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~*December 8, 2001*~

**Added three new stories to the main page: "Amends", "Ashes To Ashes", and "Giving In".**
**Added "Heaven Came Down" and "This Existence" to the Angel fanfiction page.**
**Added "Stone Cold Heart" to the Buffy fanfiction page.**

~*November 10, 2001*~

**Added three new stories to the main page: "Heaven Came Down", "Stone Cold Heart", and "This Existence".**
**Moved "Ablaze" and " I Have An Announcement" to the Buffy fanfic page.**
**Moved "Take It Back" to the Angel fanfic page.**
**Moved "Together Again" to the Crossover fanfic page.**
**New fic will be up probably by next weekend!**

~*November 3, 2001*~

**Added four new stories to the main page: "Ablaze", "I Have An Announcement", "Take It Back", and "Together Again".**
**Moved "The Nights" and "With Deepest Sympathy" to the BtVS Fanfiction page.**
**Added adoptions to the "Other Stuff" page.**
**New fic will be up ASAP!**

~*September 8, 2001*~

**Added two new stories to the main page: "The Nights" and "With Deepest Sympathy"**
Added "The Calling", "Just Enough", and "Revenant" to the BtVS fanfiction page.**
**Added a bunch of new links to the Other Stuff page.**
**Also, I'd just like to wish my favorite actor, David Arquette, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! He turns 30 today! :-) **

~*August 24, 2001*~

**Added three new stories to the main page: "The Calling", "Just Enough", and "Revenant".**
**Added "Homecoming", "In Your Keeping", "Pieces of You", and "Reflection" to the BtVS fanfiction page.**
**Added "Realisations" to the Crossover Fanfiction page.**
Added links to the other stuff page - scroll to the bottom to see them.**

~*August 21, 2001*~

**Added an image to the Crossover Fanfiction page.**

~*August 20, 2001*~

**Added an image on the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" fanfiction pages.**

~*August 19, 2001*~

**Added "Homecoming", "In Your Keeping", "Pieces Of You", "Realisations", and "Reflection" to the main page.**
**Moved "The Forgotten Day" to the Angel Fanfiction Page.**
**Moved "Memories", "The Protector", and "Tell The World" to the BtVS fanfiction page.**
**More updates as soon as I get some new fic!**

~*April 20, 2001*~

**Added four new fics to the main page - "The Forgotten Day", "Memories", "The Protector", and "Tell The World".**
**Added "Change", "Dear Diary", "Hanging By A Moment" and "Peanut Butter and Polka Dots" the the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfiction page.**
**Added "A Change Of Heart" to the Angel Fanfiction Page.**

~*April 8, 2001*~

**Added five new fics to the main page - "Change", "A Change of Heart", "Dear Diary", "Hanging By A Moment", and "Peanut Butter and Polka Dots".**
**Added "Fall, Falling, Fallen", "The Sort of Girl You Marry", and "You Can't Make Your Heart Feel" to the BtVS fanfiction page**
**Added "Going Home" to the Crossover fanfiction page**
**That's it for now - look for more updates ASAP!**

~*April 1, 20001*~

**SOOOOOOOOOO sorry for the extremely long time between updates... real life hasn't been fun, and I just haven't had the time... now, onto the brief updates!**
**I added a bunch of new links on the "Other Stuff" page - and took away a bunch of old links. A lot of my favorite web pages have been added, so check it out!**
**I have a few new pieces of fanfiction that I will be adding here within the next few days - check back for it!**

~*October 1, 2000*~

**I added four new stories to the main page - "Fall, Falling, Fallen", "Going Home", "The Sort Of Girl You Marry", and "You Can't Make Your Heart Feel".**
**I moved "Blood" to the Angel Fanfiction page**
**I moved "Island Adventures" and "Until You Say Good-bye" to the BtVS fanfiction page.**
**More updates within a week or so, depending on my time.**

~*September 16, 2000*~

**I added three new stories to the main page - "Blood", "Island Adventures", and "Until You Say Good-bye"**
**I should be able to update again within a week. Hopefully from now on I will be able to update at least every weekend, if not more!**

~*September 11, 2000*~

**I updated two days in a row! I'm very proud of myself... :-) The first update is that I changed the archives completely. Instead of them being alphabetical, they are now in categories: BtVS fanfiction, Angel fanfiction, and Crossover fanfiction. That way it's easier for you to decide which type of story you'd like to read. I was going to break it down further, but I changed my mind...**
**I added links to ALL of the stories to the main page, BtVS archive, Angel archive, and Crossover archive**
**There should be some new fanfiction up by the end of the week as I said in yesterday's update, again, thank you all for being so patient with me! :-) **

~*September 10, 2000*~

**I'm finally starting to update again! It's been months, and I apologize for that! I am going to try and keep up with this from now on, but guarantees! Now on to the updates!**
**Took "Dreamin' Of You" and "Head Over Feet" off of the main page and put it in the A-L archive**
**Took "Show Me the Meaning of Being Skanky" and "Silverfish" off of the main page and put them in the M-Z archive.**
**Changed the colors on the main page**
**I'm going to be MAJORLY re-doing this page... so I will not be adding any new fic for awhile, but instead will be putting it into categories. What categories I haven't really decided yet, but it will either be by couples, main characters, or what type of story it is. (Angst, humor, etc.)Expect updates from me within the next week on the categories, and by the end of September I should have lots of new fic up. Thank you all for your patience!**

~*May 6, 2000*~

**Took "Haze" off the main page and put it in the A-L archive.**
**Took "Same Old Me Again Today" off the main page and put it in the M-Z archive."**
**Added "Dreamin' Of You", "Head Over Feet", "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Skanky", and "Silverfish" to the main page.**
**Again, sorry for the MAJOR lack in updates, but I just don't have the time to update as much as I used to. I also haven't been writing so much, so once I start writing again and I find more stories to put up, I will update more often.**

~*April 18, 2000*~

**Took "Basement Dwellar" off the main page and put it in the A-L archive**
**Took "Time To Learn" off the main page and put it in the M-Z archive**
**Added "Haze" and "Same Old Me Again Today" to the main page**
**I should have up some more fic by the end of the week - sorry the major lack in updates, but I've been a busy girl lately!!! Hopefully real life has calmed down for awhile**

~*March 20, 2000*~

**Took "Goodnight, My Love" off the main page and added it to the A-L archive.**
**Added "Basement Dwellar" and "Time To Learn" to new stories on the main page.**

~*March 18, 2000*~

**Added a page for my mailing list, "Doyle's House Of Pies**

~*March 13, 2000*~

**Added "Goodnight, My Love" to the main page. It will be moved to the A-L archive once I update again.**

~*March 8, 2000*~

**Added one new link on the "Other Stuff" Page.**
**Added image to the main page. However, I will work on making it smaller within the next few days.**

~*March 6, 2000*~

**Added new links on the "Other Stuff" page.**
**Added an Updates page. :-) The most recent updates will be at the top of the page, and each month the old updates will be removed for the previous month.**
**I added a counter on the main page**
**I added e-mail links to everyone's stories**

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