Attn: Warner Bros.

Re: The Superman Movie/Franchise

I believe that The Warner Bros. Studios is making a grave mistake handing the Superman Movie (and beginning of another Superman franchise of films) to a producer that is unfamiliar with the basic history and lack of respect for the character of Superman.

I understand that movies are a complicated process of evolution, and I understand that most of the time the general public takes precedence over the fans of the medium/character. But please understand this, the character of Superman has been around for over sixty years. It has been integrated into our pop culture like the shape of the Coca-Cola bottle, the starship Enterprise and Star Wars. Once the movies deviate from the basis for that character, the lifetime of the franchise will be shortened because of the "unfamiliarness" of the character to the general public.

I ask that the producer Jon Peters be replaced from this project or supplied with an assistant that understands the Superman character to "educate" him.

Please, once you alter Superman, you alter the way the public thinks that Warner Bros. believes about Truth, Justice and the American Way.

Thank you,

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