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Pokemon Pinball

This game sounds like another boring, average pinball game where you just hit a ball with paddles, and get points. But this ones different, in this one you hit a pokeball with paddles and you get Pokemon by getting the pokeball in the right spots.


A Button: Controls the right flipper
Left: Controls the left flipper
Start: Pauses game, and lets you save the current game
B Button: Shakes the board to the left
Down: Shakes the board to the right
Select: Shakes the board up and down


There are two pinball tables to play off of, Red and Blue.

Below are some shots of the tables:

Bonus Levels

There is also a bonus level for each table. In the red tables bonus level, you have to knock out all the Digletts to get to Dugtrio, and then you have to knock out Dugtrio. In the blue tables bonus level, you have to hit Meowth who is walking around, to make him drop coins. Then you have to pick up the coins by hitting them.

Below are some shots of the Bonus Levels: