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Welcome to my page! Thanx to Chris(Pablo) for all his help! My name is Desiree. I am a College student presently attending St. Joseph's College in NY. I am an Accounting major Computer Information Systems Minor going for my Bachelors degree and planning to graduate MAy 2003 and maybe a masters after that. I also work part-time with work study on campus as a computer lab assisitant.

I have a beautiful little girl named Kayla Marie. She was born on April 9th 1998

I will try to tell you a little about myself. I have lived on Long Island my whole life. I live with my mom. I graduated from Bay Shore High School. I have had many failed relationships and I am looking for something serious now. I try to have some fun in my spare time.

My Stats:

D.O.B: Feb 25th 1981

Description: 5'6" Long Brown Hair with Blonde Highlights and Blue eyes

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My Closest friends:

Chris M Chris was my best friend and my boyfriend for over a year a couple of years ago. I met him at a time in my life when I felt that I was the most alone and afraid and he turned it into the time in my life when I felt the most loved. I will always love him and he knows that. I could go on and on about how I feel about him and what we have been through but its private between us. I hope that he will be in my life forever. I miss him alot!

Sal a.k.a Cobra We lost contact for a long time. We have a very complicated relationship now. Update: Sal is now a married man.


My other friends include:

Chris a.k.a Party Chris a.k.a Pablo He is away at College in North Carolina right now. Me and him have our differences but I know deep down we are somehow connected for life. He knows how to get under my skin and I also do my share of driving him crazy but he is always there for me when I need him and He knows I will always be there for him.
This is Chris's little devil!

Casey a.k.a Cujo I'll leave out his real name b/c he hates it. He is my daughter's father and for that reason he will always have a special place in my heart.

DennisHe is a really close friend. He is always nice to me. He is really quiet but if you get him to open up you will discover the great guy he is inside.

EricHe is another close friend that I just got back into my life. We still have a lot of things to work out and I am hoping that everything works out and we stay friends. He is a really great guy with a great heart and a lot of love to give.

Tony a.k.a Nacho. Tony is one of those guys that you can sit and talk to forever. He is a little cutie. He's living in South Carolina now and I miss him very much. I hope to hear from him soon.

Shaun a.k.a TacoHe is another guy with a great heart. I am hoping to one day have the time to get to know him better.

Mike a.k.a Rizzo: Mike is a friend of mine. I met him at school and we hang out in the computer labs when we have some free time.

I could say so much about everyone but for now I'm just gonna mention everyone else's names:

Jen a.k.a Skippy,

Christine (Has a beautiful baby),


Jen H a.k.a Vodka,

James,Sorry girls Hes married :(....

Chappy a.k.a Jen 56%,

Tom (Drizzle Daddy) Or whatever his name is!!


Rich He is such a nice guy!,






Dave Lopez,




And last but definitely not least; a dear friend that I lost.

William Zimmardi a.k.a Z-Bert.
He will be missed forever. Theres a dedication to him on my photo page.

If I forgot anyone You have my apologies. E-mail me and set me straight. Dezi's Box

To my friends this picture will mean something.I also have a tatoo of cherries on my ankle!

I also have a tattoo of two butterflies on my hip. And a navel ring.
I just got a third tattoo of a baby with angel wings on my shoulder with my daughters name under it.

My Family:

Linda:My mother has been by my side my whole life. She is the greatest mom I could have ever asked for. She will probably never see this but a list of my family would never be complete without her.

My sister Dawn: Me and my sister did not get along very well when we were young because of the age difference but since we both had kids we have grown much closer. She is married and has 3 beautiful children. Steven, Krystal, and Jonathan.

My other sister Lisa. She now lives in Virginia so I don't see her that much. I wish I could me and her used to be very close. We even went as far as wearing matching clothes. She is also married now and has two beautiful girls named Alyssa and Megan.

My step-brother Jay.Turned 23 Jan 14 2000. He lives downstairs from me so I get to see him a lot. Me and him were never really close but over the last year I feel we are getting closer and I hope that continues. And if any beautiful women are reading this he would love an E-mail!

My other step brother, JohnHe is 21. He also lives downstairs from me and I have had the chance to get closer to him too.

My step-sister, Christina. She lives with my sister Dawn right now. Me and her have gotten closer siince she moved there. I see her everyweek at Church and she sometimes watches my daughter for me. She is great with kids and a very sweet girl.

My other step sister, AprilShe lives in the city so unfortunitly I don't see her that much. She has always been such a sweet girl and being the youngest of all of us I guess she had no choice.

Most Important things in my life:

My Favorite Web Sites

My About Me page.This is where me and my friends try to let you know who I am.

My Photo Page

Pablo's Main PageHe's got a bunch of them

Sal's Page

My 1st Page on AOL

Dont Worry Be Happy

A great page for lovers or people in love

Ali's Page. Take a look its phat!

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