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Stories Of Lessons Learned

Religion is always a touchy subject, so I'm quite sure that no matter how delicate I am I'm going to offend someone. I guess that's part of life, but I'm just going to go at it & hope for the best.

Just recently a few friends of mine were confermed into their respective Catholic churches. This not being my religion of choice there cropped up a few yawning questions about being Methodist, but it was obvious that they didn't really care. That is until I encountered one girl that truely suprised me in her religious views & their maturity. I will refer to this person simply as SHE because She doesn't know I'm writing this & I want to save her some embarisment.

Our conversation began by discussing how little some of our peers know about the religion that they were about to pledge themselves to. SHE then came forward & shared with me her distaste for those we know that are being confermed simply because their parents say it's the thing to do. She told me how she is researching religions & deciding which suits her before she commits herself to one.

Her interest in knowing herself instead of pledging to something she may not believe in truely got to me. It made me proud to call her friend. Take note, those who act without thought. This kind of rationalization is to be commended. You know who you are...good job! I'm proud that you could be so mature & intelligent to put off confermation till you're sure where your heart lies.

Just this past week I attended a seminar on volunteersim in the capitol of my state. Various persons from all around the district gathered to share there experiances and joys that they found in voluteering, as well as take courses on how volunteerism can affect your life and major life decisions. There was one class, hosted by a group of High School students and their teacher, in where they decussed the projects that they did in the community. One was the director of student volunteers at a homeless shelter, another worked with the elderly directing her peers in calling shutins each day so they would feel less alone. Another worked with a tutoring program teaching to underpriviaged kids and imigrant children learning to speak english. These girls were some of the most amazing people. You could tell just by looking at there faces how seriouly they took their work and just how much they enjoyed it. It was refreshing to see people so dedicated to an activity giveing nothing that was material back to them.

My friend Dustin kept trying to convince me to go to this camp...he went on and on about it, but I kept passing it off saying I'd go and not really having it regester. Finally, after missing the aplication deadline, I got the info in and was signed up. I was kinda worried about going...i didn't really know anyone and didn't know what a church camp could do for me. I'm a sunday school teacher, but that doesn't need I want a whole week of prayer and bible thumping. What I found was something I never exspected.

The people at this place were amazing, creative, caring. Whenever I felt a little down, one of the pastors would pick me right back up. I met so many amazing people, I didn't know a place like this exsisted. Even on the first day I knew that it would be one of the most amazing things in my life. I can't begin to tell you all the stories I brought home with me, I can only tell you that it change me for the better and that I am a more loving caring person because there is a place like Sr. High camp.

Thank you to all who were there and made me part of your community
