Murphy Brown Ending Theme Song

Hilarious Quotes

Corky: Well, so did I but you never saw me half-naked in high heels parading around in front of a bunch of leering men hoping to be the girl they pick... Well, OK, I did that once.

Corky: This is my wedding gift to you because I know that under that tough exterior there's a little girl who always dreamed of a fairy tale wedding.
Murphy: All that's underneath this exterior is a very hungry woman who didn't have lunch because she was promised fries and instead wound up inside Jeannie's bottle.
Corky: Murphy! Would you stop drawing black teeth and beards on all the pretty brides!

Miles: Frank, how's the copy coming?
Frank: Almost there. How do you spell benevolent?
Miles: This is Miller, Frank. Spell it g-o-o-d.

Corky: Look, we're all upset but I know for a fact that Miller is not going to win.
Miles: Why, you have some kind of inside information?
Corky: I just believe in God. And I refuse to believe that God would let someone as undeserving as Miller Redfield win a Humboldt.
Murphy: Interesting. So, God sits on the sidelines while the ebola virus rages through Zaire but when it comes to the fate of a stupid glass statuette suddenly he springs into action.

Corky: Murphy! How could you?!
Murphy: What? You see hand prints on her back and you automatically assume I did that to her. Why would you think that?
Corky: Because you've done that to me!

Murphy: Miller hasn't changed. Jim's been manipulating Miller like a ventriloquist dummy. When the ventriloquist stops moving the dummy's lips all that's left is the dummy.
Miller: Are you going to take that, Jim? She just called you a ventriloquist.

Stuart: I don't see you jumping on Phil and he serves liquor, liquor that leads to liver damage and... and red meat, red meat that leads to heart disease and... and salad, salad that leads to... Well, I don't know what salad leads to but our boys in the lab are sure it leads to something.
Phil: What are you picking on me for? I own a bar. Next, say, you know, you want me to take the asbestos out of the ceiling.
Phil: (after silence) If it had any. Which it doesn't. I swear. Gotta go.

Kay: Sometimes these things can just sneak up on you. It sure did with my second husband and me. For years I... I had no idea anything was wrong and then one day it... it hit me like a... like a shovel in the back of the head.
Corky: What was it?
Kay: A shovel in the back of the head. He and his girlfriend were trying to kill me for the insurance. But it all worked out in the end: I got the house and he got the chair.