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"My Autobiography"

    Many people may think that the best words to describe me would be confident, mature, responsible, loving, caring, thoughtful, and sincere.  But the truth is, that's only what they see on the outside.  I, on the other hand, know myself as being a very sensitive person, and it all began when someone very important to me disappeared from my entire life.

    I was eleven years old when the phone rang, and I had picked up.  It was a call from the hospital, and I was asked to put my mother on the phone.  Just as I was walking away, I saw fear in her eyes.  She had just been told that my father had passed away.  I froze and didn't know what to do.  It was as if my entire life had flashed before my eyes.  I didn't know what to feel or how to react.

    Ever since that day I thought I wouldn't be able to live a normal life.  I felt as if every step I would take, my father would be disappointed in me.  I was thinking so negatively of myself.  I feared the worst.  It took me some time to get over it with the help of my family and friends.  I guess now, my only big problem is fear of losing my mother.  She's the only role model I have when it comes to being a mother and a father at the same time.  Being the young age that I was, I really didn't know what it meant to lose someone that I loved so much.  But, I now realize just how much he meant to me when I wasn't given a last chance to tell him exactly how much I loved him.  I truly regret not being there for him when he needed me the most, and I think that if, maybe, I was able to tell him how I felt, I wouldn't be so sensitive towards myself.

    In the past five years however, I've been able to realize that being sensitive has its advantages as well as its disadvantages.  As for me, I've learned that being sensitive has taught me the true value of love, not only towards myself, but to others as well.  I guess the reason for this is because I'm aware of how important it is not to take anyone or anything for granted.

    In conclusion, I know that the reason I am so sensitive is because of the experience I had as a child.  I think that the loss of my father has not only been the most dramatic and difficult times of my life, but, it has also been a learning experience I will never forget.