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Point-of-view writing-
John Rosado-Prison
(The following paragraph is what John Rosado has been thinking throughout his life in prison.)

“It all began when I was a little boy.  Ever since my father laid his hands on me I promised myself that I was never going to follow his footsteps.  Yet, here I am.  The total opposite of what I predicted.  I can’t explain why I did the things that I did, but I can say that my father is not the total blame for it all.”

“I must admit, I do regret some of the things that I’ve done, and I wish I could go back in time to change it all, because it brings tears to my eyes to see my mother go through so much pain.  She doesn’t deserve none of this, and I hope she believes every word I say.  After all, she is my mother, and she means the world to me.”