++++++Smellin' Kellen+++++++Charlie Schmutzig++++Dirty Ass Dan+++

Go here to see the new REAL Schmutzig pictures. They take a while to load so please be patient.

Sorry I havent updated this site in a while. Today is 6/13/00 I think. We are finished with our new e.p. which we have called "Plan A". It's only 5 bucks so I suggest you pick it up. It's definitly the best sounds we've ever had. If you would like a copy of "Plan A" email us. It's our final demo that we will record for a while. Due to the fact that it took pretty much the rest of the band money to record it. So help us make more money and purchase it. Here are the lyrics to the songs. It has a little bit of everything on it. And what else is there to say? I don't know. Check out the news to see what's new with the boys. And also if you havent yet download the mp3's we have up on the sounds page, I suggest you do so. Later..........-Charlie.

Schmutzig is an unsigned punk rock band from New York. We currently have 2 demo tapes, a 20 song CD and our new EPCD "Plan A" released. Those of you who would like to purchase anything can by emailing us here. We are also now starting a world wide search for midgets to join the band. We are hoping one day to have enough midgets to make a midget monster. So if you are a midget and you're interested in joining the band email us and we'll set up an audition. We are very serious about this! 4 Real!

We started this little thing called Schmutzig about 3 years ago. Since then we've been sucking ever since. We wrote a few songs and played them at parties occasionally. Then I met this hippie by the name of Andrew Adair. He helped me write songs and critique the ones I already had. He also recorded our first and latest tapes. He's a pretty nice guy. But he's a hippie. And you can never trust a hippie. So I've been told. We have sold our tapes to friends and to people at our shows. Our latest tape, "Ich Bin Behindert", has gotten a pretty good response. Fat Mike from the punk band NOFX used the words "You guys are pretty good". It's not much to you but it meant alot to me. Our first tape on the other hand, either got an awful response or no response at all. But it was our first. We hope everyone will love our new CD. It has some sexy songs on there. (sexy=hot shit) So go and see the rest of our website and enjoy!

Schmutzig Definition
Schmutzig Tapes
Schmutzig's New Album, "Cowabunga"
Schmutzig News
Schmutzig Pictures
Schmutzig's Sexy Sounds!
Schmutzig's Danny Lemon Juice
Schmutzig Mail
Schmutzig's Friends
The Schmutzig Connection
Schmutzig Survey
Schmutzig Players
Schmutzig Lyrics
Schmutzig Links
Schmutzig Shows

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