A little fuzzy bunny

Carl's Page Of Complete And Utter Crap

Hey. I'm Carl, and this is just your ordinary random homepage on the Web. Nothing special, just yet another personal space set up in the middle of cybernetic nowhere. Those of you who actually are here reading this probably have a reason for it - so get to reading whatever sub-page has that reason, and stop futzing around on this opening splash page.

Button!The obligatory Personal Info page.

Button!A page where I keep information about my current main hobby and location of time-wasting, MegaMan MUSH.

Button!Another page, this one for my other roleplaying activities and records.

Button!The page that has everything else on it, because I'm too lazy to write up more individual pages.

Button!And finally, the also obligatory page of links that I like. Yaaaaay.

Cute people with phones
Email! I beg for it!
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