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AP French

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Assignment Due Nov. 17
1. Unit 3 Grammar: One-Word Completion #4-6 pp.23-25
2. Unit 6 Reading Comprehension: Lectures #7-9 pp.86-90
3. Essay from pp.124-125. You must choose from the following topics: 7, 12, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35

Assignment Due Oct. 26
1. Unit 5 Grammar: Verb Paragraphs #1-3 pp.61-62
2. Unit 6 Reading Comprehension: Lectures #7-8 pp.86-88
3. Essay from pp.124-125

Here are some grammar items to study:
Present participles
Subjunctive with will, emotion, desire

Memo from Ms. Hoffman in Guidance: Students planning to take the SAT II Subject test in French can go to the Career Center and borrow audio cassettes for practice.

Advanced Placement French  Choose "Programs for students" and click on AP, then subjects >>>> French.

French AP Exam will be held in the afternoon on Wednesday, May 9, 2001.