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After A VERY GOOD BREAKFAST, good pictures, and good talk, we headed headed north on Rt. 95 to Blue Hill Weather Observatory in Milton, Mass.

When we arrived at the museum we looked for a way to get up to the observatory, but could not find one. Jerry asked some teenagers how he could drive up and they said you cannot drive up, it is a hiking trail to the top, and that we should go up by the ski lift. Well, as you know Jerry is in no shape to climb a hill no matter how high or low it was.

After doing a little snooping around we found out that there was an access road to the top, and we quickly found it, and up we went to the top of Blue Hill. We were met by several hikers and bikers on the way up. It was a very warm, humid day with very poor visibility. We should have had a great view, but the visibility was only about 6 miles, and it limited our view quite a bit.

At the Top
Steve, Bill
& Mike
Bill & Lynn


Group Shot

Mike showed us all of the old and modern weather instruments that they use at Blue Hill, explaining each of them. He then brought us up to an upper level where they made their daily forecast. Several of our members started to have questions and Mike gladly answered all of them.

We also had an opportunity to see the original hurricane map that was made by fellow Weatherfun member Kevin Shaw. We also obtained our own copy to take home with us.

Some how Lynn even got a snowflake
in a window at Blue Hill

