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Jar Jar's Star Wars Stuff

Mesa called Ja Ja Binks! Mesa a Gungan. And thisen is my trivia site. If yousa participaten in da trivia and get more than 15 right then yousa name gonna go up in my Hall of Famen! So try to get them all right and e-mail yousa answers by clicking on de little letter next to mine page hiten counter. OKEY DAE!

1.) George Lucas' original 13-page story treatment for Star Wars set initially in the 23rd century purported to tell the story of which of the following characters, now a prominent figure in The Phantom Menace?

A. Anakin Skywalker

B. Mace Windu

C. Qui-Gon Jinn

D. Obi-Wan Kenobi

E. Queen Amidala

2.) The character Jar Jar Binks, a reptilian Gungan, was described by effects illustrator Terry Whitlatch as incorporating the mannerisms of which pair of actors, from Hollywood's Golden Age?

A. Groucho Marx and Bob Hope

B. Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly

C. Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne

D. Charlie Chaplin and Danny Kaye

E. Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi

3.) George Lucas first became keen to cast Liam Neeson as Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn after seeing the actor's performance in which of the following films?

A. Rob Roy

B. Michael Collins

C. Darkman

D. Krull

E. Excalibur

4.) Which of the following characters is not featured on the front cover of one of the four different dust jackets attached to Terry Brooks' hardback novelization of The Phantom Menace?

A. Anakin Skywalker

B. Darth Maul

C. Obi-Wan Kenobi

D. Qui-Gon Jinn

E. Queen Amidala

5.) In discussing the experience of acting in The Phantom Menace, Ewan McGregor explained, "[An actor] said, 'My feeling about Star Wars is that I delivered the lines, and I hope they do the backgrounds nicely.' I feel the same way." Which original trilogy cast member was he referring to?

A. Harrison Ford (Han Solo)

B. Dennis Lawson (Wedge Antilles)

C. Alec Guinness (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

D. Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian)

E. Peter Cushing (Grand Moff Tarkin)

6.) During location shooting in the Tunisian desert, a freak storm involving pouring rain and hurricane force winds made a mess of the elaborate Phantom Menace set at what stage?

A. While crews were setting up, prior to the shoot

B. Two weeks after shooting began

C. While the actors were arriving on the set

D. On the last day of the shoot

E. During the first week of shooting

7.) Which of the following actors, speaking about his lightsaber, said, "It has a great, really sexy, violent-looking handle People would want to touch it. I wouldn't let them. I got very possessive of it"?

A. Ray Park (Darth Maul)

B. Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

C. Liam Neeson (Qui-Gon Jinn)

D. Jake Lloyd (Anakin Skywalker)

E. Samuel L. Jackson (Mace Windu)

8.) The walrus-like, toothy character glaring out from the rear cover of the novelization dust jacket featuring Anakin Skywalker is which of the following?

A. Watto

B. Boss Nass

C. Sio Bibble

D. Figrin D'an

E. Nute Gunray

9.) Which Phantom Menace cast member told a British talk show, prior to landing a role in the film, "The film I'm chasing right now is the Star Wars prequel. I just want to get in a room with George Lucas and tell him I'm interested. I'd be Lando Calrissian's dad, Darth Vader's dad, [even] Luke Skywalker's slave! Anything!"

A. Ewan McGregor

B. Ahmed Best

C. Ray Park

D. Samuel L. Jackson

10.) Of the approximately 66 creatures created for The Phantom Menace, how many have speaking roles? Note: From Mr. Showbiz. This question and its answer were formulated based on information about The Phantom Menace made available prior to its release.

A. 12

B. 5

C. 3

D. 1

E. 10

11.) How many times in The Phantom Menace are lightsabers ignited? Note: Darth Maul igniting his double sided lightsaber counts as one time igniting a lightsaber.

A. 13

B. 5

C. 19

D. 23

E. 30 Answer: 23

12.) Ewan McGregor learned he'd been given the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Phantom Menace during the first day of filming on which movie?

A. Velvet Goldmine

B. A Life Less Ordinary

C. Brassed Off

D. Nightwatch

E. Little Voice

13.) In order to perfect his delivery of the tongue-clicking noise used to signal his mount forward, Liam Neeson insisted on doing multiple takes of a scene in which his character mounts up and rides away on which of the following?

A. A bantha

B. An eopie

C. A dewback

D. A Corellian sand panther

E. A tauntaun

14.) Which Phantom Menace cast member spent his evenings appearing as a monstrous villain in a production of The Cenci on London's West End while shooting his Phantom scenes by day?

A. Terence Stamp (Chancellor Valorum)

B. Ian McDiarmid (Senator Palpatine)

C. Brian Blessed (Boss Nass)

D. Adrian Dunbar (Bail Organa)

E. Hugh Quarshie (Captain Panaka) 15) Which aspect of Alec Guinness' performance as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars did Ewan McGregor most endeavor to imitate in creating his own interpretation of Obi-Wan for The Phantom Menace?

A. His movements

B. His carriage and bearing

C. His facial expressions

D. His voice

16.) Illustrator Iain McCaig, a veteran of such disparate projects as Bram Stoker's Dracula and Sesame Street, served as The Phantom Menace's lead concept artist in which of the following areas?

A. Creatures

B. Ships

C. Human characters

D. Droids

E. Planetary environments

17.) Which of the following is not among the titles George Lucas considered before settling on The Phantom Menace?

A. Balance of the Force

B. Genesis

C. Peril of the Force

D. The Beginning

E. Guardians of the Force

18) Which cast member, reminded that his character's likeness would adorn Kentucky Fried Chicken wrappers as part of The Phantom Menace's myriad merchandising tie-ins, replied, "Well, I hope I'm on a 10-piece bucket. Then I'll have really made it."

A. Kenny Baker (R2-D2)

B. Brian Blessed (Boss Nass)

C. Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

D. Frank Oz (Yoda)

E. Ahmed Best (Jar Jar Binks)

19.) Which cast member was taken to a hospital for inspection after getting a spark in the eye from a squib during the filming of The Phantom Menace?

A. Natalie Portman

B. Jake Lloyd

C. Anthony Daniels

D. Terence Stamp

E. Samuel L. Jackson

20.) In addition to soundstages in Leavesden, England, and desert locations near Tozeur, Tunisia, which of the following was a primary location during The Phantom Menace's 65-day shoot?

A. Gold Coast, Australia

B. Old-growth forests near Sierra City, California

C. Manawatu, New Zealand

D. Farmland near Versailles, France

E. Caserta, Italy

21.) Which Phantom Menace character is purportedly the originator of the salute made famous in the original Star Wars trilogy "May the Force be with you"?

A. Qui-Gon Jinn

B. Mace Windu

C. Shmi Skywalker, Anakin's mother

D. Yoda

E. Obi-Wan Kenobi

22.) The fighting style developed by stunt coordinator Nick Gillard for the The Phantom Menace's lightsaber duels incorporates elements of all but which of the following classical styles?

A. kendo

B. saber

C. tae kwon do

D. épée

22.) The fighting style developed by stunt coordinator Nick Gillard for the The Phantom Menace's lightsaber duels incorporates elements of all but which of the following classical styles?

A. kendo

B. saber

C. tae kwon do

D. épée

24.) Which of Jake Lloyd's family members makes a cameo appearance in The Phantom Menace?

A. His younger sister, Madison

B. His father, William

C. His mother, Lisa

D. His uncle, Dennis Lawson

25.) The total number of special effects shots in The Phantom Menace is closest to which of the following?

A. 3,500

B. 3,000

C. 2,000

D. 1,500

E. 1,000

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