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18 & Under
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Uncle Bob's "BIG 7"
FastPitch Tournaments of Michigan
18 & Under- July 18, 19, 20, 21 - 2008
SEVEN Game Guarantee - $495 Fee -


CHOOOSE YOUR OWN TIME SLOT! For many years, tournaments run by Bob Nowak have allowed teams to choose their own time slots and it is a HUGE success! To our knowledge, we ran the first tournament anywhere in the country to allow teams to choose the time slots they want to play in. As teams register, they get to choose available times slots to suit their needs - no Thursday games, no games on either Friday (or) Saturday afternoon / evenings (so they could go to Niagara Falls or look at colleges, etc.) evening games Thursday and Friday (local teams liked this one) and no pool games on Sunday morning (Out of town teams like this one so they can check out of their motels Sunday morning without being rushed. Also,one team took this slot and informed me ahead of time that they would not be around for the play offs if they made them - they were leaving that Sunday for a National Championship and used our tournament as a warm up for the Nationals.). Even a few teams who were the last to register and didn't get their "best" time slots said it was still great. If we didn't offer them the option to choose, they still may have gotten that same time slot by the luck of the draw, and this way, they knew when they got back their confirmation notice when their game times were - months ahead of time, and could plan accordingly. To choose your schedule go to TIME SCHEDULE link at the bottom of this page. Please choose 4 time slots which you would like by using the numbers in the left column. Mark the time slot numbers on your registration form and we will try and give you the first one which is still available. PLEASE- be patient. It takes several minutes to download the time slot page.
Also,see CHOOSE YOUR OWN TIME SLOTS below for more information.



1) Ages: Girls 18 & Under as of January 1st, 2008.

2) A.S.A. official rules will apply. All protests are to be resolved at the time of the protest. The
Umpire - in - Chief and/or Tournament Directors have final say.

3) Roster: Maxium of 18 players. The final rosters and proof of insurance (copy or origional) MUST
be given to the tournament director no less than 1 hour prior to the start of your first game. Birth dates must be included! This rule will be strictly enforced! Proof of age must be available upon request. Players are allowed to play for only one team during each week-end, even after their team has been eliminated from Tournament play. Travel permits are no longer required!
UNOFFICIAL ROSTER - When you register, an "unofficial roster (green colored) sheet" will be returned to you. You MUST return this sheet to the tournament director by May 22th. The names on your unofficial roster will be used for out tournament tee shirts. After you send in your unofficial roster, changes for the tournament tee shirt can be made up to two weeks before the tournament date by contacting Mike at Since this roster is only for tee shirt and program purposes,( and not your official roster) 100% accuracy is not required. However, 100% co-operation is! ...Teams who do not return their unofficial roster sheet in by May 22th, their registration fee, less a $100 processing fee will be returned and they will not be allowed to compete.

4) Teams must be ready to play at their scheduled starting times.

5) During pool play, the home team will be determined by a flip of a coin at home plate by the umpire.
The team traveling the farthest may call the coin toss. Also during pool play, the team listed first will occupy the first base dug-out. In the playoffs, the highest seeded team will occupy the first base dug-out and have choice of being home team.

6) The home team will be the official scorekeeper for all games.

7) There will be no infield practice allowed on the game diamonds! This means anywhere on the infield dirt!

8) 18 & Under games will be seven innings in length with the following exceptions. There will be a time
limit of one hour and thirty minutes with no new inning to start after one hour and thirty minutes. Also, the (international) tie breaker rule will be in effect after 7 innings, OR the one hour and thirty minute time limit.

9) An 8 run mercy rule will be in effect. If there is a run spread of 8 runs after five full
innings, it will therefore be determined a complete game.

10) The round robin standings will be determined as follows:
A. Best record in each division.
B. Head to Head (only applicable if ALL the teams involved have played each other).
C. Fewest runs allowed in all games.
D. Coin toss* or draw out of a hat if more than three teams are involved.
* If the teams that are still tied after applying tie breaker #C have played each other, head to head will be used as the tie breaker for those teams.
***Forfeits are recorded as a 7 - 0 score.
***All final brackets and format for the playoffs will be determined by the actual
number of teams entered, and subject to change.

11) All playoff games will be 7 innings long with a one hour and thirty minute time limit - no new inning can
start after one hour and thirty minutes. For the playoffs, the eight run mercy rule will be in effect, and the (International) tie breaker rule will be in effect after seven innings.

12) All championship games will be 7 innings long with no time limit. The eight run mercy rule will still
be in effect after five innings. The (International) tie breaker rule will be in effect after seven innings.

13) Each team is responsible for their own insurance. Uncle Bob's Tournament committee, the Town of ,
The host organization, Tournament Directors and the Umpires-in-Chief assume no responsibility for insurance or injury.

14) Uncle Bob's official line-up cards will be furnished.

15) Uncle Bob's Tournament Committee reserves the right to change the rules as required.

16) All teams must use Certified Travel for their lodging arrangements. Certified Travel has many
discounted rooms under contract in various price ranges and locations. Any team which does not make their lodging arrangements thru Certified Travel at least one month before their tournament dates, their registration fee, less a $100 processing fee, will be returned, and they will not be allowed to compete in this year's tournament. After a team registers a confirmation letter is sent back with various information, including lodging information from Certified Travel. If you don't see any you like, please get back to us in a reasonable time and we will return your registration in full. Certified Travel can also be reached at 1-800-237-1517 or

FORMAT: Round Robin Play -- every team is guaranteed seven games - all played in pool play.
The top 8 teams are then determined and advance to single elimination playoffs. We will have two divisions, each with 9 teams. Each division winner and runner up will than be ranked #1-#4. Than all the remaining teams will be grouped together, and four wild card teams will be selected and ranked #5 - #8.In the first round of the playoffs, team #1 plays #8, #2 plays #7, #3 plays #6 and #4 plays #5. All teams will keep their rankings throughout the playoffs. In the second round, the highest ranked team will play the lowest ranked team, the second highest plays the seconds lowest.

AWARDS: Individual and team trophies will be awarded to the champion and runner-up team.

player profile sheets. They can be as simple as one sheet listing basics of all the girls (a sample profile sheet will be sent out with confirmation notices), or individual sheets on girls, or as many teams do, a "program" with information on the girl and team - which many teams use as fund raisers by getting sponsors to help pay for printing as well as travel expenses. In 2008 you must bring at least 24 copies. We put all the player profile information into notebooks which we give to the college coaches. It makes their recuiting/scouting job much easier! PLEASE-do not put us in the position of not allowing you to play any games until you turn in player profile information sheets! If you do not plan to supply them - don't register. Providing them can only help your girls!! In 2007 we had over 24 college coaches attend the tournament run by Bob Nowak.

As mentioned above, ALL teams will be able to choose their own time slots from the pre set time selection sheet (see link on bottom of this page).
FOR YOUR INFORMATION - The time slot you choose determines the pool you are in. The Red pool has time slots #1-9, White 10 - 18. If there is another team from your organization or area entering and you'd rather not play each other, choose time slot numbers from different pools.
Teams will choose their first four choices of time slots ( or leave choice up to us by marking "it doesn't matter" slot ) when they send in the registration. Based on postmarks - we will process your registration and time slot requests. If all your choices have been taken, we will contact you and notify you of the remaining choices available.

CONCESSION STAND. Our concession stand will be in full operation.
We encourage your team to use it.

OUR COMPLEX: We are in a suburb of Buffalo, New York. We also have a paved
parking lot and we do not charge admission for spectators. We are less than one hour from Niagara Falls, and conviently located near motels, restaurants, shopping and theathers. Maps and discount lodging information will go out with confirmation notices.

ENTRY FEES: Should be mailed to: Bob Nowak, 27 Curlew Court, East Amherst, New York, 14051.
Please make checks payable to Uncle Bob's of New York. Canadian teams, please make checks payable in American Funds.

ANY QUESTIONS - CONTACT BOB NOWAK AT (716) 474-4439 or (716) 688-6623 EVENINGS
Registration Form
Teams Registered
Home Page
Time Slots
Pools/where teams are from