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Journal Writing, and Double-Entry Journals

Do Now (Motivation): Journal Writing

The "battle" between Hamlet and Claudius has begun. Why is this such a difficult struggle for each of the adversaries? At this point, who seems to have the better hand? Why? Has Hamlet started a campaign since the beginning of Act I? Explain.

It is a difficult struggle between the adversaries because if front of other people they have to act united because they don’t want to seem weak.  They are currently at war with Norway and they don’t want Norway to see them this distracted because it will make it easier for them to attack.  King Claudius would think he’s the one with the upper hand because Hamlet is acting like a lunatic.  His campaign didn’t really start until the very end of act one because he became very suspicious of his mother’s marriage to his uncle, Claudius.

Do Now (Motivation): Journal Writing

The "battle" between Hamlet and Claudius has begun. Why is this such a difficult struggle for each of the adversaries? At this point, who seems to have the better hand? Why? Has Hamlet started a campaign since the beginning of Act I? Explain.

It is a difficult struggle between the adversaries because if front of other people they have to act united because they don’t want to seem weak.  They are currently at war with Norway and they don’t want Norway to see them this distracted because it will make it easier for them to attack.  King Claudius would think he’s the one with the upper hand because Hamlet is acting like a lunatic.  His campaign didn’t really start until the very end of act one because he became very suspicious of his mother’s marriage to his uncle, Claudius.

The complaint is often voiced today that the younger generation is out of control and that is the parents who are to blame. How true is the statement? Should love or obedience to parents' wishes prevail when a conflict between the two develops? Comment on it.

This is usually not true because the younger generation tends to rebel against most adults’ wishes or demands.  People could always say, parents or being too lenient and this would lead to the teens being spoiled and doing whatever they want.  People could also say parents are too strict causing teens to be rebellious.  I don’t know about other people but for me, I love my parents.  I would listen to them because they know what’s best for me.


 13. Read an interpretation of "To be or not to be " speech, and write a "agree and disagree" journal. Which part of the interpretation you agree and which part of the interpretation you disagree? Support your points.
Next, one comes to these lines, "To die: to sleep; no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd." Here perhaps Hamlet is speaking of suicide. However, one can connect these lines with acting. If Hamlet does not act on his father's ghost's command (as he interprets it), then he suffers from his troubles. If he does act and fails, he will certainly die, either in the attempt or by execution for treason. If he dies, then, it is to be wished, he will no longer suffer from his troubles. Thus, at this point, it is preferable to act, for whether he succeeds in the act or not, he is still freed of his troubles. The reason why people do not simply end their lives, according to Hamlet, is that they are afraid of the unknown.


Do Now: (Motivation) Journal Writing

"Throughout the history spies and informers have been looked upon with disfavor." Comment on the quote. If you disagree with the statement, under what conditions would you justify spying as a mean of getting information?

I would have to say that although this quote is true, I honestly don't believe that spying is completely irrelevant.  In some cases, I think that spying is pretty much the only solution in finding out certain things.  I think that it depends on the specific situation your in.  For example, if it had to do something with your family, and they were in danger, I would definately turn to this solution if there were no other way out .  However, if it were just to be nosey, I don't think that it would be fair for someones life to be invaded.

 (Motivation):Journal Writing

It has been said:" Most our actions in life are really reactions." Why is this so? Elicit an illustration or two from your own lives about the truth of this statement.

I had to be 10 years old when I found out that my best friend had been talking bad about me.  When I realized that it had been true, I confronted her about it and found myself in the principals office 5 minutes later.  I noticed that my temper was totally out of control and instead of talking about it, I reacted in a way which was very inappropiate.  I ended up slapping her in the face and got into a fist fight with her.

Why do people contemplate or attempt suicide? What's your perspective on this issue? Do you consider it as a crime? Explain.

I think that people attempt suicide because they feel unwanted or loved.  Many times, it is because they have a flaw which they can't seem to handle.

I honestly believe that it is not a crime because they are not physically harming anybody else but themselves, and the definition of a crime is when one person violates another persons' legal rights.  Also, it shouldn't be considered a crime because suicide deals more with emotional and mental problems.  Besides, a crime is something that is punishable by law.  If you commit a crime, you are sent to prison, and if you commit suicide you're dead and can't be sentenced to prison.  So, it defeats the point of making suicide a crime!!!