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French Proficiency Examination

[Schoolnotes] [FAQs]

NYS Language Proficiency Examination
Part 1AInformal Speaking
You will be evaluated as to how you speak in class discussions.
10 points
Part 1BFormal Speaking
You will take an individual speaking test with the teacher.
20 points
Part 2AListening
You hear a short paragraph in French. The question is in English.
20 points
Part 2BListening
You hear a short paragraph in French. The question is in French.
10 points
Part 2CListening
You hear a short paragraph in French. The question is in English. The answer to the question will be a picture.
10 points
Part 3Reading
6 realia with questions in English
4 realia with questions in French
20 points
Part 4Writing
You must write 2 notes. Each note must be at least 30 words.
10 points

Informal Classroom Evaluation
You will be evaluated as to how often and how consistently you express yourself in French in a manner consistent with Checkpoint A. Your score will be as follows: All the time (10), Most of the time (7-9), Half the time (4-6), Seldom (1-3), Never (0).

Formal Speaking
You must perform four communication tasks with your teacher. Each task is a simulated conversation in which the student always plays the role of himself/herself, and the teacher assumes the specific role indicated in each task. You must speak four separate times. Here is a sample task:

[Student initiates] Teacher says: You are in a store, looking at clothes. I am a salesclerk. You are going to tell me what you are looking for. You will start the conversation.

[Student] Je cherche un chemisier.
[Teacher] Très bien. C'est pour qui?
[Student] Pour moi.
[Teacher] Ah, pour vous. Et quelle couleur préférez-vous?
[Student] Je veux un chemisier rouge.
[Teacher] Voici un chemisier rouge en 36. Il vous plaît?
[Student] Oui, je le prends.

Listening Part 2A
Here are two examples from the 2000 exam:

1. [You overhear the French teacher say to your classmate:] Il te faut tes devoirs aujourd'hui! Va au bureau du directeur et téléphone chez toi. Demande à ta mère d'apporter ton cahier à l'école immédiatement.
    1. Why is the teacher sending the student to the office?
      a) to do homework
      b) to call home
      c) to see the principal
      d) to greet someone

2. [Your French friend has an extra ticket to the soccer game. He says:] Mon frère a la grippe et il ne peut pas aller au match jeudi. Le médecin lui a dit de rester au lit et de boire beaucoup d'eau. Le pauvre! Heureusement que ses amis lui rendent visite! Alors, tu veux m'accompagner au stade?
    2. Why is his brother unable to go to the game?
      a) He has to study with friends.
      b) He has to meet someone.
      c) He is sick in bed.
      d) He had an accident.

Listening Part 2B
Here is an example from the 2000 exam:

1. [Your French host mother is suggesting a weekend activity. She says:] Il va faire chaud ce week-end. Pourquoi ne pas faire du shopping dans la banlieue? Tu peux admirer la dernière mode d'été et acheter un nouveau maillot de bain. Aux centres commerciaux, il y a même des arbres et des fontaines et la plupart des restaurants et des salles sont climatisés.
    1. Où est-ce qu'elle suggère d'aller?
      a) au centre commercial
      b) au parc
      c) au musée
      d) au concert de rock

Here is an example from the 2000 exam:

la Région de la Capitale nationale
La capitale du Canada, plaisirs d'hiver pour tous... bruits de patins, éclats de rires sillonnant le Canal gelé... folles et joyeuses descentes dans la neige... paix et solitude des randonnées à skis...
Pour ceux qui aspirent à autre chose, venez découvrir la Capitale: la porte vous est ouverte.
Il y a tant à voir, tant à faire...pourquoi ne pas en profiter?
Pour vos vacances d'hiver, venez visiter Ottawa-Hull, le centre touristique urbain par excellence, au Canada.

1. Cette publicité est pour les gens qui aiment...
    a) la politique
    b) les arts
    c) la musique populaire
    d) les activités en plein air

Here is an example of a writing task.

In the spaces provided, complete the following writing task. This writing task should be written entirely in French and should contain a minimum of 30 words. Names of people do not count. Be sure that you satisfy the purpose of the task. The sentence structure and expressions used should be connected logically and should demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary.

Topic: Write a note to your host parent, explaining why you will be home late. You may wish to include:
  • Where you will be going
  • Who will be there
  • What you will be doing
  • Why you are there
  • When you will return
Here is a sample answer that would receive full credit (5 points).

Je visiterai la maison de Jenny. Nous jouerons football american dans la stade, et nous jouerons volley dans la gymnase. Je prefere football american et volley. Ils est tres amusant! Je retournerai à dis-huit heures.

Frequently Asked Questions
What if I don't pass the Proficiency Exam?
You'' ll have to take a year of language in the high school. Since there is no beginning French offered in the high school, you'll have to take Spanish 1A.

Is this a new rule?
Yes. In past years all you had to do was sit through language in the 7th and 8th grades. It didn't matter if you passed the Proficiency Exam.

What does "Checkpoint A" mean?
It refers to the level of difficulty of the language you use. "Checkpoint B" refers to Regents level language. An example of Checkpoint A might be J'aime la glace. An example of Checkpoint B might be C'est la glace à la vanille que je préfère.

When will the Proficiency Exam be given?
You will be evaluated for Part 1A Informal Speaking throughout the 3rd and 4th quarters.. Part 1B Formal Speaking will be given in early June. The rest of the test will be given in mid-June.