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AOL browsers S-U-C-K
Try to download the latest browser. I use 800x600 pixel screen resolution, but I reckon you usually don't change it when someone asks you nicely.

days until my birthday...

Last : 7.11.2001


I am planning on moving. Catch me at my new address in a few months! To check out the new format, click here.

I finally have a "Shout Out" page...I hope my friends don't hate me anymore! ;) It'll be done by the end of July. Recognition

If you are truly bored...
[Just because I'm updating everything doesn't mean I can't put some new stuff.]

I have a new dealie (that's my word of the month...week...whatever) going on called Project: Hank Scorpio. It started on AOL and I thought it would be fun to expand it here. I know this is from The Simpsons...if it is not allowed or something someone tell and I'll change the name. Project: Hank Scorpio - Archives

I liked the X-Men Movie so much I gave it it's own page!

Backstreet Boys

`N Sync

Sarah McLachlan

Third Eye Blind

The Wallflowers



Ricky Martin

Mariah Carey



Britney Spears

Christina Aguilera

Jessica Simpson


Lauryn Hill

"This is stupid."
Really? Too bad. No one told you to "ROLL" on anything.

This is the internet. It sucks. Did you know the Spanish (and whatever other languages out there that apply to this) Internet can't crash or something because instead of using numbers for dates, they usually use words? Why are we stupid?

Are you a slut? Take the quiz.

1% of the people who took the test are the same as I am
12% of the people are less bitchy than me
87% of the people are bitchier than me

No beef? Try upgrading your browser.

91% of the people who took the test are less pure than I
1% of the people are like me
8% of the people are more pure than I am

Hey...I'm under 18, OK???? What do you expect me to have, 0% pure???? just wait...till I'm EIGHTEEN...

Click for New York City, New York Forecast

If you download this software, you are helping SETI in the "Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). There's a small but captivating possibility that your computer will detect the faint murmur of a civilization beyond Earth!!!! -Suggested by Nirvanahead (my new associate)

The Best Musical Group/Artist of 2000
-Click the above link to vote for the best musical group or artist of 2000.

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