Deeahblita's Repository of Future Website Material

How to Make me Happy:

journeys into my soul ...

~ P I C T U R E S ~
d a n n y
AmaZing BodMod Archive
The Most AmAZing Piercer on EartH
Witchcraft Central
Neat Piercing Game
Another Branch of my Page [Under Construction]

I am not here for your entertainment, you are here for mine, remember that.
Contrary to whatever you may believe, i don't have an ego, but that's for you to find out, if you're truly worthy of my affections.
I play no games. I am blunt to a fault. If you cannot deal with that, bother me not. I tell it like it is.
Win my heart and you'll have my trust for life.

Shalom, blessed be.. :)

Let Me Know What's on Your Mind

(Sign My GuestBooK)

I got it for free at

I AM 61% GOTH.

Image and attitude are my paths to Goth-dom. Graceful and scary. I am the Master, with many slaves.

Take the GOTH Test at!

I AM 40% GEEK.

I probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. I never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But I have friends, and this is a good thing.

Take the GEEK Test at!

I AM 39% PUNK.

Well, I may know what punk is, but... Okay maybe some people think I am punk, but is that enough? Nope.

Take the PUNK/POSER Test at!
