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Limit Breaks

Aeris Gainsborough:

Level 1: Healing Wind - Aeris restores the party's lost HP.
Seal Evil -
Aeris casts this spell on all enemies, causing them to stop and be silenced.

Level 2: Breath of the Earth - This spells uses beams of light to cure the party of any status conditions.
Fury Brand -
Using her own Limit Break, Aeris blasts your party to give the other characters a full limit bar!

Level 3: Planet Protector - Aeris makes a barrier around the party that makes them temporarily invincible!
Pulse of Life - With Prayer, Aeris completely cures the party of all status conditions, HP, and MP.

Level 4: Great Gospel - Aeris summons God and the party is fully recovered and made temporarily invulnerable!

Location of 4th limit break: To get the Great Gospel, talk to the sleeping man near Junon when you have fought a number of battles that would happen to have the last two digits of the number the same. (88, 99, 100, 166....) He will give you the piece of Mythril that can be exchanged for that limit break, which is in a small box at the Weapon Seller near Gongaga.

Barret Wallace:

Level 1: Big Shot - This shoots a ball of energy at 1 opponent.
Mindblow - This limit break will drain out MP of the enemy it is being used against.

Level 2: Grenade Bomb - This launches a grenade at the group of enemies.
Hammerblow - This may remove an enemy from the battle, but may not. Best chances are against regular monsters than bosses and in which your level is greater than the enemy's.

Level 3: Satellite Beam - An air attack hits the enemies with a powerful blow for 3000-5000HP.
Ungarmax - He uses a lot of ammo in this limit break. This hits more than the Sataellite Beam, but the hits in this limit break are far weaker.

Level 4: Catastrophe - Barret uses a plasma blast to burn the enemies, but this limit break is best against more than one enemy.

Location of 4th limit break: To get the Catastrophe, go to North Corel village in which one of the huts has a wife right after the train scene. (Closest to the Gold Saucer exit). She says that this is the only momento she has of her husband. Then she gives you the Catastrophe limit break.

Cait Sith:

Level 1: Dice - Roll the DICE! See what you get! Cait throws out several dice onto the playing field. This takes the sum x 100 to get the total amount of damage to one enemy.

Level 2: Slots - This old marshmello of a character has his own slot machine. He will let you play as a limit breaker. Here is a list of the possible outcomes:

    3 Stars - Mog Dance - This restores the party's HP, MP, and all negative status conditions.
    3 Kings -
Toy Soldier - Toy soldiers shoot at the enemies for a good hit of damage.
    3 Bars -
Summon - A random summon spell in which you have already used before.
    3 Mogs -
Transform - Cait transforms himself into one person with the temmates inside him with a combined effect of all 3 characters, but HP and MP do not go past 9999 and 999.
    3 Hearts -
Lucky Girl - Party's Hit% is 100.
    2 Cait Sith and 1 Bar -
Ouch! Game over! - This kills your party to end the game. No ribbons or any materia pairing will keep this from happening. Fortunately, it is rare so do not worry about it.
    3 Cait Siths -
Insta-Win - Battle ends! You win the battle automatically. I wonder if it works on Sephrioth?

Location of 4th limit break: There are no 3rd or 4th limit breaks for Cait Sith.

Cid Highwind:

Level 1: Boost Jump - This is a powerful limit break in which Cid jumps in the air and directly attacks the opponent.
Dynamite - Cid hurls a stick of TNT at the enemies. This damages enemies in the group. (Where does he store all that TNT?)

Level 2: Hyper Jump - Cid leaps to the air and attacks the group of enemies. It doesn't do too well with just a solo enemy.
Dragon - Cid summons a dragon to attack just one of the enemies. This limit break will take MP and HP from the enemy and will be delivered to Cid in a small nice little package. Just joking, but it is drained to Cid.

Level 3: Dragon Dive - Cid attacks a group of opponents. This will bring cummulative damage and can do 9,999 HP per hit. There are about 6-8 shots.
Big Brawl - This is like a berserk in one turn. Cid attacks the group or solo enemy many more times than the Dragon Dive. Although it hits for less, it may be a greater limit break than Dragon Dive.

Level 4: Highwind - Cid calls his crew men in the Highwind. I do believe 2 sets of 18 shells are shot at the enemies for cumulative chaos.

Location of 4th limit break: To get the Highwind, go to the sumbarine and look for the downed Shinra plane. At the very end, there is a treasure chest with his limit break in it.

Cloud Strife:

Level 1: Braver - Cloud leaps for a powerful attack and hits the enemy with a powerful blow.
Cross-Slash - Cloud uses a somewhat wind limit break to kill this enemy. This may cause Paralysis to the enemy but unlikely.

Level 2: Blade Beam - Cloud hits the ground as energy flies from his sword to the enemy. Then the waves split off and hit the remaining enemies.
Climhazzard - Cloud stabs one of the enemies and then jumps up to create more horrendous damage.

Level 3: Meteorain - Cloud leaps up into the air and throws meteors down on the enemy. This will do about 10,000+ HP damage to an enemy. This is a cumulative limit break.
Finishing Touch - This is one of the really weak limit breaks because all it does is takes the enemies in a brush of air off the screen, but sometimes the enemies will drop back down. What a waste!

Level 4: Omnislash - This is the best overall limit break in the entire game. I guarantee it. Cloud hits the enemie(s) consecutvely. This is the most powerful limit in the game, and can actually do more damage than the greatest materia - Knights of the Round!

Location of 4th limit break: The Omnislash is found at the Gold Saucer. Go to the Battle Square and the cost of the Omnislash is 32,000BP.


Level 1: Sled Fang - This long range attack is just a jolt of energy to cause a large amount of physcial damage.
Lunatic High - This limit break is only good untill you get the time materia because this limit break casts haste on everyone.

Level 2: Blood Fang - This is just like Sled Fang, but you gain a little HP and MP.
Stardust Ray - Red howls at falling stars which causes damage to groups of enemies. This is far better than Blood Fang, so stick with it.

Level 3: Howling Moon - Red goes crazy and casts berserk and haste on himself which will last for the remainder of the battle. This may or may not be a good choice.
Earth Rave - Red attacks groups of enemies with 5 elemental magics. This is far better than the Howling Moon but don't use it if the enemy is strong against elementals. This will do a lot of damage.

Level 4: Cosmo Memory - Red summons a HUGE fireball which will explode and engult the enemies.

Location of 4th limit break: To get the Cosmo Memory, you must defeat the Lost Number Boss in the Shinra Manson. To do this, you have to get the safe code.

Tifa Lockheart:

Level 1: Beat Rush - This is just a brief berserked attack of fury fists.
Somersault - Tifa shows off with her gymnastic abilities and kicks the enemy.

Level 2: Waterkick - Elemental Water attack
Meteodrive - Tifa grabs a huge meteor and hurls it down upon her opponents.

Level 3: Dolphin Blow - Tifa calls help from her fishy friend to hit the enemy.
Meteor Strike - A more powerful version of Meteodrive.

Level 4: Final Heaven - Tifa hits her enemy with a fist of nuclear power.

Location of 4th limit break: The Final Heaven is found at Tifa's House in Nibelheim. Go to the piano and play her theme song.... X, square, triangle, R1/L1+TRI, R1/L1+square, X, square, triangle, R1/L1+X, O, X, square, X.

Vincent Valentine:

Level 1: Gilian Beast - (ELEMANTAL - FIRE) - Vincent uses Beast Flare and Berserk Dance.

Level 2: Death Gigas - (ELEMENTAL - LIGHTNING, Strong against Physical Damage Attacks) - Uses Gigadunk and Livewire

Level 3: Hellmasker - (NEGATIVE, Strong against Magic Attacks) - Splatter Combo and Nightmare

Level 4: Chaos - Uses Chaos Saber and Satan Slam. Does not use elemental attacks.

Location of 4th limit break: The Chaos is found when you have gotten a GOLD chocobo or the Sumbarine. There you can get to Lucrecia's Cave. This can be done either late in the second or on the third disc. The first time you enter, you will just hear a story. The second time is when you'll get the limit break and his Ultimate Weapon.

Yuffie Kisaragi:

Level 1: Greased Lighting - Yuffie hits one enemy with a quick hit that causes a lot of damage. (Proves useful)
Clear Tranquil - This limit break will replenish a small amount of HP onto the entire party.

Level 2: Landscaper - This is a limit break I think is useless. The ground rises up from the enemies and explodes.
Bloodfest - 10 deadly blows are given to the enemies. This is a cumulative attack.

Level 3: Gauntlet - A blue tornado beneath the ground rises to hit the opponents. It causes a large amount of damage to all enemies on the screen. Unfortunately this isn't cumulative.
Doom of the Living - This is like Bloodfest. This is stronger than the Bloodfest and is cumulative which makes the gauntlet look pretty bad

Level 4: All Creation - Yuffie blasts her opponents with a bright light. This attack causes a HUGE amount of damage to the enemies on the screen.

Location of 4th limit break: The All Creation is found in her subquest (CD 1). Go to the Pagoda of the Five Mighty Gods. When you beat Godo, you get the limit break along with other goodies.