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Sample College Essay:    Who are the people who have done the most to influence your personal development and in what ways were they influential?

    In my life, there have been many people who have done the most to influence my personal development.  But, out of everyone, my mother and my three oldest sisters have had the greatest impact on me yet.  They have taught me who I am and what I can become.  Most importantly, they have always supported me in every decision that I make, and till this day continue to help me succeed for what life has to offer.

    Ever since I was a little girl, my mother has always been there for me.  She has helped me become the young lady that I am today.  Without her, I don't think that I would be here right now.  Being a single parent of five has got to be the hardest situation she has been in.  However, her struggle to success has helped me realized that good things come within time if you let them.  That is why she has influenced me the way that I am, because of her sincere guidance to success.  She says that in order to fulfill my dreams, I have to start off with an education and strive for the very best.

    My sister Madeline is also another person I consider to be very influential.  She has shown me that nothing is ever given away for free, and that you have to work hard for what you want in life.  I think of her as a role model because everything she has ever wanted she has gotten because of her hard work in achieving it.  She first finished college, then got married, bought a house, and recently had her first child.  In doing this, she has made me realize that life is nothing more than a challenge.

    My second oldest sister Evelyn has made me become the responsible person that I am today.  She has helped me to understand that being punctual is a very important factor in life.  That is why her helping me with my assignments and college applications has enabled me to have a better understanding of what I am to be expected of the world.  It has also influenced my personal development in that I am now ahead of myself when it comes to being on time for whatever it is that I have to accomplish.

    At last, my sister Maria has influenced my personal development in that she has always provided me with care and motivation.  She seems to understand the situations that I go through and always gives me her moral support one hundred percent.  Whether it has to do with my education or friends, there is never a time when I needed her the most that she wasn't there.

    In conclusion, my mother and sisters are the real reason for which my personal development has increased.  There is never a day that goes by where they have not influenced me to strive for the best, stay focused, and set goals and dreams for myself.  Each day they give me the extra strength I need to fulfill my dreams.  They have helped me emphasize more on the value of life itself, and taught me about the unpredictability and wonders of life.