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Tips and Strategies for Marketing for Websites

The three most important elements of small business website marketing are search engine optimization, effective sales copy, and professional-looking web design.

Although search engine optimization is something that needs to be learned, there is a lot of information about it on the Internet. To break it down to its simplest components, SEO consists of the following elements:

  1. Determining what relevant "keywords" people are going to be typing into the search engines when they're looking for the kind of content, products, or services that you offer.
  2. The next step in effective SEO is absolutely crucial to your success, and that's finding out what keywords people are actually searching for. They're often quite different than the ones you think they're typing into Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. Keyword research often yields valuable information about what keywords to use when creating content for your web pages. By using those keywords in the browser title, the headline, and several spots in the content of your web page, you'll be indicated to the search engines that your website and/or web page is relevant to those keywords and related topics. That's one of several primary ways that the search engines decide which web sites get indexed (listed) the highest in the search engine results pages.
  3. Another extremely important way to help improve your search engine position for targeted keyword phrases is to demonstrate to the search engines that other web sites consider your web site to be worth visiting. You accomplish that placing links to your site on other web sites through methods such as blog commenting, submitting your website address to higher quality Internet directories, by blogging and guest blogging, and by submitting articles to article directories, such as A list of the top article submission sites and other link building links can be found at Marketing Survival Other small business marketing strategies, tips, and ideas can also be found at that site.
Small business website marketing does not involve quick fixes, overnight results, or easy money. If you're planning on developing a profitable web-based business then you should expect to work on it almost every day for four to six months before anticipating even minute progress.

Not only do you need to develop a lot of original content for your website, in order for it to be considered a worthwhile resource by the search engines and website visitors, but you also need to make sure that each page is liberally sprinkled with a few targeted keyword phrases, without overdoing it! When creating website content for any website, you need to maintain a balance between having enough keyword 'density' and still writing content that sounds natural, interesting, and not overly repetitive.

Effective online website marketing involves a steady, continuous approach to content development, link building, and learning about the latest trends in things like social media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, and writing effective sales copy.

When building an Internet business and a Web presence remember the ancient Chinese saying, (attributed to Lao-Tzu) that "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Take that first step and keep walking, and you will reach your destination of Internet marketing success.