.

Flyer 1: Sector 5: Upstairs in Boy's room, tacked to his wall. can be gotten only at beginning of the game and after you get the Sector 5 Key.

Flyer 2: Shinra HQ: Lobby First Floor, tacked to the bulletin board. This is the toughest must be found on one of your 2 trips to Shinra HQ, either at the beginning or near the end of the game.

Flyer 3: Gold Saucer: Ghost Hotel, tacked to wall outside of the item shop. Can be found at any point in teh game.

Flyer 4: Cosmo Canyon: Tiger Lily Weapon Shop, on the way to Bugenhagen's room. Can be found at any point in the game.

Flyer 5: Cosmo Canyon: Inn, tacked to the wall next to the innkeeper's desk. can be found at any point in game.

Flyer 6: Wutai: Yuffie's House, basement, after getting your materia stolen. can be found only after getting your materia stolen by Yuffie.

When you find all these go to the Turtle's Paradise Cafe, and tell teh man behind the counter where they are. He'll give you a Power Source, Guard Source, Magic Source, Mind Source, Speed Source, Luck Source, and a Megalixer. It's nothing great and wonderful, but it's nothing to complain about.

Tropical Getaway (Cloud's Villa)

Later in the game, you have the option of buying President Shinra's Vacation Residence from a real estate agent for a cheap 300,000 gil. It doesn't do much good except as resting place and for the few items in the basement, but you can take those without the house.

All Lucky 7's

On a very rare occasion, a party member's health may get knocked down to 7777. When this happens, the character will madly attack the enemy, taking 7777 HP away from them on each hit, until the battle is over, at which point your character's HP will be put down to 1. There may be another way to keep your HP up at 7777, using some random materia combination.

Special Cinema

After Cloud 'finds himself' in Mideel, you can go into the basement in Shinra mansion, and upon your entrance, a special cinema will explain how Cloud ended up in Midgar with the idea to become a mercenary.

The Materia Caves

There are four materia caves around the world, each of which, can only be reached with a special chocobo, and contain very special materia.

Materia Cave 1: Knights Of the Round: Gold Chocobo...takes time to get, but is extremely worth it.

Materia Cave 2: Quadra Magic: Blue's no KOR, but it can prove very useful.

Materia Cave 3: HP <=> MP Switch: Green or Blue Chocobo...Gives you a great amount of MP, but not enough HP to use it.

Materia Cave 4: Mime: Green Chocobo...EXTREMELY useful materia, ESSENTIAL addition to your materia arsenal.

The Chocobo Sage

This little guy can answer all your chocobo questions, but it might take a while. He can only remember little bits of the chocobo breeding process at a time, So every time you get some info out of him you should fly back to the chocobo farm and tell Chole what he said, so she can write it down for you. He'll also sell you some chocobo-related items, but they are sort of a rip-off. You can find out what he has to say all at once by going to the chocobo section now, instead of taking the hours it takes to get the whole deal out of him.

Ultimate Weapons

Cloud: Ultima Weapon: Defeat the Ultimate WEAPON on disc 3 (hovering over the lake near Junon)

Barret: Missing Score: On the way up the stairs to fight HOJO on the Sister Ray (Barret must be in your party)

Tifa: Premium Heart: In the abandoned Item Shop in Sector 5 after obtaining the 'Key to the City'

Aeris: Princess Guard: At the end of hallway IV (4) in the clock room  in the Temple of the Ancients

Red XIII: Limited Moon: After taking Bugenhagen to the Ancient City, they come to Cosmo Canyon to find him in bad shape

Cait Sith: HP Shout: 64th Floor at Shinra HQ on the second visit (inside the locker)

Yuffie: Conformer: In the Generator room with the 2xcut materia in the crashed Gelnika

Cid: Venus Gospel: After the Rocket launch, the man who loved to look at the rocket will give it to you if you keep talking to him

Vincent: Death Penalty: Go to Lucrecia's Cave on Disc 3, and you will get this along with Chaos

Final Limit Breaks

Cloud: Omnislash: Costs 32,000 BP in the Battle Arena

Barret: Catastrophe: After Meteor has been summoned, the lady on the west side of town (in the middle house) will give it to you

Tifa: Final Heaven: On her piano...Do, Re, Mi, Ti, La, Do, Re, Mi, So, Fa, Do, Re, Do...or...X, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, R1/L1+TRIANGLE, R1/L1+SQUARE, X, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, R1/L1+X, O, X, SQUARE, X (disc 2 and 3)

Aeris: Great Gospel:Get Mythrill from Sleeping Man, and trade it with the Weapon Seller Southeast of Gongaga (it's in the small box)

Red XIII: Cosmo Memory: After fighting the Lost Number in Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim.

Cait Sith: Slots: Only has two get slots after mastering Dice.

Yuffie: All Creation: After defeating Godo, her father, in the 5 storied pagoda

Cid: Highwind: In the cargo bay of the Crashed Gelnika

Vincent: Chaos: Visit Lucrecia's Cave on Disc 3 and you will get Chaos and Death Penalty

Kalm Traveler

On the top floor of the rightmost building in Kalm, there is a very happy traveler, who seems content with the world...until Meteor is summoned, when he says he will be leaving on a journey. He needs a Guidebook, the Earth Harp, and the Desert Rose. To get the Guidebook, you will have to go to the underwater reactor, and morph a Ghost Ship. by Doing this, you will recieve Underwater materia, which eliminates the 20 minute timer in teh Emerald WEAPON fight. To get the Earth Harp, you must fight, and defeat the Emerald WEAPON, and in return you wil get Master Magic, Master Command, and Master Summon Materia. And finally, you must fight and defeat the Ruby WEAPON, to get the Desert Rose, and to exchange it for a Gold Chocobo.

Getting Master Magic, Master Command, and Master Summon Materia

There are two ways you can get the mastered materia, though. One way is to defeat the Emerald Weapon (in the Ocean) Go to Weapon Strategies to find out how to do so. The other way is to find, and then master all materia for a certain color.(For example, master all the magic materia, go to Cosmo Canyon, and get Master Magic materia) You must master one of each materia however, or else you will not be able to get the Master Materia Go to Materia to get a list of all the materia that you need to master.

Wutai and the Five Story Pagoda***

After the Tiny Bronco has crashed, you can go onto a near by beach to head for Wutai, which is a town on the other side of the continent. On your way through the mountains, Yuffie appears, says something like...hey, I didn't plan this one, and then you are attacked by Shinra Soldiers. Then Yuffie runs away, and you're left to fight. This isn't a normal battle though, because something seems to be missing...your MATERIA! Yuffie has stolen your materia! That little b*tch! You obviously can't leave without your materia, so you're forced to go on, fighting everything in your path without any magic. Once you reach Wutai, (Yuffie's Hometown) you have to start looking for Yuffie. Here's where to look:

1. Go to the Mountain, and come back and talk to the boy in front of the item shop.

2. Open the chest in the item shop to find some MP Absorb Materia, which Yuffie will come down and steal, and then run off.

3. Go to the first house to the right upon your entrance to Wutai, and pull back the accordian screen.

4. Outside the Turtle's Paradise, there is a jar, and it is shaking...wonder why?

5. Yuffie realizes you have trapped her, and leads you to her basment. She tells you to pull the left lever, but it doesn't matter, because it's a trap. Free your party and continue your search.

6. Go to the northern part of Wutai (you can see the pagoda in the distance) and ring the gong in the first building to the left, go in the door, and holy sh*t!

It's Don Corneo, and he has captured Yuffie and Elena of the Turks for his He runs away and you have to fight more soldiers...without magic. Go to the mountain and you will meet up with the time to fight now, though, they will look with you. When you finally find Corneo he has Yuffie and Elena tied over a very high cliff. He has a surprise for you, too. He apparently isn't too happy that you killed his "pet" Apps, in the sewers. So he got a new creature, Rapps. And you get to fight him without materia! You have to rely on items and limit breaks for strength beyongd your normal attacks, so this will be a difficult, but managable fight. Once you defeat it, the Turks finish off Corneo before he does anything to Yuffie or Elena. They are freed, and Yuffie gives you back your materia for real...of course it is all mixed up. But that doesn't matter, because you have more business in Wutai.

If you go into the pagoda, and equip Yuffie well, you can fight all the people to work your way to the top. The higher up the pagoda you get, the tougher the bosses get, so remember to cure Yuffie in between battles.

Floor 1: Gorki: 3000 HP

Floor 2: Shake: 4000 HP

Floor 3: Chekhov: 5000 HP

Floor 4: Staniv: 6000 HP

Floor 5: Godo: 6000 HP

Use Yuffie's Limit Breaks and your strongest spells...the later in the game you do this, the easier it is, but the prizes are also worth less. For defeating Godo, you get Levithian Summon Materia, and All Creation, Yuffie's Final Limit Break. (OK, maybe some of the prizes don't lose value over the course of the game)